Agenda, decisions and minutes

Virtual Live Streamed Meeting (at present members of the public are unable to attend), Isle of Anglesey County Council - Tuesday, 7th September, 2021 2.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 391 KB

To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:-


·      18 May 2021 [10.00am]

·      18 May 2021 (Annual Meeting) [2.00pm]

·      29 July 2021 (Extraordinary)

Additional documents:


The minutes of the following meeting were confirmed as correct:-


·           18 May, 2021 (10.00 a.m.)

·           18 May, 2021 (Annual Meeting) (2.00 p.m.)

·           29 July, 2021 (Extraordinary)


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest from a Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

Additional documents:


None received.


To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council or the Chief Executive

Additional documents:


The Chair made the following announcements:-


·           The Chair wished to thank the Council’s staff for their hard work in continuing to maintain Council services during the challenging period since the pandemic.


·           The Chair said that the schools have now re-opended following the Summer holidays.  He expressed his best wishes to all pupils and all former pupils who have now moved on to further and higher education and to employment.



*          *          *          *

Condolences were extended to Councillor Jeff Evans and his family in the lost his sister recently. 


Condolences were extended to any Member of the Council or Staff who had suffered a bereavement.




Presentation of Petitions

To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


None received.


Annual Report of the Governance & Audit Committee 2020-21 - Chair's Report pdf icon PDF 333 KB

To submit a report by the Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee, as presented to the Governance and Audit Committee on 25 May 2021.

Additional documents:


The Annual Report of the Governance and Audit Committee for 2020/21 was presented by Councillor Peter Rogers, Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee.


The Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee wished to thank the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer and his staff for the work achieved during the pandemic.


It was RESOLVED to endorse the Annual Report of the Governance and Audit Committee for 2020/21.




Annual Director’s Report on the Effectiveness of Social Services 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To submit a report by the Director of Social Services, as presented to the Executive on 12 July 2021.

Additional documents:


 The report of the Director of Social Services, as presented to the Executive on 12 July, 2021 was submitted for the Council’s acceptance.


The Leader of the Council, in the absence of the Director of Social Services, wished to thank the Director of Social Services and the staff of the Social Services Department for their work and it is evident in the report that a range of continued services has been afforded during the pandemic together with partnership working with outside organisations. 


Councillor G O Jones said that as a Member of the Social Services Improvement Scrutiny Panel he also wished to thank the continued work achieved by the Social Services Department.


It was RESOLVED to endorse the Annual Director’s report on the Effectiveness of Social Services 2021/21.



Changes to the Constitution: Delegated Powers - Developments of National Significance and Non-statutory Community Benefits pdf icon PDF 431 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Regulation and Economic Development, as presented to the Executive on 12 July 2021.

Additional documents:


 The report of the Head of Regulation and Economic Development as presented to the Executive on 12 July, 2021 was submitted for the Council’s acceptance.




·           To delegate to the Head of Regulation and Economic Development the carrying out of all statutory functions of the Council in connection with any development that constitutes a Development of National Significance (DNS) as defined under Planning (Wales) Act 2015, which amends the Town and County Planning Act 1990 (the Act), and the Developments of National Significance (Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended) and subsequent Regulations as both Local Authority, Local Planning Authority and Local Highway Authority;

·           To delegate to the Head of Regulation and Economic Development the carrying out of all statutory functions of the Council in connection with any development that constitutes a Special Development Order (eg Border Control) under section 59(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990;

·           To delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to carry out all non-statutory community benefit negotiations and to make all decisions relevant to such negotiations in connection with, or arising from a development that constitutes Development of National Significance (DNS) in consultation with the Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council;

·           To update section 3.5.3 of the Constitution to reflect the above delegations.



Diversity Declaration pdf icon PDF 475 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Democratic Services, as presented to the Democratic Services Committee on 29 July 2021.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Democratic Services, as presented to the Democratic Services Committee on 29 July, 2021 was submitted for the Council’s acceptance.




·           To adopt the diversity declaration as noted within the report;

·           To delegate authority to the Democratic Services Committee to agree an action plan to support the declaration.