Agenda and minutes

Isle of Anglesey County Council - Thursday, 10th October, 2013 2.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Mr John Gould 

No. Item

Presentations - Island Games

The Chair of the Council presented the following successful athletes who competed at the recent Bermuda Island Games in July, 2013 and at the archery events at the Isle of Guernsey, with an award on behalf of the Council:-


Sarah Livett – Silver Medal – Women’s 5000m

Connor Laverty – Bronze Medal – Men’s Shot Putt

Sophie Lewis – Bronze Medal – Women’s 100m

Iolo Hughes – Gold Medal – Men’s 5000m

Rheon Jones – Silver Medal – Men’s 400m Hurdles

Aled Thomas, Connor Laverty, Chris Mcnaught, Michael Bland – Team Bronze – Men’s 4x100m

Aled Thomas, Michael Bland, Chris Mcnaught, Rheon Jones –  Team Bronze – Men’s 4 x 400m

Dyfrig Mon – Bronze Medal – Sailing Laser Standard Rig

Eifion Mon – Gold Medal – Sailing Laser Standard Rig

Bleddyn Mon – Silver Medal – Sailing Laser Standard Rig

Mike Thorne, Dyfrif Mon, Bleddyn Mon, Eifion Mon – Gold Medal –Sailing Team Event

Nigel Mathers (Team Manager and Sport Co-ordinator), Val Bamber, John Bamber, Richard Mathers – Bronze Medal – Archery Team Event

Val Bamber – Bronze Medal – Archery Team Compound


Minutes pdf icon PDF 48 KB

To submit for confirmation, the minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:-


·         16th April, 2013 (Extraordinary)

·         23rd May, 2013 (Extraordinary) (10.00 am)

·         23rd May, 2013 (11.00 am)

·         23rd May, 2013 (First Annual Meeting) (2.00 pm)

·         30th May, 2013 (Adjourned Annual Meeting)

·         18th June, 2013 (Extraordinary)

·         15th July, 2013 (Extraordinary)

·         26th September, 2013 (Extraordinary)

Additional documents:


Submitted and confirmed as a true record, the minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:-


·         16th April, 2013 (Extraordinary)

·         23rd May, 2013 (Extraordinary) (10.00 am)

·         23rd May, 2013 (11.00 am)

·         23rd May, 2013 (First Annual Meeting) (2.00 pm)

·         30th May, 2013 (Adjourned Annual Meeting)

·         18th June, 2013 (Extraordinary)

·         15th July, 2013 (Extraordinary)

·         26th September, 2013 (Extraordinary)


RESOLVED to note the contents of the minutes of the meetings of the County Council.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


The following Councillors declared an interest in Items 14/15 of these minutes and were not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon:-


Richard Owain Jones – family relative, lunchtime assistant

Ieuan Williams – sister-in-law, home carer

K.P.Hughes – related to a former member of staff who was a home carer

Llinos M.Huws – sister-in-law had worked as a breakfast assistant

Trefor Lloyd Hughes – wife works for the Council

Bob Parry, OBE – relatives working for the Council


To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council, Executive or the Chief Executive


Congratulations to those from the Island who had been successful this summer at the National Eisteddfod at Denbigh, Sioe Môn and at the Royal Welsh Show, Llanelwedd.


Congratulations were also extended to those secondary school pupils who had been successful in their GCSE and ‘A’ Level results.  Best wishes were extended to them for the future and every success to those commencing at college.


Congratulations were extended to Councillor Aled Morris Jones who was awarded an Honorary Life Membership of the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show during the summer.  He received the honorary membership for his work as a former Secretary of the Show.


Councillor A. Morris Jones was afforded the opportunity of addressing the Council in respect of the Welsh Memorial in Flanders Campaign. He mentioned that Wales was the only nation who did not have a memorial to those who fell during the First World War. A piece of land had been provided by the city of Ypres, where Hedd Wyn fell after being wounded. He respectfully asked members to raise awareness of the campaign with their respective Town and Community Councils. He appreciated that times were difficult financially but one community council had already pledged £200 to the appeal with the Welsh Assembly also contributing to the target of £90k.


A dragon atop a cromlech would be unveiled hopefully August next. He also respectfully asked the Leader to raise the matter at the next North Wales Leader’s meeting, that every County Council should consider making a contribution towards the memorial.


Best wishes were extended to Councillor Jeff Evans whose wife and daughter were unwell at the moment.


The Chair extended his deepest sympathy to Councillor Carwyn Jones upon the death of his grandmother.


Sympathy was also extended to the family of Dr Sian Owen, acting Archdruid of the Anglesey Gorsedd of Bards, whose funeral was held yesterday and to the family of the 7th Marquis of Anglesey, George Charles Henry Victor Paget passed away peacefully at his home in Plas Newydd in July, aged 90.


Mr Hugh Astley, a former Member of Anglesey Borough Council sadly passed away this morning.  He represented the Llantrisant area.  He was originally from  Llanfair Caereinion, and more recently retired to live in Benllech.  He was a former Chairman of the Ynys Môn NFU, and also a former President of the Wales Livestock Committee.He was formerly President of the Anglesey Show and was at the forefront of the agricultural world and Young Farmers organisation.


Condolences were also extended to any Member of the Council or staff who has suffered bereavement.  Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of respect.


Minutes for information - Improvement and Sustainability Board pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To submit for information, the minutes of the meeting of the Anglesey Improvement and Sustainability Board held on the following dates:-


·        27th June, 2013

·        23rd September, 2013

Additional documents:


Submitted for information, the minutes of the meetings of the Anglesey Improvement and Sustainability Board held on the following dates:-


·        27th June, 2013

·        23rd September, 2013


RESOLVED to note the contents of the minutes of the meetings of the Improvement and Sustainability Board.


Presentation of Petitions

The Chief Executive will present the Chair of the Council with a petition by UNISON comprising of approximately 406 signatures objecting to the closure of Caffi Môn.


The Chief Executive presented the Chair of the Council with a petition by UNISON comprising of approximately 406 signatures objecting to the closure of Caffi Môn. He further reported that a report would be submitted to the Executive upon the review of the main office canteen.


RESOLVED that the matter be referred to the Executive for determination.


Annual Treasury Management Review for 2012-13 pdf icon PDF 564 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources).


Reported by the Portfolio Holder - That the Council was required by regulations issued under the Local Government Act 2003 to produce an annual treasury management  review of activities and the actual prudential and treasury indicators for 2012/13.  This report met the requirements of both the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management (the Code) and the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities (the Prudential Code) and also included borrowing and investment performance during the year.


The Audit Committee considered the report at its meeting on 23 July, 2013 and resolved to accept its content and to refer it to the County Council.


RESOLVED to note the contents of this report, which have been scrutinised by the Audit Committee.


Improvement Report - Performance Review of 2012-13 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy).


Reported by the Portfolio Holder – That the Council was required to compile and publish its annual Performance Report by 31st October annually – documenting and analysing past performance over the financial year.  This paper covered the production of the ‘Draft’ Performance Report for 2012/13 which looked back over the Council’s performance for 2012/13, and was presented as a brief summary of the main headings to be found within the actual Performance Report document.


The Performance Report was presented to full Council for approval prior to final editing and proof reading of the document during October, 2013.


RESOLVED to delegate to the Head of Service (Policy) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Executive’s Business Manager authority to finalise the editing of the said draft and proof read the 2012/13 Performance Report for publication in accordance with the statutory deadline of the end of October, 2013.


Isle of Anglesey County Council Improvement Assessment - Letter 1 pdf icon PDF 269 KB

To submit the report of the Wales Audit Office.


Reported by Mr Andy Bruce – That the Auditor General for Wales was required, under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 (the Measure) to report upon his audit and assessment work in relation to whether the Isle ofAnglesey County Council (the Council) had discharged its duties and metthe requirements of the Measure.


The presentation to Council today provided the following conclusions:-


·         WAO were unable to state whether the Council had discharged its improvement planning duties under the Measure as the Council had not yet published its Improvement Plan for this year;

·         Based on, and limited to, work carried out to date by the Wales Audit Office and relevant regulators, the Council was likely to comply with the requirement to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement during this financial year;

·         The Council is now better placed to deliver long-term sustainable improvements and the progress it has already made has resulted in Welsh Government intervention ending in May 2013;

·         The Council’s ambitious improvement programme is supported by an appropriate programme management framework and reflects consultation with the citizens of Anglesey;

·        Despite significant and continuing challenges, the Council is managing its financial position robustly and responsibly;

·         There has been improvement in a number of key services, but there are weaknesses in some areas that the Council still needs to tackle;

·         The Council has improved its processes for developing its Annual Governance Statement but recognises that there is more to do;

·         The Council engaged well with other Councils in North Wales and with the Wales Audit Office during our recent Improvement Study on the effectiveness of scrutiny;

·         There has been steady progress in implementing most of the proposals for improvement identified in WAO’s previous assessment.


The Auditor General for Wales would update his views during the year and provide a further letter by the end of November,2013.


RESOLVED to accept the contents of the Improvement Assessment Letter.


Political Balance pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To submit the report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services.


Submitted – The report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services on political balance arrangements following a reduction in the membership of the Group and the establishment of additional committees.


The proposed changes were highlighted on the matrix attached to the report. The matrix had also been populatedwith 2 new Committees established by the Council on26 September to be politically balanced – an Investigation Committee and a Disciplinary Committee. This increased the total number of seats available for allocation from 114 to 120.  In accordance with the principles of political balance and local conventions, 1 seat would be allocated on each of these two new Committees to the Independent Group and to PlaidCymruand 1 to the Labour Group on one of those Committees.  By convention the remaining seat would need to be allocated to an Unaffiliated Member in order to reach the maximum number of seats available for allocation (120). 


In accordance with political management protocols, the revised political management arrangements [taking accountof the reduction in the membership of the Independent Group and the establishment of 2 new Committees] had been discussed with Group Leaders.




·         To confirm the political balance arrangements and the number of seats allocated to each of the Groups underthe Local Government and Housing Act1989, and the number of seats given by custom and practice to the Members not subject to political balance as set out in the matrix;


·         In accordance with recommendation 1 above, th  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Broadcasting of Meetings pdf icon PDF 257 KB

·           To submit the report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services as submitted to the Democratic Services Committee held on 1st October, 2013.


·           To report that the Democratic Services Committee held on 1st October, 2013 had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:-


      “To proceed with the webcasting of meetings for a two year pilot period in

       order to utilise the Welsh Government funding;


      That the full County Council, the Executive and the Planning and Orders

      Committee be the meetings to be webcasted as part of the pilot;


      To authorise the Interim Head of Democratic Services and the ICT Manager

      to procure the necessary equipment based on a hosted solution;


      To note the position in relation to remote access as detailed in the report.” 


Reported by the Interim Head of Democratic Services and the ICT Manager – That webcasting of meetings was linked to the provision within the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 to strengthen local democracy; the intention being to strengthen the structures and working of local government in Wales at all levels and to ensure that local Councils reach out to, and engage with, all sectors of the community they served.  Webcasting was not a legislative requirement but was strongly supported by the Welsh Government.


Webcasting would allow meetings of the Council to be available to view over the Internet by way of streaming media.  The website would allow the public to view the meetings live or later through the website via an archive, all the audience required was a device with an internet connection.  Interface with management systems was being considered to facilitate engagement.


The report also considered the following matters:-


·        Benefits

·        Resource Implications

·        Staffing and Members

·        Risks




·        To proceed with the Webcasting of meetings for a 2 year pilot period in order to utilise the Welsh Government funding;


·        To authorise the Interim Head of Democratic Services and ICT Manager to procure the necessary equipment based on a hosted solution;


·        To note the position in relation to remote access as detailed in the report.


Revised Local Development Plan Delivery Agreement pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection).


Submitted – The report of the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) on a revised timetable for the Joint Local Development Plan Delivery Agreement in order to obtain the Council’s approval before submitting it to the Welsh Government.


When the revised timetable was approved by both Councils and then supported by the Government, it would be published on the website of the two Councils and placed in public places, like local public libraries and Council offices.


RESOLVED to approve a revised timetable for the Joint LDP Delivery Agreement, which should be submitted to the Welsh Government for signature.


Delegations pdf icon PDF 70 KB

The Chief Executive will present for information, a report seeking out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to the Executive functions made by the Executive, or the Leader since the last Ordinary meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution refers).

Additional documents:


Submitted for information – A report by the Chief Executive setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to the Executive functions made by the Executive, or the Leader since the last Ordinary meeting.


RESOLVED to note the contents of the report.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider adoption of the following:-


“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test”.  


RESOLVED under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test.


Pit Test - Equal Pay Claim pdf icon PDF 47 KB


The contents were considered by the Council.


Equal Pay Claim

To submit a verbal update by the Deputy Chief Executive.


Submitted – A verbal progress update by the Head of Profession (Human Resources).


The Head of Function (Legal and Administration) provided legal advice as to whether or not Members should declare an interest in the matter.  




·        That authority be given to Officers to continue to negotiate the equal pay claims in accordance with the favoured option discussed at today’s meeting;


·        That authority be given to the Head of Function (Resources) to make an urgent application for the relevant capitalisation funds to the Welsh Government.