Agenda, decisions and minutes

Virtual, Live Streamed Meeting (At present, members of the public are unable to attend), Isle of Anglesey County Council - Tuesday, 18th May, 2021 10.30 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Virtual, Live Streamed Meeting (At present, members of the public are unable to attend)

Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 795 KB

To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 9 March 2021.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 9 March, 2021 were confirmed as correct.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest from a Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

Additional documents:


None received.


To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council or the Chief Executive

Additional documents:


The Chair made the following announcements:-

·      The Chair wished to thank the Council’s staff for their tireless work in continuing to maintain Council services during the challenging period since the pandemic.  Whilst the coronavirus situation has improved it is important that everyone follows the national guidelines.  She also wished to thank the Council’s key partners for all the work achieved across the Island.

·      The Chair congratulated and welcomed the new members of the County Council -

Councillor Jeff Evans who has been elected to represent the Holyhead ward and Councillor Gary Pritchard who has been elected to represent the Seiriol ward.

·      Congratulations was extended to Mr Mark Drakeford following his re-election as the First Minister of Wales.

·      Congratulations was extended to Mr Rhun ap Iorwerth on his re-election to represent the Ynys Môn constituency in the Senedd.

·      Congratulations was extended to Mrs Heledd Fychan who won a regional seat representing the South Wales Central in the Senedd.  Mrs Heledd Fychan is Councillor Vaughan Hughes’ daughter.

·      Congratulations was extended to the Lastra Hotel, Amlwch on winning the Best Small Hotel Award 2021.

·      The Chair also wished to thank the staff of the Election Service for their hard work under difficult circumtances.

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·      The Chair congratulated Mr Fôn Roberts on his appointment as Director of Social Services recently.

·      The Chair also congratulated Mr Christian Brach on his appointment as Head of Regulation and Economic Development recently.


*          *          *          *

·      Condolences were extended to the family of the former County Councillor Mr John Arwel Edwards who passed away recently.  Mr Edwards represented the Llanfairpwll area. 


·      Condolences were also extended to the family of the former County Councillor Mr Keith Evans who passed away recently.  Mr Evans represented the Menai Bridge area and gave a lifetime’s service to Local Government and he was also a former Chair of the Borough Council.


·      Condolences were extended to Mrs Iola Richards and her family in the loss of her husband recently.


·      Condolences were extended to the family of Mr Trefor Wyn Jones who died suddenly at the age of 55 following a short illness.   Mr Jones worked in the Canolfan Byron Workshop since 2003.


·      Condolences were extended to any Member of the Council or Staff who had suffered a bereavement.



Notice of Motion Pursuant to Rule of the Constitution

To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor Robert G Parry:-


The Isle of Anglesey County Council wishes to acknowledge the terrible miscarriage of justice that former Councillor Mr Noel Thomas suffered when he was wrongly convicted of false accounting sixteen years ago. The Council would like to invite Mr Thomas to attend the next full meeting so that he might receive a formal vote of gratitude for his faithful service as a County Councillor.

Additional documents:


Submitted – the following Notice of Motion by Councillor Bob Parry OBE FRAgS:-


‘The Isle of Anglesey County Council wishes to acknowledge the terrible miscarriage of justice that former Councillor Mr Noel Thomas suffered when he was wrongly convicted of false accounting sixteen years ago.  The Council would like to invite Mr Thomas to attend the next full meeting so that he might receive a formal vote of gratitude for his faithful service as a County Councillor.’


Councillor Bob Parry OBE FRAgS said that the former Councillor Mr Noel Thomas suffered a terrible miscarriage of justice due to the Post Office Horizon IT accounting system. Last month, after 16 years of fighting to clear his name, Mr Thomas and another 38 sub-postmasters’ had their convictions quashed at the London Court of Appeal.   He noted that Mr Thomas was a popular and conscientious local member for the Llanfihangel Esceifiog Ward and it has been an unimaginable worry for Mr Thomas and his family.  Councillor Bob Parry OBE FRAgS considered that it was appropriate to invite Mr Thomas to the full meeting of the County Council when the meetings are re-convened in the Council Chamber to receive a formal vote of gratitude for his service as a County Councillor.


Members of the County Council unanimously supported the Notice of Motion put forward by Councillor Bob Parry OBE FRAgS.


It was RESOLVED that the motion be carried and to invite Mr Noel Thomas to the meeting of the County Council when the meetings are re-convened in the Council Chamber.




Presentation of Petitions

To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


No petitions received.


The Leader of the Council's Annual Report for 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 627 KB

To consider the Council Leader’s Annual Report in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


The Annual Report of the Leader of the Council for 2020/21 was presented.


The Leader of the Council firstly wished to express her gratitude to the work of the staff of the Council for their commitment and hard work to safeguard local communities on the Island during the covid-19 pandemic.


The Leader of the Council provided highlights of the progress that was achieved in

as follows:-


·      Response to the Covid-19 pandemic :-


·      Medrwn Môn and Menter Môn supported the Council in order to provide support for local communities with over 900 volunteers offering their time to support with numerous good turn schemes in place;

·      The Authority worked closely with the Food Banks on the Island who offered their services throughout the emergency;

·      Over the Christmas period all the agencies came together to offer food hampers, gifts and Christmas dinners to residents in need;

·      Council employees adapted to working from home and at the beginning of the pandemic a 7 day a week phone-line was set up to support those who are vulnerable in the local communities. 

·      A track and trace team was established, with Anglesey as a pilot area following discussions with the Welsh Government.  This work was crucial in protecting the communities on the Island when the first case of an outbreak emerged in a factory in Llangefni;

·      A grant paying system was put in place for businesses, school lunches, self-isolation, and car worker pay;


·      Business as Usual:-


·      The budget for this year was set out with the second lowest Council increase in Wales;

·      Investment in a traineeship scheme has been undertaken together with new climate change schemes and additional funding for tourism;

·      As part of the Welsh Government’s plan two childcare centres at Esceifiog Primary School and Tywyn Primary School have been opened to support families in the area;

·      Housing developments have continued with 21 new social homes let.  18 former Council houses have been purchased back into the Authority’s housing stock.  There are 49 homes currently being built on the Island and plans are in place to revert building into homes;

·      The Authority has worked by adopting a corporate strategy as regards to climate change.  An investment has been in installation of new boilers and solar panels in schools, libraries and leisure centres


·      Regional and National work


·      The Leader said that she has ensured that Anglesey has a strong voice in national discussions.  Leaders across Wales have met almost weekly since the beginning of the pandemic in order to share concerns and influence the Welsh Government.  In addition meetings have been convened with Ministers from Welsh Government together with UK Government in order to ensure that local concerns are recognised and are responded to in a timely manner;

·      Regular meeting have been convened with Public Health Wales and the six North Wales Council Leaders have been meeting with the Chair of the Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board.


The Council was given the opportunity to ask questions of the Leader on the

contents of the Annual Report.


Councillor Peter  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Annual Report of the Chair of the Standards Committee pdf icon PDF 654 KB

To submit a report by Mr John R Jones, Independent Chair of the Standards Committee.

Additional documents:


The Annual Report of the Standards Committee for 2020/21 was presented by Mr John R Jones, the Chair of the Standards Committee. Mr Jones summarised the Work of the Standards Committee against the objectives in its 2021/22 Work Programme as set out in the Appendix attached to the report.


It was RESOLVED :-


·      To note the Programme delivered by the Standards Committee between May 2020 and April 2021 at ENCLOSURE A;

·      To endorse the Standards Committee’s Work Programme for 2021/2022 outlined in ENCLOSURE B.



Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To submit a report by the Chairs of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee and the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.

Additional documents:


The Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21 was presented by the Chairs of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee and the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor A M Jones, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee reported that the Scrutiny Chairs have been involved in developing the forward work programmes of both Scrutiny Committees.  Councillor G O Jones wished to thank the Scrutiny Panels for their work in supporting the scrutiny process of the Council.   It was noted that a Scrutiny Champion needs to be appointed to promote the overview and scrutiny function both within the Council and also with external partners of the Authority.      


It was RESOLVED to :-


·      approve the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2020/21;

·      note the continued progress made in implementing the local Scrutiny development journey and the impact this is having on practice;

·      appoint the Chair of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee as the Scrutiny Champion for the period May 2021 to May 2022.



Democratic Services Committee Annual Report 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 508 KB

To submit a report by the Chair of the Democratic Services Committee.

Additional documents:


The Annual Report of the Democratic Services Committee for 2020/21 was

presented by Councillor Robert Ll Jones, Chair of the Democratic Services



It was RESOLVED to accept the report and to note the matters considered by the Committee during 2020/21.



Statement of Licensing Policy 2021 – 2026 pdf icon PDF 751 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Regulation and Economic Development, as presented to the Executive on 22 March 2021.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Regulation and Economic Development as presented to the Executive on 22 March, 2021 was submitted for the Council’s acceptance.


It was RESOLVED to adopt the Statement of Licensing Policy for 2021/2026.



Executive Decisions between May 2020-April 2021 pdf icon PDF 238 KB

To submit a report by the Chief Executive.

Additional documents:


The report of the Chief Executive was presented for the Council’s acceptance.


It was RESOLVED to note the decisions made by the Executive, by various means, in accordance with the scheme of delegation included in the Council’s Constitution.