A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes
No. | Item |
Chairperson To elect a Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2022/23.
(Members are referred to the Order of Business regarding the ceremony for election of Chairperson of the County Council). Additional documents: Minutes: It was RESOLVED that Councillor Dafydd Roberts be unanimously elected as Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2022/23.
In accepting the honour of being appointed, Councillor Dafydd Roberts assured the Council that he would endeavour to fulfil his duties as Chairperson to the best of his abilities. He thanked his predecessor Councillor Glyn Haynes for the honourable way in which he carried out his civic duties of Chair of the County Council.
The outgoing Chairperson, Councillor Glyn Haynes had apologies for his absence from this meeting. |
Vice-Chairperson To elect the Vice-Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2022/23. Additional documents: Minutes: It was RESOLVED that Councillor Margaret Murley Roberts be elected Vice-Chairperson of the County Council for 2022/23.
Councillor Margaret Murley Roberts thanked her fellow Members for the honour and said that she looked forward to working with the Chairperson and supporting him in his duties during the forthcoming year. |
Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chairperson or the Chief Executive and any closing remarks from the out-going Chair upon his term of office. Additional documents: Minutes: None received. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest from a Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Additional documents: Minutes: None received. |
Candidate's Presentation in support of her Nomination to be Leader of the Council PDF 239 KB In accordance with Paragraph of the Constitution, having already submitted a written presentation (manifesto) to the Chief Executive before 5.00pm on 12 May 2022 (which has been supported in writing by two other Councillors to the Chief Executive), an oral presentation will be submitted by the following candidate on her vision and values:-
Councillor: Llinos Medi Huws
[Note 1: The nominated person will be asked to present her proposals and programmes to the Council and should be expected to take questions from Members].
[Note 2: Presentations should not exceed more than 10 minutes and any questions from the floor shall not exceed 10 minutes; making a maximum of 20 minutes in all for the candidate]. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Paragraph of the Constitution, having already submitted a written presentation (manifesto) to the Chief Executive before 5.00 p.m., on 12 May, 2022 (which has been supported in writing by two other Councillors to the Chief Executive), an oral presentation was given by Councillor Llinos Medi on her vision and values. |
To Appoint a Leader of the County Council To elect the Leader of the Isle of Anglesey County Council (normally a term of 5 years) in accordance with Article 7, and in particular the rules of procedure contained under Paragraphs and of the Council’s Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: It was RESOLVED that Councillor Llinos Medi be elected Leader of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for a period of 5 years in accordance with Article 7 and in particular the rules of procedure contained under Paragraphs and of the Council’s Constitution.
(Councillors Paul Ellis, Jeff Evans, Douglas M Fowlie, A M Jones, Robert Ll Jones, Derek Owen and Liz Wood abstained from voting). |
Deputy Leader of the Council The Leader of the Council to inform Council of the name of the Deputy Leader chosen (the Deputy Leader shall be a member of the Executive). Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council informed the Council that she had appointed Councillor Carwyn Jones to serve as Deputy Leader. |
Member Remuneration 2022/23 PDF 375 KB To submit a report by the Interim Head of Democratic Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services on the scheme of Member Remuneration 2022/23 was presented for consideration.
It was RESOLVED to:-
· accept the determinations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ for 2022/23;
· confirm that holders of the same posts as 2021/22 will be entitled to receive senior salaries from 2022/23, with the exception of the post of Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee where the fees determined by the Panel for co-opted members will apply, ie:
Chair of the Council Vice-Chair of the Council Leader of the Council Deputy Leader of the Council Other Executive Members (7) Leader of the Largest Opposition Group Chairs of Scrutiny Committees (2) Chair of the Planning and Orders Committee
· authorise officers to amend Part 6 of the Council’s Constitution (Schedule of Member Remuneration) to reflect the determinations made in the 2022/23 Annual Report. |
Confirmation of Committees The Chairperson will confirm the re-appointment of the following Committee structure as referred to in Section 3.4 of the Council’s Constitution, together with the following:-
• Pay and Grading Panel (a sub-committee of the Council) • Standards Committee Appointments Panel • Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) • Indemnities Sub-Committee
[Members are kindly requested to note that the adjourned meeting of this Council (in compliance with Paragraph of the Council Constitution) will be held at 2.00pm on Tuesday, 31 May 2022]. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairperson confirmed the re-appointment of the Committee structures as referred to in Section 3.4 of the Council’s Constitution, together with the following:-
· Pay and Grading Panel (a sub-committee of the Council) · Standards Committee Appointments Panel · Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) · Indemnities Sub-Committee |