A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Hybrid Meeting - Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni & virtually through ZOOM
Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes
No. | Item |
Nomination to be Leader of the Council and presentation In accordance with paragraph of the Constitution, having already submitted a written presentation (manifesto) to the Chief Executive, 5 working days before full Council (which has been supported in writing by two other Councillors to the Chief Executive), an oral presentation will be submitted by the candidate(s) on their vision and values. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with paragraph of the Constitution, having already submitted a written presentation (manifesto) to the Chief Executive, five working days before full Council (which has been supported by two other Councillors to the Chief Executive), an oral presentation was given by Councillor Gary Pritchard on his vision and values.
Appoint a Leader of the Council To elect the Leader of the Isle of Anglesey County Council in accordance with Article 7, and in particular the rules of procedure contained under Paragraphs 2.7.3 of the Council’s Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: It was unanimously RESOLVED that Councillor Gary Pritchard be elected Leader of the Isle of Anglesey County Council in accordance with Article 7 and in particular the rules of procedure contained under Paragraphs 2.7.3 of the Council’s Constitution.
Councillor Dylan Rees, as Chair of the Plaid Cymru Group, congratulated Councillor Gary Pritchard on his election as Leader of the Council. He wished to pay tribute to the former Leader, Llinos Medi for the work she achieved as Leader and congratulated her on her election as Member of Parliament for Ynys Môn.
Councillor Aled Morris Jones said that he hoped that the new Leader will ensure that the Wylfa project gathers momentum and that a nuclear site can be built on the Wylfa site. The Leader assured that pressure will be made that a new nuclear site will be built on the Wylfa site
Councillor Robert Llewelyn Jones said that he hoped that the new Leader will endeavour to ensure that this Council reaches the targets of zero net carbon neutral by 2030. The Leader said that there is a commitment by the Council to achieve zero net by 2030 and work will need to be undertaken across all services together with partner organisations.
Deputy Leader / Leaders of the Council The Leader to inform the Council of the name of the Deputy Leader / Leaders chosen (the Deputy Leader / Leaders shall be a Member / Members of the Executive). Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council informed the Council that he had appointed Councillor Robin Williams to serve as Deputy Leader.
Membership of the Executive The Leader to inform the Council of the names of Councillors they have chosen to be Members of the Executive, together with their Portfolio responsibilities. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader named the following as the Members chosen to serve on the Executive along with their Portfolio responsibilities:-
Councillor Gary Pritchard (Leader) with Portfolio responsibility for Economic Development;
Councillor Robin Williams (Deputy Leader) with Portfolio responsibility for Finance and Housing;
Councillor Neville Evans with Portfolio responsibility for Leisure, Tourism and Maritime;
Councillor Carwyn Jones with Portfolio responsibility for Corporate Business and Customer Experience;
Councillor Dyfed Wyn Jones with Portfolio responsibility for Children (Social Services) Young People and Families;
Councillor Alun Roberts with Portfolio responsibility for Adults’ Services (Social Services) and Community Safety;
Councillor Dafydd Roberts with Portfolio responsibility for Education and the Welsh Language;
Councillor Nicola Roberts with Portfolio responsibility for Planning, Public Protection and Climate Change;
Councillor Dafydd Rhys Thomas with Portfolio responsibility for Highways, Waste and Property.
To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the following meetings of the County Council: -
• 21 May 2024 (Ordinary Meeting) (10:30am) • 21 May 2024 (Annual Meeting) (2:00pm) Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the following meetings of the Isle of Anglesey County Council were confirmed as correct:-
· 21 May, 2024 (Ordinary Meeting) a.m. · 21 May, 2024 (Annual Meeting) p.m. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Additional documents: Minutes: None received. |
To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council or the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair made the following announcements:-
· Congratulations extended to the organisers of the Anglesey Show on another successful show this year;
· Congratulations extended to all the competitors from the Island who were successful at the Royal Welsh and the Urdd and National Eisteddfodau.
· Congratulations extended to the Island's children and young people on their success with GCSEs, A Levels, and other level 2 and 3 qualifications over the summer. Best wishes to those young people leaving their homes for universities and colleges across Wales and beyond.
· As the Council is a Corporate Parent, the Chair congratulated the Looked After Children on their recent GCSE successes and other attainments. Most have secured college placements; work experience or apprenticeship opportunities and one young man who has just started at the University of Bolton. The Chair wished to thank to all the staff, teachers, parents and foster parents who have supported the young people.
· Congratulations extended to Isaak Floyd-Eve, who was a year 13 pupil at Holyhead High School, on winning the Goronwy Jones Prize for the best A-level candidate in Physics throughout Wales.
· Congratulations extended to Holyhead's Mabli Blackshaw on representing the Wales U16 football team at just 12 years old. Mabli recently played for Wales against Ireland in Dublin.
· Congratulations extended to Jenna Seddon, Rhosneigr on winning the women’s fire lighter race, part of the Ring of Fire Running festival in August.
· Congratulations extended to Gethyn Evans, Bryngwran the first male in the Holyhead Breakwater 5-mile race in August.
· Congratulations extended to Gareth Cadwaladr, Digital Services Manager at the Council, who has cycled over 700 miles from Sweden to the Netherlands with a group of friends to raise money for the Blood Cancer UK charity. They have managed to raise over £2,600 for the charity so far. · The Chair paid tribute to Mr Elfed Roberts from the Council’s Finance Department who has reached a remarkable milestone of working for the Council for 50 years.
· The Chair said that the Authority has successfully upgraded the Disability Confident membership, and the Council is known as a Disability Confident Employer. Many thanks to those staff who were involved in this important development.
· Congratulations extended to Councillor Jeff Evans on his recent success in the Town Crier championships. · The Chair extended his best wishes to the former Leader of the Council, Llinos Medi at the start of her work as a Member of Parliament for Anglesey. * * * *
Condolences extended to the families and friends of Humphrey Pickering, Stephen and Katherine Burch who lost their lives in a car accident in Beaumaris at the end of August. Despite the sadness of the incident, the reaction of local residents is a sign of the strength of the community.
Condolences extended to the families of staff members who have recently passed away :-
- Tony Jones who worked for the Council for many years and was active in the community through his work with MonFM; - Einir Williams, a highly respected head of Spanish, Deputy ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Presentation of Petitions To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: No petitions received. |
Annual Performance Report 2023/24 To submit a report by the Head of Profession – HR and Transformation, as presented to the Executive on 24 September 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Profession (Human Resources) and Transformation as submitted to the Executive on 24 September, 2024 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
The Portfolio Member for Corporate and Customer Experience said that it was a pleasure to be able to present such a positive report in which 93% of the Council’s planned work as set out in the annual delivery document has been achieved. The one key action not completed relates to the launch of the Council’s new digital tenant’s portal to improve means of contact for the Council’s tenants which has been delayed due to technical reasons and will now be launched in the first half of the year. Councillor Carwyn Jones highlighted some of the individual achievements under each strategic objective saying that the challenge now is to maintain this high level of performance into the future.
Councillor Aled Morris Jones referred to the Council Tax Premium to facilitate the restoration of empty homes, but he considered that it was unfair some local residents are facing having to pay double Council Tax as they are in the process of selling inherited properties and some young people taking additional period to renovate houses.
In response, the Leader said that he considered that the Council Tax Premium has worked well, and the additional premium has enabled the resources to contribute to brining houses into the Council Housing Stock and assisting first-time buyers in the shared equity to allow them to be able to buy their first home. Whilst accepting that there are examples of people who inherit a property and unable to sell within the timeframe and people unable to complete renovations, the Finance Department do consider these examples when there is a reason a property is empty.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the Annual Performance Report 2023/2024.
Annual Director's Report on the Effectiveness of Social Services 2023/24 To submit a report by the Director of Social Services. Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted – the report of the Director of Social Services.
The Director of Social Services reported that the Annual Report is a statutory report which highlights the successes within the Social Services Department. He said that there are financial challenges, especially within Children’s Services which is overspending at present, and measures are currently being undertaken to be able to open a further Cartref Clyd provision for looked after children. He further referred that there are projects within Children’s and Adults’ Services to keep people within their local communities which they can access through third sector services and not having to access statutory services that are costly. The Director of Social Services wished to thank the staff of the Children’s and Adults’ Services for their work.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the Annual Director’s Report on the Effectiveness of Social Services 2023/2024.
Annual Report of the Governance & Audit Committee 2023/24 – Chair’s Report To submit a report by the Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee, as presented to the Governance and Audit Committee on 27 June 2024. Additional documents: Minutes:
The report of the Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee as presented to the Governance and Audit Committee on 27 June, 2024 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
Mr Dilwyn Evans, Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee said that the report meets the requirements of the Committee’s Terms of Reference that it report annually to the Full Council on its findings, conclusions and recommendations concerning the adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s governance, risk management and internal control frameworks, financial reporting arrangements, complaints handling and internal and external audit functions. The Committee’s activities within 2023/2024 are detailed within the report. He wished to thank the Members of the Governance and Audit Committee and the staff that supports the Committee.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the Annual Report of the Governance and Audit Committee for 2023/2024.
Annual Report of the Standards Committee 2023/24 To submit a report by the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
The Annual Report of the Standards Committee was presented by Mr Trefor Owen, Chair of the Standards Committee.
Mr Owen said that he has recently been appointed as Chair of the Standards Committee and he wished to thank the previous Chair, Mr Rhys Davies, for his work. Mr Owen explained that this is the third annual report of the Standards Committee to the County Council to be made in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021. Mr Owen detailed that the report outlines the duties of the Standards Committee, and he highlighted the work undertaken with the County Council Members, Group Leaders and the Town and Community Councils in discharging its duties. Mr Owen further said that the report outlines the work the Committee has undertaken in accordance with its responsibilities in 2023/2024 and the Committee’s Work Programme for 2024/2025 was submitted for the Council’s approval.
It was unanimously RESOLVED:-
· To approve the Annual Report of the Standards Committee; · To approve the Standards Committee’s Work Programme for 2024/25, whilst accepting that some additional matters may be included, in accordance with demand.
Changes to the Constitution - Scheme of Delegation to Officers To submit a report by the Head of Regulation and Economic Development and the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer, as presented to the Executive on 23 July 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Regulation and Economic Development and the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring as presented to the Executive on 23 July, 2024 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
The Leader said the report requests a Scheme of Delegation in relation to the Council carrying out its statutory functions in relation to any development which is a National Significance Infrastructure Project (NSIP). The Council through the Energy Island Programme (EIP) is engaging with a range of developers that are interested in constructing and operating low carbon developments on the Island which were highlighted within the report. Due to the examination timetable being set by the Planning Inspectorate it is not possible to align the deadlines for the Council to submit representations and evidence with the Council’s committee cycle. For this reason, it is requested that the Council supports a scheme of delegation that allows the Head of Regulation and Economic Development to carry out all statutory functions of the Council in relation to NSIP. The examination timetable confirmed by the Planning Inspectorate does not allow sufficient time for the translation of the Council’s submission by the submission date hence the request to depart from the requirements of the Council’s Welsh Language policy to allow for the Welsh translation of the Council’s submissions to the examination process to follow after the submission date. This will not affect the Council’s compliance with the statutory service delivery of Welsh Language standards which provide for the Welsh/bilingual communication with the public and other persons in Wales. A Welsh version of the Council’s submissions will be provided at all times and no documentation will be published or made available publicly until a Welsh translation is available.
It was unanimously RESOLVED:-
· To delegate to the Head of Regulation and Economic Development, in consultation with the Leader (or such delegated to a Portfolio Holder as may be nominated by the Leader), to carry out all the Council’s statutory functions in relation to any development which is a National Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and requires a Development Consent Order (DCO) as defined under Act Planning 2008 as amended by the Secretary of State; · The Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Head of Regulation and Economic Development, to update section of the Constitution to reflect the delegation given by the decision; · Permission to deviate from the requirements of the Council’s Welsh Language Policy to allow the Welsh translation of the Council’s comments to be sent to the Planning Inspectorate after their submission in English. (This exception is required because the NSIP examination timetable does not include sufficient time for the Council’s comments to be translated by the submission date). |
Changes to the Constitution - Concerns and Complaints Policy and Contract Procedure Rules To submit a report by the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer and the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer, as presented to the Executive on 24 September 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer and the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer as presented to the Executive on 24 September 2024 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
The Portfolio Member for Corporate and Customer Experience explained that the current Concerns and Complaints Policy (CPP) and Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) are currently included in the Council’s Constitution and thus require full Council approval for any proposed changes. There is no legal requirement to include the CCP/CPRs in the Constitution nor an expectation to do so from the Council’s regulators.
The Council must publish a Concerns and Complaints Policy (CCP) which aligns with the current model provided by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) and which follows the standards and good practice guidance of the Ombudsman’s Complaints Standards Authority, as set out in the report.
There are legislative changes to come in relation to procurement matters and the Council’s CPRs must be amended to align with the statutory requirements.
To assist the process of updating these documents, it is proposed that the CCP and CPRs be removed from inclusion in the Constitution and that they, along with supporting documents, shall instead be published in a prominent position on the Council’s website. In removing from the Constitution, it would also mean that any changes to the documents could be made by a decision of the Executive, rather than full Council. This change would enable more timely review and amendment and would introduce a more flexible and responsive process. Publishing the CPP/CPRs and documentation on the Council’s website will also ensure transparency as well as clarity and accessibility for the public when they wish to pursue the complaints process and for contractors/businesses wishing to bid for Council contracts.
It was unanimously RESOLVED:-
· To remove the following from the Constitution:-
· Concerns and Complaints Policy
· Contract Procedure Rules and
· Delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to make any consequential amendments arising from these decisions
· That the Concerns and Complaints Policy, and the Contract Procedure Rules (together with all supporting documents relevant to each) shall be readily available on the Council’s website.
· Any future amendments to the Concerns and Complaints Policy and the Contract Procedure Rules shall no longer be matters reserved to full Council and shall, instead, be approved by:- · the Executive; or by · the Monitoring Officer*, under existing delegation, where those changes do not provide for any local choice, or where the changes are minor.
*Any changes to the Contract Procedure Rules shall always be subject to consultation with the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer. |
Draft Anglesey Local Development Plan Delivery Agreement To submit a report by the Head of Regulation and Economic Development, as presented to the Planning Policy Committee on 18 July 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Regulation and Economic Development, as presented to the Planning Policy on 18 July, 2024 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
The Deputy Leader, in the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Public Protection and Climate Change said that the report provides a summary of the comments received during the public consultation process on the draft Delivery Agreement for the replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) for Anglesey. The Delivery Agreement outlines the Community Involvement Scheme setting out how and when stakeholders and the community can become involved in the plan-making process and a timetable for preparing a Local Development Plan. The consultation process was undertaken from 23 May, 2024 to 4 July, 2024 and steps take to raise awareness of the consultation process was highlighted within the report. The response to the consultation was disappointing with a total of 85 responses were received during the public consultation period, although 34 of the responses submitted online contained no comments; 35 partial web responses were also received with many only including contact details. A total of 8 full web responses were received in addition to 8 full digital response via email. He noted that following the comments received it is proposed that no significant modifications were required to the Delivery Agreement.
Councillor Aled Morris Jones said that the new Local Development Plan should accommodate that dwellings can be built on the outskirts of smaller villages that will address local need as was similar within Planning Policy 50 in the previous Local Development Plan for Anglesey.
It was unanimously RESOLVED:-
· To note the comments received during the six-week public consultation period, as well as the Local Planning Authority’s response to them (Annex A); · To endorse the final draft of the Delivery Agreement (Annex B) and to support its submission to Welsh Government for approval. |