Agenda and decisions

The Executive - Monday, 18th February, 2013 10.00 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Mr John Gould (01248) 752 515 

No. Item


Declaration of interest

To receive any declarations of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.



Urgent matters certified by the Chief Executive or his appointed officer

No urgent matters at the time of dispatch of this agenda.


2012-13 Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 528 KB



To submit the report of the Head of Service (Finance)




To submit the report of the Head of Service (Finance)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to note the contents of the report and the improved projections for the year and to confirm the virements shown at Appendix Ch of the report.


Budget 2013-14 and Improvement Priorities pdf icon PDF 5 MB

Consultation on Budget Proposals


To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy) on the outcome of consultations on the budget proposals.


(Members are requested to retain their copy of the above report which will be considered at the County Council meeting on 5th March, 2013).


Scrutiny Observations and Feedback on the Budget Proposals for 2013-14


To submit the report of the Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.


Budget 2013-14 and the Medium Term Revenue Strategy


To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources) on the final budget proposals to the County Council.


Capital Plan and Treasury Management


To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources)


Improvement Priorities 2013-14


To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy)

Additional documents:


(a)Consultation on Budget Proposals

Report by the Head of Service (Policy).

RESOLVED to take on board the observations received from partners, stakeholders and the general public as part of finalising the 2013-14

budget proposals to the Council.

(b) Scrutiny Observations and Feedback on the Budget Proposals for 2013-14


Report by the Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED to note the recommendations of the Corporate Scrutiny

Committee when preparing the Council budget for 2013-14.


(c) Budget 2013-14 and the Medium Term and Revenue Strategy


Report by the Head of Function (Resources)




·         To affirm that the Executive have taken account of the responses to consultation, to the observations of the Scrutiny Committees, the Schools Forum, the Voluntary Sector Liaison Committee, the Democratic Services Committee, Town and Community Councils and the general public;


·         To note the equalities impact assessment summary on the budget proposals at Section 7of the report;


·         To agree that within the proposed budget, schools are given an increase in budget which meets the Welsh Government’s pledge for schools’ funding as detailed at Paragraph 4.1.3 of the report;


·         To confirm the adjustments detailed within the table at Paragraph 4.2.5 of the report;


·         To agree the final details of the Council’s proposed budget, investments, pressures and savings as shown in Appendices 1-5 of the report;


·         To note the Section 151 Officer’s recommendations that minimum General Fund Balances be maintained at £5m, the confirmation of the robustness of the estimates underlying the proposals and the adequacy of the General Reserves in the context of other earmarked reserves;


·         To recommend a net budget for the County Council and resulting Council Tax to Council, noting that a formal resolution including the North Wales Police and Community Council’s precepts will be presented to the Council on 5th March, 2013;


·         To authorise the Section 151 Officer to make such changes as may be necessary before submission to the Council.


(ch) Capital Plan and Treasury Management

Report by the Head of Function (Resources)



·         To endorse the interim capital plan and budget as the Executive’s proposal for next year;


·         To note the assumptions made in the Treasury Management Strategy as detailed in Appendix B of the report;


·         To approve the Prudential Indicators that become limits and to note the others;


·         To recommend to the County Council that it adopts the revised CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice 2011, detailed at Appendix B-8 of the report.


(d) Improvement Priorities 2013-14

Report by the Head of Service (Policy)

RESOLVED to recommend to the County Council:-


·         That it approves the Improvement Priorities for 2013-14;


·         That authority be given to Officers in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders to develop associated work programmes for each of the Improvement Priorities and that the Council’s improvement priorities for 2013-14 be published in April following the annual business planning cycle.


(a) Housing Rent HRA 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Housing)


(b) HRA Budget 2013-14


To submit the report of the Head of Service (Finance)

Additional documents:


5.(a) Housing Rent HRA 2013-14


Report by the Head of Service (Housing)


RESOLVED to approve the level of rent increase for 2013-14 as set out by the Welsh Government at a rate of 4.99% which equates to an average rent increase of £3.08 per dwelling per week and 32 pence per week for garages.


5. (b) HRA Budget 2013-14


Report by the Head of Service (Finance)


RESOLVED to approve the H.R.A. budget for 2013-14.


Changes to the Council Constitution pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Changes to the following parts of the Constitution:-


1.    Committee Structure

2.    Member Officer Protocol

3.    Multi Member Ward Protocol

4.    Compulsory Training


To submit the report of the Head of Function (Legal and Administration)


(Members are kindly requested to retain their copy of their report which will be considered at the County Council Meeting on 5th March, 2013).


RESOLVED to recommend to the County Council that it amends the Council’s Constitution as indicated in the report (namely in respect of Member Training, the Committee Structure, a Multi Member Ward Protocol and Member/Officer Protocol) and to authorise Officers to make any consequential amendments to the Constitution.