Agenda, decisions and minutes

The Executive - Monday, 19th May, 2014 10.00 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Contact: Mr Huw Jones 

No. Item


Declaration of interest

To receive any declarations of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


None to declare.


Urgent matters certified by the Chief Executive or his appointed officer

No urgent matters at the time of dispatch of this agenda.


Councillor J.Arwel Roberts declared a personal but not prejudicial interest in respect of Item 9 on the agenda; he remained at the meeting and took part in the discussion thereon.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 189 KB

To submit for confirmation, the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 22nd April, 2014.


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive held on 22 April, 2014 were presented and confirmed as correct.



The Executive's Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 430 KB

To submit a report by the Interim Head of Democratic Services.


Submitted – The report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services seeking approval for the Executive’s updated Work Programme for the period from June, 2014 to January, 2015.


The Interim Head of Democratic Services reported on the following additional changes for which he sought the Executive’s approval:


  To re-schedule Item 5 (Constitutional Changes – Remote Attendance) to a later date to allow for prior scrutiny of the subject.

  To include three new items for the 9th June meeting from the Lifelong Learning Department viz. to lower  the age of admission at Ysgol Llanfairpwll; School Meals, and the Outline Strategic Plan (SOP) with regard to the Llannau.


The Portfolio Member for Planning and the Environment said that he had been informed that Item 12 (Planning Performance Agreement Charter) scheduled to be considered in June is to be deferred to July in order for it to be considered by the Inter Departmental Development Team.


It was resolved to confirm the updated Forward Work Programme for June, 2014 to January, 2015 subject to the additional changes outlined.


Corporate Scorecard - Quarter 4, 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 664 KB

To submit a report by the Deputy Chief Executive.


Submitted – The report of the Deputy Chief Executive incorporating the Corporate Scorecard for Quarter 4 2013/14 which illustrated the current end of quarter 4 position in relation to key indicators in the areas of People Management, Performance Management and Customer Service and any improvement and/or decline in performance and the reasons therefore.


The Executive noted that the report reflected an improving picture overall and that the direction of travel generally for the indicators was upwards. Particular note was taken of the data with regard to sickness absence and whilst it was acknowledged that performance in relation to sickness absence  has improved, it was recommended that further work be undertaken especially with regard to ensuring that  Return to Work Interviews are conducted as a matter of course.  The Leader informed the Executive that the Corporate Scrutiny Committee had established a Scrutiny Outcome Panel to focus on the issue of sickness absence; the Executive asked that any continuing underperformance in this area which the Scrutiny Panel identifies be brought to its attention.


Attention was also drawn to the need to address the performance in respect of indicator SCA/0128b (the percentage of carers of adults who had an assessment or review of their needs in their own right during the year) where it remained below target.


It was resolved to accept the report and to note its contents.


Outcome Agreement 2013-16 pdf icon PDF 606 KB

To submit a report by the Deputy Chief Executive.


Submitted – The report of the Programme and Business Planning Manager seeking approval for the Outcome Agreement for 2013-16.


The Programme and Business Planning Manager reported that Officer negotiations with Welsh Government officials have now concluded and five strategic themes and outcomes from the Welsh Government’s programme for Government have been selected as a focus for the Outcome Agreement on the basis of their close fit with priorities of the 2013-17 Corporate Plan; because they provide a strong evidence base and their likely success rate.


It was resolved to accept and adopt the Outcome Agreement for



Constitutional Changes - The Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 223 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Function (Council Business/Monitoring Officer).


Submitted – The report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services seeking the Executive’s support and subsequently, the Council’s approval to amend the Constitution with regard to the Forward Work Programme in order to reflect the enhanced current arrangements with regard to reporting and publicising the FWP.


It was resolved to recommend to the County Council –


  That the proposed amendments to part 4.2.12 of the Constitution as detailed in the appendix to the report be approved, and


  the Monitoring Officer be authorised to update the Constitution accordingly.


Future of the In-House DLO Housing Services and New Repairs Service pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.


Submitted – The report of the Head of Service (Housing Service) detailing a proposal  to  transform and modernise  the in-house DLO Housing Services with a view to establishing a new service model aimed at delivering an excellent repairs service following  a comprehensive options appraisal of the future of the service.  Based on the findings of the appraisal exercise the Head of Housing Services sought approval for Option 2.1.2 (retaining the service in-house, but merging the client and contractor teams into one repairs service whilst modernising and transforming the service) as the recommended option.


Councillor H.Eifion Jones, Portfolio Member for Finance put forward an amendment to the proposal based on adopting option 2.1.2 but with qualifying conditions viz. that the timeframe for completing the transformation project of the Housing Repairs Service be reduced from 3 to 2 years; that elements of options, 2.1.3, 2.1.5 and 2.1.8 be incorporated within the preferred option and that a review of progress be conducted within four months and a report presented to the Executive. The Leader proposed additional provisos to the effect that the restructuring does not expand the Repairs Service workforce; that the number of contractors currently deployed by the Service be reviewed with a view to reduction and that Performance Indicators for the Housing Repairs Service be incorporated within the Corporate Scorecard for performance monitoring purposes.  He also emphasised that the review of procurement arrangements which the report proposes as part of the approach to Value for Money needs to be undertaken and more stringent practices put in place.


The Leader reported to the Executive on the Corporate Scrutiny Committee’s deliberations on the matter from its 12 May meeting to the effect that the Corporate Scrutiny Committee had noted that it was not obliged to decide on a specific option, that it had considered the merits of option 2.1.3 and a combination of options 2.1.2 and 2.1.5 and had recommended that due to the complexity of the issue, it be offered to full Council for debate.


The Housing Technical Services Manager responded to the amendment from the Housing Service’s perspective.


The amendment was agreed by the Executive.


It was resolved to approve the recommended option of retaining the service in-house, but merging the client and contractor teams into one repairs services, whilst modernising and transforming the service, subject to the following conditions:


  That the aim should be to undertake and complete the transformation project of the Repairs Service within a 2 year timeframe


  That the recommended option also incorporates where feasible, elements of the following:


     Option 2.1.3  with reference to different structures of contracts

    Option 2.1.5 – outsourcing parts of the services

     Option 2.1.8 – a Lean Service model


  That the restructure does not entail an expansion of the Repairs Service workforce


  That the number of contractors deployed by the Repairs Service is reviewed with a view to reduction.


  That a review of the project be undertaken within four months and a progress report presented  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Schools Modernisation - Holyhead pdf icon PDF 185 KB

To submit a report by the Director of Lifelong Learning.


Submitted - The report of the Director of Lifelong Learning in relation to the schools modernisation process in Holyhead.


The Director of Lifelong Learning clarified issues in relation to the following matters regarding which the Executive at its meeting on 20th December, 2013 had requested further information prior to commencing the formal consultation process on the preferred option for modernising schools in the Holyhead area -

Land ownership at the three school sites (Ysgol y Parch, Ysgol Llaingoch and Ysgol Parch.Thomas Ellis)


Traffic management and road safety issues

The status of the new school and,

Issues surrounding the preservation order at the former Cybi school site at Holyhead


The Executive noted the information.


It was resolved to authorise Officers from the Lifelong Learning Department to move forward to the formal consultation process.


Consultation on Garreglwyd pdf icon PDF 665 KB

To submit a report by the Director of Community.


Submitted – The report of the Social Care Strategic Transformation Manager in relation to the future of Garreglwyd Residential Care Home.


Councillor R.Llewelyn Jones addressed the Executive in his capacity as the Council’s Older People’s Champion and a Local Member and asked to be kept informed of developments.


It was resolved to agree that notice be issued of the Council’s intention to market Garreglwyd with a preferred use for it to be run as a specialist dementia facility or other private nursing or residential care provision and to undertake a formal consultation thereon.