Agenda, decisions and minutes

The Executive - Monday, 15th July, 2013 10.00 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Mr John Gould 

No. Item


Declaration of interest

To receive any declarations of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


None to declare.


Urgent Matters Certified by the Chief Executive or his Appointed Officer - Business Case Invest to Save - Child Placement Team pdf icon PDF 937 KB

On 10th July, 2013, the Chief Executive certified that the above matter be included as an urgent matter in the business and programme of the Executive for Monday, 15th July, 2013.


Reported - That the Chief Executive had allowed discussion upon this matter as urgent business in view of a reduction in costs to the Authority in employing agency placements.


Submitted - A report by the Head of Service (Childrens’ Services) seeking Executive approval for further investment in the Child Placement Service for additional resources to improve placement choice for children and reduce reliance on the purchase of external placements.


The Local Authority position as a provider was at odds with the increasing demand for Fostering Services.  The shortfall in provision has been ‘filled’ by a growing private sector of Independent Fostering Agencies.  Private providers could be flexible and responsive, but were usually significantly more expensive than internally provided Local Authority placements.


RESOLVED to approve the invest to save proposal for further investment in the Child Placement Service to increase the number of internal foster placements for children and to reduce costs, subject to the following conditions:-


·         That progress against targets be reviewed within 12 months;


·         That the post of Marketing Officer be designated as a temporary post over the period of the invest to save proposal (ie 3 years) and in light of the review referred to above;


·         That the agreed funding be repaid via the savings achieved as a result of this proposal.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 176 KB

To submit for confirmation, the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on the following dates:-


·         6th June, 2013

·         10th June, 2013

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on the following dates be confirmed as true records:-


   6th June, 2013

   10th June, 2013


The Executive's Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 333 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy).


Submitted  -The report of the Head of Service (Policy) seeking approval for the Executive’s updated Forward Work Programme for the period September to December, 2013.


RESOLVED to confirm the updated work programme for the period September - December, 2013.


2014/15 Budget pdf icon PDF 654 KB

To submit the report by the Head of Function (Resources).


Submitted - The report of the Head of Function (Resources) and Section 151 Officer on an updated Medium Term Revenue Budget Strategy for 2014-15 to 2016-17. The report also sought approval to the principles which will underpin the 2014-15 budget and to the Savings Target for the Directorates and the strategies to achieve the savings.




  • To approve the 2014-15 guiding principles for the budget as detailed in Paragraph 4 of the report;


  • To approve the savings targets for the Authority as detailed in Paragraph 5.1 of the report, namely scenario 2(b) (6.3%) as referred to in Appendix 3 of the report;


  • To approve the savings directorates identify towards their respective target is over and above any previously identified efficiencies; (Paragraph 5.4 of the report refers);


  • To approve the strategy to identify the savings requirements as detailed in Paragraph 5.7 of the report;


  • To note the risks and potential changes to the Medium Term Revenue Budget Strategy and 2014-15 budget as detailed in Paragraph 6 of the report;


  • To note that the Medium Term Revenue Budget Strategy will change as new information becomes available and views are sought (Paragraph 3.13 of the report refers);


  • To note the variables within the budget build at this stage (Paragraph 4.3-4 refers).


Gypsies and Travellers - Accommodation Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Housing).


Submitted - The report of the Head of Service (Housing) presenting the findings of the North Wales Gypsy and Travellers Accommodation Needs Assessment study (NWGTANA), and seeking Executive approval upon future actions.


Councillor Carwyn Jones stated that he was supportive of the report but mentioned that the study had identified a shortfall of 62 residential pitches across the study area by 2016, with a need for 11 residential pitches on Anglesey. Since 2006, there was one tolerated unauthorised encampment on the Island at Pentraeth which cost this Authority some £10k p.a. to keep the site tidy, provide water and Portaloos. If an official site was provided, it would receive a Band A Council Tax valuation, which equated to £800 p.a. and with a notional rent of say £25 each, the Authority would receive some £23k annual revenue. Over 10 years this would equate to generation of £250k as opposed to current expenditure of £100k.           




·         That the Authority as part of a consortium of North Wales local authorities adopts the recommendations of the North Wales Gypsy and Travellers Accommodation Needs Assessment (NW GTANA) report as an evidence base;

·         That the Head of Service (Housing) be given the support of key officers in Corporate Directorates to formalise the Terms of Reference for the local Gypsy Travellers Operational Officers Group;

·         That a new Gypsy Travellers action plan be prepared based on the recommendations of the NW GTANA and that tasks be allocated to lead officers in appropriate departments to promulgate;

·         That Anglesey continues to support Regional collaboration to the Gypsy Traveller communities’ agenda through the newly re-formed NW GT Co-ordination Group;

·         That the Council works collaboratively with neighbouring authorities and other key stakeholders to meet identified need for pitch requirements;

·         That appropriate sites are identified to meet requirements;

·         That mechanisms are established to enable effective engagement with Gypsy Traveller communities when identifying potential future sites;

·         That possible sites are included within the Local Development Plan;

·         To submit an outline application for capital grant for a local GT site from the Welsh Government.


Local Housing Market Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Housing).


Submitted - The report of the Head of Service (Housing) seeking Executive approval to the report on the Local Housing Market Assessment for the Isle of Anglesey (Housing needs for local residents - Report 1), and to agree the next steps.




·         To adopt the Local Housing Market Assessment study as a baseline document for future accommodation needs of the citizens of Anglesey;

·         That the LHMA is used to inform the new nuclear build SPG;

·         That the LHMA is part of the evidence base for the Local Housing Strategy and Joint Local Development Plan;

·         That the study is used to inform future development plans and funding bids such as the WG’s Viable and Vibrant Places Framework;

·         That the evidence is used as a basis to engage with the Registered Social Landlords and private sector developers to deliver the housing need.


Transforming Adult Social Care on Anglesey pdf icon PDF 636 KB

To submit the report of the Director of Community.


Submitted - A report by the Head of Service (Adults’ Services) on the key emerging messages following a statutory public consultation on the future provision of residential care, which was undertaken by Adult Social Care in the Autumn of 2012 and on the proposed next phase of the transformation of older people’s services.




·         To note the key messages and emerging themes from the Public Consultation - exercise undertaken between 5 October - 7 December 2012;


·         To endorse the next steps in older people’s Transformation Programme (as detailed in paragraph 4.3 of the report).


Children's Specialist Services - Agree Formal Partnership pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Children’s Services).


Submitted - The report of the Head of Service (Childrens’ Services) seeking Executive approval to move ahead with the implementation of the single integrated Specialist Children’s Service, via a formal partnership underpinned by a Section 33 Agreement with the Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board.


Reported - That the proposal was to integrate a collection of health and social care services, which were currently co-located, into one integrated service – the Specialist Children’s Service (SCS).  The SCS would employ health and social care professionals under one organisational structure, employ a Service Manager to run and manage the service, and have an integrated stategy, set of policies, procedures, budgets, and a joined-up approach to staff management and training.


The Head of Service wished it to be recorded that Human Resources did not have any observations under implications and impacts which was contrary to what had been inadvertently stated in the report.


RESOLVED to approve the go ahead of the implementation of the single, integrated Specialist Children’s Service via a formal partnership underpinned by a Section 33 Agreement with the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.


Adults Safeguarding - Towards a North Wales Strategic Framework pdf icon PDF 449 KB

To submit the report by the Head of Service (Adults’ Services).


Submitted - The report of the Head of Service (Adults’ Services) seeking Executive approval as regards the strategic direction for Safeguarding Adults and in approving the change to the current regional arrangements and the creation of a 2 tier North Wales Safeguarding Adult Board.




·        To note developments and progress hitherto in the area of safeguarding adults in the North West;

·        To approve the Anglesey and Gwynedd strategic direction for safeguarding adults as a trigger for influencing the development of a regional framework;

·        To confirm the principles that the safeguarding frameworks for adults and children need to be addressed on an equal footing and not to differentiate between them in terms of their status or importance;

·        To approve the revision to the current North Wales arrangements and support the preferred option - a 2 tier North Wales Adult Safeguarding Board.


Island Games 2013 pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To submit a report by the Director of Lifelong Learning.


Submitted - The report of the Director of Community seeking Executive approval to allow paid leave of absence to members of the Council’s staff competing at the 2013 Island Games.


RESOLVED that the County Council staff representing Ynys Môn be allowed 3 days to leave to travel to Bermuda.  This will necessitate staff to take 4 days from their own annual leave entitlement to be able to attend the Games.