Agenda, decisions and minutes

The Executive - Monday, 13th January, 2014 10.00 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Mr John Gould 

No. Item


Declaration of interest

To receive any declarations of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


Councillor H.Eifion Jones declared an interest in Item 13 in view of the fact that he was a School Governor and Local Member, remained at the meeting and took part in the voting thereon following guidance from the Monitoring Officer that School Governors have a personal interest but not a prejudicial interest under the Code and that Local Members have neither a personal nor a prejudicial interest when the Executive is making a collective decision. 


Councillor K.P. Hughes declared an interest in Item 13 in that he had a grandson and grandaughter attending Ysgol Cylch y Garn which had been identified as a Band A School in the Strategic Outline Programme.  He remained at the meeting and took part in the voting thereon following guidance from the Monitoring Officer that, at this stage, the personal interest is not prejudicial but is likely to become prejudicial at the next stage of the process.  He also declared an interest in Item 11 of these minutes as his daughter was the manager of an adjoining business at Porth Swtan which may be affected by the change. He left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon.


Urgent Matters Certified by the Chief Executive or his Appointed Officer - Outcome Agreement 2013/16 pdf icon PDF 324 KB

To submit the report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


Submitted – The report of the Deputy Chief Executive providing an update of the new arrangements for the Outcome Agreement for 2013/16 and endorsing the outline of a new Outcome Agreement for 2013/16 based on final Welsh Government guidance.


This matter was dealt with as an urgent matter in view of the need to finalise matters with Welsh Government as soon as possible.


Councillor R. Meirion Jones wished to point out that the Council had not followed proper Constitutional procedure in this respect, in that the agreement of the Chair of the County Council had not been sought and neither had the matter been drawn to his attention as Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.


The Leader apologised for the oversight and would ensure that the agreement of the Chair of the County Council was sought.


RESOLVED to endorse the selection of the new strategic themes and outcomes for the new three year Outcome Agreement starting in 2013/14 and to receive a further report on a final agreement following conclusion to negotiations with Welsh Government Officers.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 214 KB

To submit for confirmation, the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on the following dates:-


  2nd December, 2013

  16th December, 2013 (Budget)

Additional documents:


Submitted for confirmation, the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on the following dates:-


·      2nd December, 2013

·      16th December, 2013


RESOLVED - that the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on the above dates be confirmed as true records.


Minutes for Information pdf icon PDF 195 KB

To submit for information, the draft minutes of the Corporate Parenting Panel on 11th November, 2013.


Submitted for confirmation, the draft minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel on 11th November, 2013.


RESOLVED to note the contents of the draft minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel held on 11th November, 2013.


Matter Referred to the Executive from the Audit Committee held on 11th December, 2014 - Information Governance

To give consideration to the following draft recommendations of the Audit Committee:-

It was resolved:-


·                    To note the report and the update provided.


·                    To refer the Audit Committee’s concerns with regard to Data Protection compliance within the Authority to the Executive with the request that it considers and provides assurance to the Audit Committee on the following matters –


·        That an appropriate level of resources is allocated to ensure that shortcomings in data protection compliance are remedied fully and properly.


·        That disciplinary action be considered as an option in responding to any future data protection breaches.  


·        That the Authority’s staff are provided with training on all data protection policies.


·        That all Heads of Services are reminded of their data protection responsibilities within their respective services and the importance thereof.


The Chair of the Audit Committee drew the Executive’s attention to the concerns raised by the Audit Committee on 11th December, 2013 with regard to Information Governance.


RESOLVED to refer the concerns of the Audit Committee to the SLT for consideration, with a request that they submit a status report to the Executive in March.


Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 594 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources).


Reported by the Head of Function (Resources) – That Council Tax Benefit was replaced in April, 2013 by the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.  The County Council on 24th January, 2013 adopted a Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2013-14 only.  The County Council was required to implement a new scheme for 2014-2015 and the proposed scheme was outlined at Appendix B of the report.


The Portfolio Holder stated that this was an Assembly scheme but one which would not be fully funded by them. A budget provision of £400k was required to meet the shortfall which would be monitored in budget monitoring reports to the Executive. He did not consider the shortfall acceptable or sustainable and hoped that this message would be relayed to the Assembly.


Councillor Bob Parry, OBE, on behalf of Councillor Dylan Rees enquired as to whether the Council will be submitting an application for the maximum amount by the 14th January deadline in respect of the additional funding of £1.3m made available for Discretionary Housing Payments to Welsh Local Authorities?


The Portfolio Holder in response stated that an application would be submitted by the deadline stipulated.


RESOLVED to recommend to the County Council as follows:-


  To note the making of the County Council Reduction Scheme and prescribed Requirements (Wales) Regulations (“the Prescribed Requirements Regulations”) by the Welsh Assembly on 26th November, 2013 and the proposed making of the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Prescribed Requirements and Default Schemes)(Wales)(Amendment) Regulations by the Welsh Assembly on 14th January, 2014.


  To note the outcome of the consultation exercise undertaken by the Council on the renewal of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2014-15.


  To adopt the Scheme as set out in Appendix B of the report.


The Executive's Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 426 KB

To submit the report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services.


Submitted - The report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services seeking approval of the Executive’s Forward Work Programme for the period February to - July, 2014.


The Head of Function (Council Business) requested an addition to the FWP by means of an item to both the Executive and the County Council in February on a revised Whistleblowing Policy.


RESOLVED to confirm the updated work programme for the period February - July, 2014, subject to the inclusion of an additional item to the Executive and to the County Council in February on a revised Whistleblowing Policy.


Informal Carers - Commissioning Intentions and Priorities pdf icon PDF 375 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Adults’ Services).


Submitted – The report of the Head of Adults’ Services seeking Executive approval to the Informal Carers of Adults and Young Carers – Local Commissioning Intentions and Priorities.


RESOLVED to endorse:-


  The proposed vision to underpin our support of all Informal Carers (paragraph 2.2 of report refers).


  Local Performance and direction of travel against the National Performance Framework (paragraph 2.5 of the report refers).


  The proposed strategic priorities for Anglesey (paragraph 2.10 of report refers).


  The medium term outline Improvement Plan (Appendix 3 of report refers).


Aberffraw Conservation Area Character Appraisal pdf icon PDF 403 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection.


Submitted -The report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection seeking Executive approval to support the submission of the document to the next Full Council for adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) in order to follow due process for its adoption in order to help safeguard the character of the Aberffraw Conservation area.


RESOLVED to approve the Aberffraw Conservation Area Character Appraisal and support its submission to the next Full Council for adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG).


The Council's Cycling Strategy pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To submit the report of the Head of Environmental and Technical Services.


Submitted -The report of the Head of Environment and Technical Services seeking Executive approval for the Isle of Anglesey County Council Cycling Strategy.


RESOLVED to approve the Cycling Strategy for use as a lead document for the development of cycle facilities on Anglesey.


Income - Car Parks pdf icon PDF 427 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Environmental and Technical Services.


Submitted - The report of the Head of Environment and Technical Services providing an update to the Executive with regards to the recommendations of a Parking Task and Finish Panel established in 2011 to review parking income.  The report also sought Executive approval for the introduction of measures that would increase parking revenue for 2014/15 in accordance with income targets which includes proposed new pay and display sites.


The Executive were advised by the Monitoring Officer that, as season ticket holders, they had an interest in this matter, but the interest was not prejudicial provided the same charges would apply to them, as to the public.


Concerns were raised by Councillor J. Griffith and answers were provided by the Officer in respect of proposed pay and display charges at Church Bay and the proposal to increase season ticket fees, in particular the concessionary fees for pensioners.


Councillor A. Morris Jones wished it to be minuted that the Executive did not support the introduction of double yellow line restrictions outside the car park at Church Bay.


Councillor R. Meirion Jones raised concerns expressed by Menai Brdige retailers in respect of giving an opportunity to park for short periods of time and that the first hour be free.




  To provide the opportunity for community groups to lease and manage car parks originally considered by the Task and Finish Panel as potentially new pay and display sites.  Where no agreement is reached by 31st March, 2014, to approve the County Council’s decision to instigate consultation for the introduction of pay and display car parks at the following sites:-


     High Street/Gwelfor Car Park,


     Benllech Square


     Porth Swtan/ChurchBay



  To approve the introduction of pay and display parking conditions at the following locations:-


     Stanley Crescent, Holyhead

     Station House, Llangefni


  To approve the introduction of restrictions that would continue to provide free parking but limit the maximum duration of parking to 1 hour in car parks adjacent to the Library/Medical Centre, Benllech;


  To approve the increase in the price of parking as referred to within the report, applicable from 1st April, 2014 with regard to the following:-


     Permanent Pay and Display Sites

     Seasonal Pay and Display Sites

     Parking Season Ticket;


  To approve other fees and charges associated with the possession or partial possession of a car park for a purpose other than for parking being £80-£100 per week for a site requiring 4-6 parking bays, applicable in all parking sites with smaller request charged proportionally.  Also the approval that charitable and community events be exempt from these charges;


  To approve Option 2 with regards to the provision of free parking prior to Christmas in car parks where pay and display conditions normally apply.


Compulsory Purchase of Land - Bethel and Valley pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Environmental and Technical Services.


Reported by the Head of Environmental and Technical Services - That following lengthy negotiations with landowners at both Gorad Road, Valley and Bethel, Bodorgan, agreement had not been reached on a fair price to purchase land to complete highway improvement schemes that are vital to the safety of road users, particularly pedestrians in both instances.


RESOLVED to authorise relevant officers within the Environment and Technical Service to proceed with the Compulsory Purchase of land for the highway improvement schemes at both Gorad Road, Valley and Maes Glas, Bethel.


Strategic Outline Programme and Modernising Strategy pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To submit the report of the Director of Lifelong Learning.


Submitted - The report of the Director of Lifelong Learning seeking Executive approval regarding the underlying principles of the School Modernisation Strategy and the associated Strategic Outline Programme.




  To adopt the underlying principles of the Modernisation Strategy;


  To approve the submission of the SOP to Welsh Government;


  To authorise the Portfolio Leader for Lifelong Learning to develop a communication strategy to be implemented on approval of the SOP by Welsh Government.


CSSIW Annual Letter pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To submit the report of the Director of Community.


Submitted -The report of the Director of Community requesting the Executive to formally accept the letter and views expressed by the Inspectorate with reference to the performance of the Social Services functions within the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2013/14.


RESOLVED to accept the CSSIW letter.


Proposed Establishment of Health and Social Care Integrated Delivery Board for Anglesey pdf icon PDF 186 KB

To submit the report of the Director of Community.


Submitted - The report of the Director of Community seeking Executive approval to secure endorsement to establish an Integrated Delivery Board within the Council’s governing arrangements; the nomination of 2 elected members to sit on the Board, and to agree to the timescale with the expectation that the Board is operational by April 2014.


Councillor A. Morris Jones wished to minute his appreciation to the staff for their work in this respect and in providing for the needs of Anglesey. He looked forward to seeing the Board operational.




  To establish the Board, which will include two elected members, to be operational from the 1st April, 2014.


  That the Board agrees its work programme which will come within the Council’s governance arrangements.


Statement of Intent on Integrated Care for Older People with Complex Needs pdf icon PDF 307 KB

To submit the report of the Director of Community.


Submitted - The report of the Director of Community seeking Executive approval of the Joint North Wales Statement of Intent for submission to Welsh Government by 31st January, 2014 in response to the requirement set out in the ‘Framework for Integrated Services for Older People with Complex Needs’ published in July, 2013.




  To accept the first iteration of the North Wales Statement of Intent – that includes contributions from the Isle of Anglesey County Council – for submission to Welsh Government by BCUHB and the 6 counties by 31st January, 2014 in order to conform with the statutory requirements set out in the document ‘Framework for Integrated  Services for Older People with Complex Needs’.


  To authorise the Community Director to collaborate with BCUHB and the 6 other local authorities across the North Wales region and locally here on Anglesey through the proposed Integrated Delivery Board for Health and Social Care that we intend to establish to strengthen and provide robust governance arrangements to identify priorities to draw up a Work Programme for the delivery of integrated services for older people with complex needs.


Exclusion of the Press and Public pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To consider adoption of the following:-


“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test”.


Following legal advice from the Monitoring Officer, the Executive resolved to deal with this item in the public domain subject to the proviso that any discussion upon the contractors in question would need to be taken in private session.


The North Wales Schools and Public Buildings Contractor Framework

To submit the report of the Head of Environment and Technical Services.


Reported by the Head of Environmental and Technical Services -That the Procurement Strategy for the Construction Procurement North Wales project was a collaborative project funded by Welsh Government, led by Denbighshire and Flintshire County Councils on behalf of the 6 North Wales authorities whose aim is to set up a regional framework agreement for major construction works over the Official Journal of European Union (OJEU) threshold for construction works valued at over £4.35m, which is a pre-qualified group of contractors that any authority can  appoint through a mini competition without going through a lengthy OJEU process for each individual project, leading to significant cost and time savings.


The Executive resolved to agree to the proposed Strategy on 11th February, 2013 for Construction Work in North Wales to include construction projects over £4.35m for the 21st Century Schools Programme and also for construction works over £4.35m.


RESOLVED to note the contents of the report.