Agenda, decisions and minutes

The Executive - Monday, 14th March, 2016 10.00 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Ann Holmes / Mairwen Hughes 


No. Item


Declaration of interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


Additional documents:


No declaration of interest received.


Urgent matters certified by the Chief Executive or his appointed officer

No urgent matters at the time of dispatch of this agenda.

Additional documents:


None to report.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 195 KB

To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on the following dates:-


  8th February, 2016

  22nd February, 2016 (Extraordinary)

Additional documents:


The minutes of the previous meetings of the Executive held on 8th February, 2016 and 22nd February, 2016 (Extraordinary) were presented for confirmation.


It was resolved that the minutes of the previous meetings of the Executive held on the following dates be approved:-


   8th February, 2016

   22nd February, 2016 (Extraordinary)


Minutes for Information pdf icon PDF 166 KB

To submit for information, the draft minutes of the Voluntary Sector Liaison Committee held on 15th January, 2016.

Additional documents:


Submited, for information, the draft minutes of the meeting of the Voluntary Sector Liaison Committee held on 15th Janury, 2016.


It was RESOLVED to note for information, the draft minutes of the meeting of the Voluntary Sector Liaison Committee held on 15th January, 2016.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 568 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Democratic Services.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Democratic Services incorporating the Executive’s Forward Work Programme for the period April to November 2016 was presented for the Executive’s approval.

The Head of Democratic Services updated the Committee on the contents of the Work Programme as follows :-

Items new to the Work Programme

Item 6 – Syrian Refugees scheduled for 25 April, 2016;

Item 9 – Llawr y Dref, Llangefni – Business Case scheduled for 25 April, 2016;

Item 11 – New Destination Anglesey Management Plan 2016-2020 scheduled for 25 April, 2016;

Item 18 – Review of the Schools Modernisation Strategic Programme scheduled for June, 2016;

Item 19 – Additional Learning Needs – Revised Anglesey and Gwynedd Partnership arrangements scheduled for June 2016;

Item 20 – Purchase of land to improve the A5025 scheduled for June 2016;

Item 27 – Transformation of the Youth Service scheduled for September 2016.

Slippage on the Work Programme

Rescheduled to 29 April, 2016  - Item 3 – Welsh Language Policy;

Rescheduled to May, 2016 – Item 15 – Transformation of the Culture Service.

The Head of Democratic Services further reported that a Special Meeting of the Executive is to be held on 4th April, 2016 to consider the item on Gypsy and Travellers following the recent public consultation.

It was RESOLVED to confirm the Executive’s updated Forward Work

Programme for the period from April, 2016 to November, 2016, subject to the changes outlined at the meeting.





Strategic Equality Plan 2016-2020 and Annual Equality Report 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 1004 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Democratic Services.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer seeking approval to the Council’s Strategic Equality Plan 2016 -2020 and Annual Equality Report 2014/15 for publication by 31 March, 2016 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Policy and Strategy Manager said that this is a good example of collaboration across North Wales as the plan is based on a set of joint objectives which were formulated by the North Wales Equalities Board.


It was RESOLVED to approve the Council’s Strategic Equality Plan 2016/2020 and the Annual Equality Report 2014/15 for publication by 31 March, 2016.


Corporate Scorecard - Quarter 3, 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 478 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Transformation.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Corporate Transformation was presented in relation to the Corporate Scorecard Monitoring Report – Quarter 3 (2015/16) for the Executive’s consideration. 

The Portfolio Holder (Executive Business, Performance Transformation, Corporate Plan and Human Resource) stated that he was satisfied with the general improvement in services within the report.  He stated that the improvement in the short-term sickness record within this quarter is not as was expected and maybe this was attributed to the recent job evaluation results which may have had an impact on the sickness record.  It was hoped that the short-term sickness record will improve during the next quarter. 

The Chief Executive said that the Senior Leadership Team is continuing to monitor the results of the corporate scorecard and especially when the performance of certain services which are not performing as expected.   

It was RESOLVED to note the areas which the SLT is managing to secure improvements into the future as per section 1.3 of the report along with the mitigation measures as outlined.



2015/16 Revenue Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 340 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Portfolio Holder (Finance) said that the overall projected financial position for 2015/16 with regard to services is an overspend of £390k; this is less than 1% (0.31%) of the Council’s net budget for 2015/16.  This is a significant improvement on the forecast overspend of £980k which was reported during quarter 2.  The predicated outturn includes an overspend of £475k on Children’s Services which is a result of overspend on looked after children.  The Executive was requested to fund this from the Council’s general reserves.  The forecast also includes £350k overspend as part of Highways and Transport outturn which is the result of significant damage caused by the exceptional flooding and storms which have affected the Island.  The Executive is requested to fund this from the Council’s Insurance Earmarked Reserve.


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To note the position set out in respect of financial performance to date;

·           To approve the funding of £476k from the Council’s general reserves to fund the overspend on Children’s Services;

·           To approve up to £350k from the Earmarked Insurance Reserve to fund the cost of flood damage, if required;

·           To approve up to £250k from the Earmarked Insurance Reserve to cover the cost of storm damage to leisure centre roofs, as required.


2015/16 Capital Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 358 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer was presented to the Executive for consideration.


The Portfolio Holder (Finance) said that the report sets out the financial performance of the Capital budget for the third quarter of the financial year.  He stated that further work needs to be undertaken to sell the Council’s asset to generate income for the authority.


The Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer stated that there are concerns with the progress of three schemes resulting in a risk that capital grant funding may be lost i.e. 21st Century Schools project, Vibrant and Viable Places (VVP) Grant and the Llangefni Link Road scheme.  He said that every effort will be made to ensure that the capital grant funding is spent.


It was RESOLVED to note the progress of expenditure and receipts against the capital budget.


Third Sector Funding Code pdf icon PDF 933 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer was presented for the Executive’s consideration with regard to approving the revised Compact Agreement between the Council and the Third Sector which included the Anglesey Code of Practice for Funding the Third Sector.


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To approve the Anglesey Compact which was set out in Appendix 1 of the report;

·           To approve the Anglesey Code of Practice on Funding the Third Sector which was set out in Appendix 2 of the report;

·           To approve the Volunteering Code of Practice which was set out in Appendix 3 of the report.


Discretionary Housing Payments Policy 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 565 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer was presented for the Executive’s consideration with regard to the operation of the Local Discretionary Housing Payment Policy (DHP) and the Department of Works and Pensions schemes during the financial year 2015/16 and any changes in the future. 


The Development Manager (Revenue and Benefits) outlined the main issues with the Discretionary Housing Payments to the Executive.  He noted that following the welfare reform measures of April 2013, demand for DHP increased substantially.  The Council’s DHP policy has been updated and amended annually due to the increased demand and the effects of revised DHP guidelines for making awards.  The Officer noted that the main changes that have become apparent locally during the current financial year are the effects of the Spare Room Subsidy (bedroom tax), substantial growth in the volume of applications for ‘one off’ costs such as rent deposits, removal cost and rent in advance.


The report referred to the Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) which was introduced in April 2013.  Due to the restructure of the Revenues and Benefits Section, the staffing resource available for DHP administration will be reduced to one FTE.  Given that DAF applicants now have access to a range of agencies to support the application process, withdrawing the facility from the DHP team should not create any problems for potential applicants.


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To approve the revised Local Discretionary Housing Payment Policy (DHP) Scheme from 4 April, 2016 for 2016/17 and subsequent years;

·           To ensure that total DHP spend for the financial year remains broadly in line with the amount allocated for the scheme by the Department for Work and Pensions(DWP);

·           To allow the Revenues and Benefits Service to withdraw the Discretionary Assistance Fund service currently provided by the DHP team.


Partnerships Policy pdf icon PDF 642 KB

To submit the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Partnerships, Community and Service Improvement).

Additional documents:


The report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Partnerships, Community and Service Improvement) was presented to the Executive for consideration.


The Health & Social Care Impact Officer referred to the 6 Partnership Work-Streams which was highlighted within the report.  The Partnership Policy enclosed as Appendix 1 to the report focuses on partnerships where the Council chooses to work with other organisations in the private, public and voluntary sector.  The Policy also summaries the Council’s vision for partnership working and supplements the individual partnership statements that already exist i.e. Isle of Anglesey Compact (partnership agreement with the Voluntary Sector), the Shared Community Charter with the Town and Community Councils on the Island. 


It was RESOLVED :-


·      To approve the definition of partnership, as noted in the report, as a basis for the partnership work-streams over the next period;

·      To approve the Policy Document as a robust foundation for partnership work;

·      To request that the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee comments on the robustness of the Policy Document as a basis for the Council’s partnership work and also as a framework to inform our monitoring arrangements by the Scrutiny Committees.


Supporting People Commissioning Plan 2016/2019 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To submit the report of the Head of Housing Services.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Housing Services was presented to the Executive for consideration as the Supporting People Programme is a policy and funding framework initiative by the Welsh Government that provides housing related support for a range of diverse but equally vulnerable groups of people. 


The Portfolio Holder (Housing & Social Services) stated that Welsh Government has requested that there is a requirement to establish better alignment between the grant funded programmes i.e. Supporting People Programme Grant, Communities First, Flying Start and Families First and how these programmes can work together.  He stated that he intends to convene a meeting with Officers of the Council and Communities First in the near future to ensure that the grant funding is spent in the most appropriate way for the benefit of our local communities.


The Principal Development Officer (Housing Services) outlined the report to the Executive and highlighted the main issues raised. 


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To approve the recommendations of the Supporting People Commissioning Plan 2016/2019;

·           To approve the allocation of funding per service, as outlined in Supporting People Commissioning Plan document.


Housing Revenue Account 30 year Business Plan 2016-2046 and HRA Housing Capital Programme 2016 to 2017 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To submit the report of the Head of Housing Services.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Housing Services was presented to the Executive for consideration.


The Portfolio Holder (Housing & Social Services) said that the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2016/17 will be submitted to the Welsh Government for approval and it is the intention of this Council o start building 50 new Council houses over the next 4 years.


The Head of Housing Services reported that this year will see more than £2m being invested in building new Council housing on the Island with some 15 units being considered in Pentraeth, Llanfaethlu, Valley and Holyhead.  Consultation has taken place with the stakeholders and new Housing Services Board which has recently been established this year. 


The Chair referred to the inclusion within the HRA Business Plan for the acquisition of further 15 units of long term empty ex-Council owned properties lost through the Right to Buy schemes back to the ownership of the Council Housing stock. The Housing Business Manager said that a capital programme of £11m has been included within the HRA Business Plan and £4m from the capital programme has been identified for the provision of buying back ex-Council owned properties. The reminder of the capital will be used for improvement to the current housing stock in the ownership of the County Council. 


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To approve the draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2016/2046, and in particular the HRA budget for 2016/2017 as set out within the Plan, for submission to the Welsh Government;

·           To approve the proposed Housing Capital Programme for 2016/2017.


Application to suspend Right to Buy (RTB) pdf icon PDF 425 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Housing Services.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Housing Services was presented to the Executive for consideration with regard to submitting an application by 25th March, 2016 to the Welsh Government to suspend the Right to Buy scheme for five years for Council tenants in a bid to help meet the growing demand for affordable rented properties for young families.


The Housing Business Manager reported that a consultation was undertaken with tenants and 540 have responded with 76% agreeing with the proposal to suspend the Right to Buy scheme.


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To approve submitting an application to the Welsh Government to suspend the Right to Buy for Council tenants;

·           To authorise the Head of Housing Services and the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer to sign off the application to be sent to the Welsh Government by 25th March, 2016.


Additional Learning Needs - Revised Anglesey and Gwynedd Partnership Arrangements pdf icon PDF 455 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Learning.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Learning was presented to the Executive for consideration.


The Portfolio Holder (Education) stated that both authorities are in agreement that the Gwynedd and Anglesey SEN Joint Committee arrangements need to be reviewed in order to face the new challenges in light of new legislation and reducing budgets. 


The Head of Learning reported that numerous meetings have taken place with Officers from Gwynedd Council and the SEN Joint Committee to plan and prepare for the revised service.  She noted that the report submitted to the Executive at today’s meeting is to give an outline of the collaboration arrangement to ensure improvement in the effectiveness of the service. She further noted that a detailed report will be submitted to the Executive in June, 2016 outlining a plan of revised governance and accountability structure between both authorities.


Councillor R. Meirion Jones, a Member of the Special Educational Needs Joint Committee expressed his support for the need to review the future partnership arrangements in light of new legislation and budgetary constraints.


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To collaborate with Gwynedd Council Officers and the SEN Joint Committee to remodel the current workforce within the SEN Joint Committee, with a view to adopting a new staffing structure between September 2016 – April 2017;

·           To collaborate the Gwynedd Council Officers and the SEN Joint Committee to remodel the workforce currently within the inclusion service by September 2017;

·           To plan the new partnership to provide savings of 10% or approximately £500k over two years, to be fully implemented by 2018/19;

·           To plan a revised governance and accountability structure between both authorities, to be presented to the Executive by June 2016;

·           To plan a transitional period of dual governance between the current SEN Joint Committee and the revised Anglesey Gwynedd Additional Learning Needs Partnership;

·           To action the revised commission and governance arranagements by September 2017.