Agenda, decisions and minutes

Virtual Meeting (At present, members of the public are unable to attend), The Executive - Monday, 21st March, 2022 10.00 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Contact: Ann Holmes 


No. Item

The Chair welcomed everyone present to this meeting of the Executive and she extended a particular welcome to Mr Dylan Williams, the former Deputy Chief Executive to his first meeting as Chief Executive of the Isle of Anglesey County Council and wished him well in the post. Given that the current Administration was drawing to a close, the Chair took the opportunity to thank her fellow Executive members for their work and support over the past five years.



Declaration of interest

To receive any declaration of interest from a Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

Additional documents:


Declarations of interest were made under item 10 below.



Urgent matters certified by the Chief Executive or his appointed officer

No urgent matters at the time of dispatch of this agenda.

Additional documents:


None to report.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 340 KB

To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 3 March 2022.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 3 March, 2022 were presented for confirmation.


It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 3 March, 2022 be approved as correct.



The Executive's Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 345 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Profession – HR and Transformation (and Interim Head of Democratic Services).

Additional documents:


The report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services incorporating the Executive’s updated Forward Work Programme for the period from April to November, 2022 was presented for the Executive’s consideration and the following changes were highlighted –


·         Items 18 to 21 – Quarter 2 2022/23 performance and budget monitoring reports which are new items for the Executive’s November, 2022 meeting.


It was resolved to confirm the Executive’s Forward Work Programme for the period April to November, 2022 as presented.



Scorecard Monitoring Report - Quarter 3, 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 611 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Profession, HR and Transformation.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Profession (Human Resources) and Transformation incorporating the Corporate Scorecard setting out the position of the Council against its operational objectives at the end of Quarter 3 2021/22 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


Councillor Dafydd Rhys Thomas, Portfolio Member for Corporate Business presented the final corporate scorecard report for the current Administration and said that it was encouraging to note that 85% of Corporate Health Performance Indicators are performing well against targets while 82% of Performance Management Indicators are performing above or within 5% tolerance of their targets. The Portfolio Member for Corporate Business referred to a number of standout areas in relation to bringing empty properties back into use, street cleaning and the increase in the number of people benefitting from the Exercise Referral Scheme. Some areas of underperformance have been identified and are being addressed as outlined within the report. Overall the Council’s performance is holding up well with thanks being due to the Council’s staff and its contractors for their commitment over what has been a challenging period.


Councillor Dylan Rees, presented Scrutiny’s assessment of the Scorecard performance report from the Corporate Scrutiny Committee’s 7 March, 2022 meeting highlighting areas of performance that were challenged by the Committee and confirming that having taken assurance from the clarifications provided by Officers and Portfolio Members, the Committee had recommended the Scorecard report and mitigation measures to the Executive.


The Executive welcomed the report and the solid performance it reflected; reference was made to areas of improvement over the course of reporting including attendance at work which now stands at 6.67 days lost to absence per FTE against a challenging target of 6.19 days compared to a target of 9.78 days lost  to absence per FTE set in 2017. In Education the performance in relation to Indicator 4 – the percentage of pupils assessed in Welsh at the end of the Foundation Phase at 87% was highlighted as something to take satisfaction in as was the fact that no Anglesey school is in special measures. The use of the Council Tax Premium to bring empty properties back into beneficial use was also highlighted enabling the  the Council to recover what would otherwise be a wasted resource at a time of housing need, and to also address what is often a source of community concerns. Additionally, it was noted that the performance trend for the majority of indicators is now upwards.


It was resolved to accept the Scorecard monitoring report for Q3 2021/22, to note the areas which the Senior Leadership Team are managing to secure improvements into the future and to accept the mitigation measures as outlined in the report


Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Housing Services incorporating the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2022 to 2052 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


Councillor Alun Mummery, Portfolio Member for Housing and Supporting Communities presented the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan for 2022 to 2052 which set out the priorities and investment requirements of the Council’s housing stock over the period. The Portfolio Member for Housing and Supporting Business commended the Plan as testimony of the activities undertaken through the Housing Revenue Account and as a strategic programme of development and improvements looking forwards to the future. Those activities include the development of new housing in several areas; the reacquisition of former council properties; the installation of Solar PV systems as part of energy performance work improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon usage, and continued investment in an apprenticeship programme to address skills shortage.


The Head of Housing Services reported that the aim is to increase the Council’s housing stock to over 5,000 units by the end of the Plan period. The Business Plan demonstrates the Council’s commitment both to continue developing new housing in areas where there is need to include a range of different tenures, and to maintaining and improving on the Welsh Quality Housing Standards in connection with existing stock.


Councillor Dylan Rees confirmed that the Corporate Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 7 March, 2022 having discussed issues in relation to tenants’ profile, the availability of capacity and skills to deliver the decarbonisation agenda and factors influencing rent levels had resolved to recommend approval of the HRA Business Plan to the Executive.


The Executive acknowledged Housing achievements over the course of a number of years including the proactive and innovative approaches taken by the Housing Service to address the housing challenge on the Island. Also recognised was the Service’s role in improving communities and the contribution it made working as a critical service during the pandemic. The Executive welcomed the HRA Business Plan as representing the continuation of the Service’s vision for improving housing for the people of Anglesey.


It was resolved to approve the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2022-52.



Progress Report: Social Service Improvement pdf icon PDF 316 KB

To submit a report by the Director of Social Services.

Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Social Services setting out recent progress in Social Services was presented for the Executive’s consideration. The report highlighted improvements both in Children and Families’ Services and in Adults’ Services.


The Chair and Portfolio Member for Social Services reported that the Social Services Improvement Panel has continued to meet and recently received a presentation by the Director of Social Services showing the distance travelled since 2017. The presentation demonstrated not only an improvement in the performance indicators but also a continued pattern of improvement. Given that the Service did not have a culture of using data effectively back in 2017, the data to date shows a different picture which give assurance to the most vulnerable children, their families and senior leaders and elected members of the Council that their needs continue to be met. Additionally, the number of children looked after by the Authority has now reduced from a peak of 160 in the last 6 months to 144 currently which can be attributed to a number of factors. Reducing the number of looked after children has meant a considerable amount of work for the Service’s’ social workers, and the work they have produced in order to achieve a robust plan is to be thanked. In Adults’ Services there have been effective partnerships with Housing and the third sector which it is hoped to extend while also developing new resources such as the Additional Care Homes. During this period, the virtual access to day opportunities and access to technology have been strengthened to reduce isolation and produce a positive effect on individuals.


The Chair highlighted some of the specific developments and initiatives in Children and Families Service and Adults’ Services as documented in the report.


The Head of Adults’ Services confirmed that all statutory duties continue to be fulfilled and despite the challenges of the pandemic, progress had been made with the transformation programme. While some areas are the focus of service improvement, overall the progress made since 2017 has been considerable and dependency on temporary staff has also reduced in the period.


The Executive acknowledged the progress made since 2017 which has placed Social Services on a sound footing enabling the Service to face future challenges from a position of strength. The Executive thanked the Service’s staff whose contribution had been integral to progress.


It was resolved to accept the report and to take assurance that the continued progress made by Social Services is reasonable and timely.



Housing Support Grant Programme Strategy 2022-26 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Housing Services incorporating the Housing Support Grant Programme (HSP) Strategy 2022-26 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


Councillor Alun Mummery, Portfolio Member for Housing and Supporting Communities presented the report and he commended the strategy to the Executive.


The Housing Services Manager (Strategy, Commissioning and Policy) advised that the Housing Support grant is a Welsh Government funded programme which brings together the previous Welsh Government funded programmes of Supporting People; Homelessness Prevention and Rent Smart Wales. It aims to provide housing support to people to maintain and maximise their independence.  The HSP Strategy is a requirement on Housing Services by Welsh Government and it provides the strategic direction for homeless prevention and housing support services in Anglesey; it recognises the five key pillars of prevention as outlined in the report and is aligned with the Housing Strategy. The HSP Strategy will be in place for the next 4 years and will be reviewed mid-term. As part of formalising the HSP Strategy a public consultation process was held (details provided) and ongoing stakeholder involvement forms part of the strategy. One year delivery and spend plans are appended to the Strategy as is a five year Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan  which sets out how the Council will make the transition to a Rapid Rehousing mode of homelessness services.


Councillor Dylan Rees, Vice-Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee provided feedback from the Committee’s 7 March, 2022 meeting and reported that the Committee in recommending approval of the HSP Strategy had raised the matter of provision for refugees and issues in relation to homelessness.


It was resolved –


·         To approve the Housing Support Grant Programme Strategy 2022-26 and Delivery Plan

·         To agree to the proposed Spend Plan in accordance with Welsh Government HSG Guidance and requirement (included as Annex 3 within the Delivery Plan)

·         To approve the Rapid Rehousing Transition Work Plan April, 2022 – March, 2027.



Exclusion of the Press and Public pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To consider adopting the following:-


“Under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during the discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test.”

Additional documents:


It was considered and was resolved Under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during the discussion on the following item on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the Public Interest Test presented.



Response to the Local Housing Challenge – Housing Developments over 10 Units – Parc y Coed Estate, Llangefni and Bryn Glas, Brynsiencyn

To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.


The report of the Head of Housing Services seeking the Executive’s approval for housing development at Parc y Coed Llangefni and Bryn Glas, Brynsiencyn was presented.


Having sought the advice of the Interim Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer, Councillors Ieuan Williams and Robin Williams declared a prejudicial interest in this item as members of the Planning and Orders Committee and they withdrew from the meeting when the matter was discussed and voted upon.


Councillors Glyn Haynes and Dafydd Roberts (not members of the Executive) who were present at the meeting also declared an interest as members of the Planning and Orders Committee and subsequently withdrew.


Councillor Alun Mummery, Portfolio Member for Housing and Supporting Communities presented the report and recommendations.


The Head of Housing Services reported that the Coed y Parc estate is a large private housing development by Parkfield Homes located at Lôn Talwrn, Llangefni comprising over one hundred new homes. Planning permission has been granted for the development and included a Section 106 condition binding the developer to providing a proportion of the development as affordable housing. The developer is ready to start building the first 12 affordable homes all of which are 2 bedroomed properties. The developer has contacted the Housing Service to offer to sell the affordable homes to the Council; subject to the Executive’s approval the next step would be to agree terms with the developer to build the 12 Council houses with the intention of renting them as intermediate rent homes or selling them as part of the Service’s Shared Equity policy. It is felt that a large number of social rent housing developments are currently being built by Housing Associations in Llangefni and that alternative tenures should be on offer to local residents in order to best meet their needs.


DU Construction Ltd. has submitted a full application and proposed plan to the Housing Service for 12 new homes on land adjacent to Bryn Glas Estate, Brynsiencyn to  include a mix of 7 two bedroomed properties, 4 three bedroomed properties and 1 four bedroomed property. Subject to the Executive’s approval, and subject also to the developer obtaining full planning permission, the Service’s intention would be to offer a range of tenures including social rent, intermediate rent and to sell some of the new homes through the Service’s Shared Equity Policy.



The Council’s Housing Prospectus shows a need for homes such as those proposed in both Llangefni and Brynsiencyn and initial models have shown both schemes to be financially viable.


It was resolved –


·         To delegate powers to the Housing Service to proceed to agree terms for the purchase of 12 new homes at Parc y Coed estate, Llangefni that will be available to rent or purchase through the Shared Equity Scheme as affordable homes by the Housing Service in response to the local housing challenge.

·         Subject to the developer obtaining full planning permission for the proposed development, to delegate powers to the Housing Service to proceed to agree  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.