
Pay and Grading Review Panel - Thursday, 21st February, 2013 10.30 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Proposed venue: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

No. Item


Declaration of Interest


No declaration of interest was received.




The minutes of the meeting held on 29 November, 2012 were confirmed.


Matters Arising


Councillor W.I. Hughes raised the issue of the ‘Job Families’ presentation not being on the agenda. The Interim Head of Human Resources explained that it had been deferred until the next meeting to enable further work on the Anglesey version which would provide Members with a greater understanding of how it would impact.


ACTION : Agreed that the presentation on Job Families with an Anglesey slant be put on the agenda of the next meeting.


Exclusion of the Press and Public


RESOLVED to adopt the following :-


“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public were excluded from the meeting during discussion on the following items as they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test.”


Terms and Conditions Update


The Interim Head of Human Resources gave an update to the Panel on the Terms and Conditions.


She reported on the progress to date on the withdrawal of the essential car allowance scheme and noted that travelling expenses will be paid at the same rate of 52.2p for essential and casual users. It was noted that the travelling allowance will be subject to tax reduction.


Members questioned if ‘fleet’ vehicles could be used for Council business by staff. The Officer responded that fleet vehicles are available but historically staff have preferred to use their own vehicles for Council business.


RESOLVED to note the report.


ACTION : That an update report be submitted to the next meeting of this Panel.


Draft Pay Policy Statement


Submitted – a report by the Human Resources Officer (Strategy) in relation to the above.


The Officer reported the document has been before this Panel at the last meeting and Unions representations have been sought. She noted that the Draft Pay Policy Statement will be submitted to the full Council at its meeting to be held in March.


Members questioned the difference between the National Minimum Wage and the ‘Living Wage’ to the lowest paid employees. The Officers responded that the authority pays £6.29 to the lowest paid employees at present. The ‘Living Wage’ to the lowest paid employees has been raised nationally in recent weeks; the authority is reviewing its position but is currently not intending to adopt this initiative.


RESOLVED to note that the Draft Pay Policy Statement will be submitted to the full County Council at its meeting to be held on 5th March, 2013.




·      That the Pay Policy Statement be submitted to the full County Council on 5th March, 2013.


·      That the cost of paying the living wage be calculated and brought to the attention of Members at the next meeting.


Job Evaluation - Project Plan


The Interim Head of Human Resources gave an update to the Panel on the Job Evaluation progress and circulated a copy of the Project Plan for Members information.


She noted that immense work will be required to reach the deadline of rolling out the job evaluation of all posts by April 2014 which is the date of anticipated implementation of the scheme. Details of the processes required were outlined to the Panel. The Officer further gave brief details of the Equal Pay Claims received to date and the process that such claims will need to be undertaken.


Members expressed their concern to the amount of work the Human Resources Section will encounter in respect of the job evaluation scheme and questioned if the section had enough resources to cope with such a task. The Interim Head of Human Resources agreed that the small team within Human Resources Section are facing a huge task in dealing with the job evaluation scheme at certain points of the action plan e.g. appeals. She considered that her section will have to concentrate all their activities on the job evaluation scheme and especially in respect of appeals in respect of scoring.


RESOLVED to note the report and that concerns be brought to the attention of the Chief Executive in respect of the workload the Human Resources Section will be facing in the next months in respect of work entailed with the job evaluation scheme.




·           Concerns be forwarded to the Chief Executive in respect of the workload of the Human Resources Section in respect of the job evaluation scheme.


·           That the Interim Head of Human Resources presents a Draft Equal Pay Strategy at the next meeting.


·           That an update report be provided by the Interim Head of Human Resources on progress of project plan highlighting matters achieved and what is needed to be achieved to keep on track.


Local Government Services Pay 2013/14


The Interim Head of Human Resources reported for information, that correspondence had been received from the WLGA requiring political views on the current pay negotiations.  She noted that following negotiations with Union representatives and local authorities a general consensus view has emerged amongst the majority of Councils that there should be an appropriate pay offer.


RESOLVED to note the report for information.




Heads of Service Review


The Interim Head of Human Resources noted that the Deputy Chief Executive has requested that a Special Meeting of the Pay and Grading Panel to convened at the end of March to discuss the review of Heads of Service within the authority.


RESOLVED to note that a Special Meeting be convened in March to discuss the Heads of Service Review.


ACTION : Arrangements be made for a Special Meeting to be convened in March to discuss the above matter.