A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Committee Room, Council Offices, Llangefni / Zoom
Contact: Shirley Cooke
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest from a member or officer in respect of any item of business. Minutes: None received. |
To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the previous SACRE meeting held on 21 February 2024. Minutes: The draft minutes of the previous SACRE meeting held on 21 February 2024 were presented and confirmed as correct.
Matters arising from the minutes: -
• A correction was noted in Item 5 of the minutes, which should have read ‘Friend of Friendless Churches’, not Friend of Friendliest Churches. • It was confirmed that the SAC’s next learning walk to Ysgol Gyfun, Llangefni, will take place in the New Year. • With reference to the SAC’s project on religious and spiritual settings on Anglesey, it was confirmed that the Archives Team have commenced work on collating resources for schools. • It was confirmed that the SAC’s draft Annual Report will be presented to the SAC’s next meeting. |
Wales Association of SACREs (WASACRE) · To submit for information, the draft minutes of the Carmarthenshire WASACRE meeting held virtually on 5 March 2024.
· To receive an update from the WASACRE’S Annual General Meeting held on 13 June 2024 at Wrexham University. Minutes: The draft minutes of the WASACRE meeting held virtually on 5 March 2024 were submitted for information and noted.
The SAC’s co-opted member reported that he attended the WASACRE’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 13 June 2024, and gave an update on agenda items discussed at the meeting.
It was noted that the WASACRE’s annual subscription fee is due for payment, which remains at £495.00.
The Independent RE Advisor reported that as the Anglesey SAC subscribes to WASACRE, Anglesey schools are entitled to access resources on the WASACRE website via specific passwords, which will be rolled out to schools.
RESOLVED that the Senior Primary Manager agrees to pay WASACRE’s annual subscription fee of £495.00 for this year’s membership. |
Religious and Spiritual Settings on Anglesey Open discussion. Minutes: The Senior Primary Manager reported that resources prepared by the Archives Team on religious and spiritual settings will be available in digital format for schools. Schools will be able to select information according to their subject areas within their curriculum.
Next term, the Archives Team will be presenting information and artefacts relating to St Seiriol, with links to specific historical locations and churches within the Southeast area of Anglesey, which will also be shared with the SAC.
RESOLVED to note the information presented. |
Welsh National Centre for Religious Education To receive a presentation by Dr Gareth Evans-Jones on the work of the Welsh National Centre for Religious Education. Minutes: Due to technical issues encountered during the meeting, this item will be re-scheduled.
RESOLVED that Dr Gareth Evans-Jones be invited to attend the SACRE’s next meeting to provide an overview of the RE Centre’s work. |
Diocese of Bangor To receive an update on the work of the Diocese. Minutes: A presentation was given by Nia Edwards from the Diocese of Bangor on the Llan Project, which is part of the Church in Wales’s Pererin Pilgrimage Project. She reported that pilgrimages, Welsh language resources and community initiatives are being developed, e.g. walking spiritual routes and exploring churches. She stated that the Church will be launching two new websites soon, i.e. www.pererin.com, and a new website for schools, www.pererinysgolion.cymru.
It was noted that the Cadfan pilgrimage path in Gwynedd is nearing completion and will be launched in September. The Diocese will commence work on the St Cybi and St Seiriol walks on Anglesey from Spring 2025. The scheme will benefit all schools on Anglesey through school visits, workshops and information packs to promote the Church’s work and the importance of Christianity in the context of local history. A film is also being produced, which will be launched in schools.
Planning support will be provided to teachers and schools to look at themes and the big questions to ensure that tasks fit in with the new Curriculum for Wales. It was noted that progress steps include developing local pilgrimages for schools and further visits to secondary schools.
• To note the information presented. • That the Primary Senior Manager distributes copies of the Pilgrimage Project presentation to the SAC. |
Analysis of Anglesey Estyn Reports To receive and analyse Estyn's recent Inspection Reports. Minutes: The Independent RVE Advisor provided a synopsis of Anglesey Estyn reports published between April 2023 and May 2024, and analysed spiritual, moral, social and cultural principles in his report.
It was noted that comments on collective worship, spiritual development and even RVE are limited in Estyn reports. However, Estyn is obliged to report on schools who do not meet the requirements, and in such cases will comment on spiritual development, often in terms of collective worship provision.
The Independent RVE Advisor reported that Estyn will use a new Inspection Framework from September 2024. Under the new system, schools will be chosen at random, and may be inspected more than once a year, or not at all.
The 5 current headings for inspections with change to the following 3 headings under the new Framework: -
• Wellbeing and attitudes to learning; • Teaching and learning experiences; • Care, support and guidance.
It was noted that one school has been inspected as a pilot under the new Inspection Framework, and a summary of comments has been included in the report.
No concerns were raised in respect of the schools inspected.
RESOLVED to note the information presented. |
Update by WJEC on GCSEs and A Levels Update by Mr Christopher Owen, WJEC, on GCSEs and A Levels. Minutes: Mr Christopher Owen, WJEC reported that the criteria for the new Religious Studies qualification has been received from Qualification Wales, and is currently in its development stage.
The new qualification will consist of two examination papers and two non-exam assessments (NEA). The NEA is being rolled out across all Humanities subjects, and it is expected that the final specifications for History, Geography and Religious Studies will be published in late September. Specimen Assessment Materials (SAMs) will follow, which will include support materials for the two new NEAs.
In January/February 2025, a detailed guidance for teachers will be produced alongside the specification, which will be released in September 2024, a year before the first teaching in September 2025.
A rollout of resources will be available on the WJEC website to support the teaching of the new qualification. There will be some aspects of the GCSE course that teachers will be familiar with, as well as new material.
From February to March 2025, 12 events will be held across Wales, where specialist teachers will attend in person to support RS teachers and provide guidance on the new specification, early in the preparation stages.
RESOLVED to note the information presented.
Update by the Director To receive an update by the Director of Education, Skills and Young People. Minutes: This item was not discussed. |
Any Other Matters Any other matters - with prior agreement of the Chair. Minutes: • The Primary Senior Manager reported that he is currently working on the SACRE’s draft Annual Report, which will be presented to the next SACRE meeting.
RESOLVED to present the SAC’s draft Annual Report to the next SACRE meeting on 17 October 2024.
• The Chair highlighted that currently there are 2 vacant seats on the SACRE for members of the County Council.
RESOLVED that the Primary Senior Manager contacts the Head of Democracy to request that 2 new members be appointed to fill the vacant seats on the SAC. |
Next Meeting The SAC’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 17 October 2024 at 2:00 pm.
Minutes: It was noted that the SAC’s next meeting will be held on Thursday, 17 October 2024 at 2:00 pm. |