A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions
Contact: Shirley Cooke
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest from a Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Additional documents: Minutes: None received. |
To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the meetings held on the following dates:-
• 25 March 2019 • 2 May 2019 (Extraordinary) • 14 May 2019 Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on the following dates were confirmed as correct:-
• 25 March 2019 • 2 May 2019 (Extraordinary) • 14 May 2019 |
Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales - Electoral Review 2019 - Anglesey PDF 1 MB To submit a report by the Head of Democratic Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted - a report by the Head of Democratic Services on the above.
The Head of Democratic Services reported that the Isle of Anglesey County Council had been requested to prepare proposals in response to the above. A cross party panel of 8 Members had been established to develop proposals and make recommendations. The panel met on four occasions between July and September 2019 to develop proposals.
The Commission gave a presentation to Members in June 2019 on the process of conducting the review, the Council’s contribution to the work of drawing up the proposals, and the timetable.
The Head of Democratic Services reported that stakeholders were asked to present their initial recommendations to the Commission by 10 October 2019. An Extraordinary County Council meeting would be held on 7 October 2019, for approval. He also noted that, following acceptance of the initial recommendations, the Commission will develop and publish its draft proposals in Spring 2020, with final recommendations presented to Welsh Government in Winter 2020, following a consultation period. The changes will be implemented across Wales in time for the 2022 local elections.
The Commission’s methodology recommends an Authority of 33 Members based on 1 Member to 1,549 electors. It was noted that the panel has observed the Commission’s criteria; reviewed the number of Members; wards and their boundaries; Members in each ward; and ward names. The panel has concluded that there is worthy cause to increase the number of Members, and has developed proposals that recommend increasing the number to 35, within 14 electoral divisions.
The Chair proposed that the name of the ‘Parc a’r Mynydd’ ward be changed to ‘Porth a’r Mynydd’. It was suggested that the three local Members consider the matter, and discuss further/make recommendations to the Extraordinary County Council meeting on 7 October 2019.
RESOLVED to recommend that the Democratic Services Committee:-
• Considers the Panel’s proposals in Appendix 1. • Subject to any further observations, to recommend to the County Council that the proposals are accepted as the County Council’s initial response. • Notes that this Committee will need to consider the Commission’s draft proposals in the Spring of 2020, and make recommendations to the County Council. |
Member Development and Training PDF 2 MB To submit a report by the Human Resources Development Manager as presented to the Standards Committee held on 17 September, 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted - an update report by the Human Resources Development Manager on the Member Training and Development Plan, as presented to the Standards Committee on 17 September 2019.
The HR Development Manager reported that the Development Plan is an evolving document, which is regularly reviewed and adapted to meet the training needs of Members, following input from the Senior Leadership Team, Group Leaders, the WLGA and other external agencies. She stated that the Standards Committee had requested that the Development Plan be circulated on a quarterly basis to the SLT and relevant officers, to raise awareness of training opportunities for Members and co-opted members.
The Standards Committee had showed concern that some training sessions had been poorly attended, and requested further information regarding Members’ attendances at training. The Standards Committee felt that Group Leaders should be reminded to encourage their Members to attend training.
The following points were highlighted during discussion:-
• An Elected Members Training Programme has been compiled by HR, which is on display in the Members’ lounge. • The uptake of electronic course evaluation forms has been limited, even though Members are encouraged to complete the forms online. • Members are encouraged to record and publish details of training/courses they have attended/declined online. • With reference to E-Learning, developments have taken place in relation to the NHS E-Learning Platform, which will result in the system becoming more user friendly. Accessibility to E-Learning modules via I-pads will also be enhanced. • ICT have produced a handbook for Members, which is available on MonItor. Drop-in sessions have been arranged to assist Members with any ICT issues. • The GDPR Powerpoint presentation hosted in February 2019 can be accessed via MonITor. Additional mandatory training session have been arranged for the Autumn, and members of the Standards Committee and co-opted members will be invited to attend. • Equalities and Diversity Training - Mandatory training sessions have been organised for the Autumn, and members of the Standards Committee and co-opted members will be invited.
• To note and accept the Member Training and Development Plan. • To circulate the Member Training & Development Plan to the Standards Committee and Democratic Services Committee every quarter. • To request that Group Leaders remind Members of the need to attend mandatory and other training sessions. |
Member related issues PDF 452 KB To submit a report by the Head of Democratic Services as presented to the Standards Committee held on 17 September, 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted - an update report by the Head of Democratic Services on various Member related matters. The report was presented to the Standards Committee on 17 September 2019.
The Head of Democratic Services reported that 28 Members have now completed and published their Annual Reports for 2018/19 online. He stated that two Members have not submitted Annual Reports for the period, and their Group Leader has been informed.
With regard to arrangements for the preparation of Annual Reports for the current financial year, a report would be submitted to this Committee in due course.
The Head of Democratic Services reported that the WLGA’s Wales Charter for Member Support and Development was awarded to the County Council and officially presented to the Council in July for a period of three years.
RESOLVED to note progress as detailed in the report.
Work Programme 2019/20 PDF 13 KB To submit the Work Programme for 2019/20. Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted - a report by the Head of Democratic Services in accordance with the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, on the Committee’s function of reviewing the Council’s provision of staff, accommodation and resources to fulfil the functions of democratic services.
In developing the Work Programme for 2019/20, it is recommended that the Committee should focus on the following areas:-
• The Member Development and Training Plan including Personal Development Reviews; • Webcasting of meetings; • Members Annual Reports; • Independent Remuneration Panel Annual Report; • Relevant Welsh Government consultation including electoral arrangements.
RESOLVED to accept the report. |