A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Canolfan Ebeneser, Llangefni
Contact: Shirley Cooke
No. | Item |
Chairperson To elect a Chairperson for the Committee. Minutes: Councillor Alun Mummery was elected Chairperson of the Liaison Committee to the end of March, 2018. |
Vice-Chairperson To elect a Vice-chairperson for the Committee. Minutes: The election of Vice-Chair was deferred until the Liaison Committee’s next meeting. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest from a Member or Officer regarding any item of business. Minutes: No declaration of interest was received. |
• To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the meeting held on 12th January, 2017.
• To submit for information, the minutes of the previous meetings scheduled for 13th July, 2017 and 11th January, 2018. Additional documents: Minutes: The draft minutes of the meeting of the Voluntary Sector Liaison Committee held on 12th January, 2017 were presented and confirmed as correct.
Arising thereon:-
Item 6 - Community Voice
Ms Lindsey Williams, Medrwn Môn gave an update on the Community Voice project, which terminated at the end of March, 2017. She stated that funding has been extended, under the guidance of the new Community Voice Portfolio until 31st March, 2018, with additional funding allocated to “Llais Ni” (Anglesey’s Youth Council). It was noted that the portfolio would continue to be involved in projects relating to building communities post March 2018, and work previously adopted by Community Voice would continue through the Service & Engagement Board. |
Third Sector Group To receive a progress report by the Chief Officer, Medrwn Môn. Minutes: This item was not discussed. |
Draft Action Plan for the Voluntary Sector Liaison Committee To receive an update on the draft Action Plan for the partnership between Anglesey County Council and the Health Board (BCUHB). Minutes: The Chief Officer, Medrwn Môn presented the Committee with a draft Action Plan, titled ‘Together’, for the joint partnership between Anglesey County Council, Medrwn Môn and the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB). She stated that the Action Plan is an active document, which is continually evolving.
• The Chief Officer, Medrwn Môn to discuss further the draft Action Plan with officers from the Council; • That a further update be submitted to the next meeting. |
Terms of Reference for the Committee To review the above. Minutes: The Head of Democratic Services presented the Committee’s ‘Terms of Reference’ to review its content.
The Chief Officer, Medrwn Môn referred to Item 2 - that there are currently two vacant seats for Third Sector membership on the Liaison Committee. It was noted that the Sector has three elected members on the Committee at present.
It was RESOLVED that:-
• the Committee’s ‘Terms of Reference’ be amended as follows:-
• Section 3-8 - that the term ‘Board’ be amended to ‘Committee’; • Section 6 - that the Committee convenes three times a year with the proviso that additional meetings may be scheduled if required.
• the Chief Officer, Medrwn Môn to advertise the two vacant posts for Third Sector representatives on the Liaison Committee. |
The Executive's Forward Work Programme To submit for information, a report by the Head of Democratic Services as presented to the Executive on 29th January, 2018. Minutes: The Executive’s Forward Work Programme for the period from February to September 2018 was presented for information and noted.
The Head of Democratic Services reported that the Work Programme is updated monthy, and presented to the Third Sector for information. This provides an insight to the Sector, and baseline information to support engagement/input with the Sector. |
Next Meeting To note that the Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for 2.00 pm on Tuesday, 10th July, 2018 at the Council Offices, Llangefni. Minutes: It was agreed that the next meeting of the Liaison Committee be held at 2.00 pm on 10 July 2018 at the Council Offices, Llangefni. |