Agenda and minutes

Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 12th March, 2015 2.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Mairwen Hughes 

No. Item




Apologies as noted above.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


Councillor W.T. Hughes wished it be noted that he declared in respect of Item 6 that he lives near the A5025.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January, 2015.


The minutes of the meeting held on 14 January, 2015 were confirmed.


Well-being of Future Generations Bill and Key Priorities of Gwynedd & Ynys Môn pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To submit report by the Senior Partnerships Manager (Gwynedd & Ynys Môn) in relation to the above.


Submitted – a report by the Senior Partnerships Manager (Gwynedd & Ynys Môn) in relation to the above.


The Senior Partnerships Manager gave a presentation to the Committee on implications of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill and the emerging key priorities of the Gwynedd and Ynys Môn Local Services Board.  She advised that the key objective of the Bill was for public bodies to improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of Wales in accordance with sustainable development principles. 


The Bill cited 6 wellbeing goals :-


·        A prosperous Wales (the economy);

·        A resilient Wales (the environment);

·        A Healthier Wales;

·        A more equal Wales;

·        A Wales of cohesive communities;

·        A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language.


There would be an expectation upon every public body to set and publish well-being objectives which would aim to ensure a contribution towards realising these goals and to publish an annual report on achievements.


The Senior Partnerships Manager reported that the Local Services Board would become statutory Public Services Boards with three levels to their membership i.e. Statutory Members, Invited Participants and Other Partners.  All partners would not therefore be on an equal footing to the future with the statutory responsibilities of the Bill being with the Statutory Members. 


There would also be a responsibility to prepare a Well-being Plan (to replace the Single Integrated Plan) with the timetable being in synergy with the timeline of local government elections.  There would be an expectation upon Public Services Boards to seek the advice of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and forward a copy to Ministers, The Auditor General and the local Scrutiny Committees.  It was anticipated that the National Assembly scrutiny process associated with the introduction of the bill would continue over the coming weeks with a view to receiving Royal Assent by April 2015.   It was anticipated that all public bodies would be subject to the duties of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Bill from April 2016 although the details of the milestones associated with the duties of the proposed Act had not yet been finalised. 


The Senior Partnership Manager further reported one of the key tasks over the past few months had been to support the Board to agree a small number of key priorities to be delivered over the next few years.  The Local Services Board at its meeting convened on 28 November, 2014 confirmed the key priorities which were noted within the report.


At a meeting of the Informal Executive convened on 26 January, 2015 consideration was given to the implications of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill.  The recommendations were noted within the report.


Issues raised by Members :-


·           The implementation of the Bill would pose a financial challenge for local authorities during the economic downturn;

·           The implications of the Bill were far-reaching covering the breadth of the Council’s duties and Local Authorities needed to keep abreast of developments in respect of this matter.




·           Note the decision of the Informal Executive at its meeting held  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Annual Community Safety Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To submit report by the Community Safety Delivery Manager for Gwynedd and Anglesey in relation to the above.


Submitted – a report by the Community Safety Delivery Manager for Gwynedd and Anglesey in relation to the Annual Community Safety Partnership.


The Community Safety Manager reported that the Community Safety Partnership is required to formally report to this committee on an annual basis to provide an overview of activities undertaken over the previous twelve months.  This ensures that the Partnership meets its obligations under Section 19 and 20 of the Police and Criminal Justice Act 2006.  Local Authorities have a statutory duty under the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act, and the subsequent amendments by the 2002 and the 2006 Police and Justice Act, to work in partnership with the Police, Health Service, Probation and Fire/Rescue Service to address the local community safety agenda. 


The two County partnership structure has now been in place for two years, sitting under the two County Local Services Board (LSB). 


The Community Safety Regional Board is now an advisory committee and has agreed main tasks which was noted in the report.


The Community Safety Manager reported that rates of recorded crime continued to fall.  In Anglesey there were 628 fewer crimes reported (-19%) and in Gwynedd there were 1493 fewer crimes reported (-20%).  This has been contributed to by the following specific reductions :-


·        97 less violence against a person offences, a 11% reduction;

·        55 fewer non domestic burglaries, 25% reduction;

·        118 fewer incidents of theft and handling, 15% reduction;

·        66 fewer drug related incidents, 32% reduction. 


The Community Safety Partnership’s Strategic Plan is now a regional plan, the North Wales plan is currently in draft form.  Priority areas were highlighted within the report. 


Inspector Mark Armstrong stated that the partnership working with the Community Safety Partnership has been imperative to the work to reduce crime in Gwynedd and Anglesey. 


Issues raised by Members :-


·           The work of the Police Support Officers have been highly valued by the local communities;

·           Crime against the elderly not highlighted within the report;

·           Need to tackle over speeding by young people to reduce serious accidents and fatalities;

·           The effect the proposed Probation Service privatisation will have on the Community Safety Partnership in respect of the reduction in support for offenders when they come out of prison;

·           The rise in the population on the Island when the proposed Wylfa Newydd will be constructed.  Concerns expressed into the requirements of potential crime on the Island;




·           To note the contents of the report;


·           If practical, future Annual Report’s to include more information regarding age distribution data regarding crime victims together with statistics in respect of deaths caused by dangerous driving.


ACTION : That the Annual Community Safety Partnership be submitted  Partnership and Scrutiny Committee in 2016.


Partnership working proposals in relation to securing improvements to the A5025 and other highways to facilitate the development proposals of Horizon Nuclear Power. pdf icon PDF 244 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Environment and Technical Services in relation to the above.


Submitted – a report by the Head of Environment and Technical in respect of the process of discussions with Horizon Nuclear Power in relation to potential highway construction and improvement works required to the A5025 and other highways in order to facilitate the construction and operation of the proposed new nuclear power station at Wylfa. 


The Head of Environment and Technical reported that Officers have had informal discussions with Horizon Nuclear Power over the past 18 months on a number of issues connected with the development of Wylfa Newydd.  The discussions with Officers identified a number of issues which required further consideration in the context of progressing the consenting of these works.  They include design, planning, procurement, consultation and land acquisition.


It was noted that the report will be discussed at the Executive to be held on 16th February, 2015.


Issues raised by Members :-


·           Concerns expressed that the highway from Cemaes to Amlwch has not been included for improvements;


·           It is important that North Wales based contractors should be utilised for highway improvement works;


·           The safety of children and parents walking to local schools should be paramount during highway improvement works;


·           A Park and Ride should be considered for the transfer of workers to and from Wylfa Newydd during construction.


It was RESOLVED to accept the report and the recommendations contained therein for discussion at the Executive to be held on 16th March 2015.


ACTION : To receive an update report in due course in respect of the progress in connection with the improvements to the A5025.



Early Years Budget pdf icon PDF 22 KB

To submit a report by the Education Officer in relation to the above.


Submitted – the report of the Education Officer in respect of the above.


The Corporate Director (Lifelong Learning) reported that following discussions last year on the Early Years Budget the Council formed a Task and Finish Group to discuss the budget in detail aiming for an agreement on the way forward.  Membership of the Group were elected members, representatives of Mudiad Meithrin and the Wales Pre-School Providers Association, Headteachers of Primary Schools and Authority Officers.  Agreement was reached following a series of meeting on the level of support for the Early Years. 


The Authority provides contribution towards the costs of running the individual settings so as to ensure the provision of the statutory 10 hours a week education for children from the beginning of the term following their third birthday until they start school.  It was recognised that the Authority needs to change the way it contributes to the individual settings as there is a wide difference in numbers.   Historically the smaller settings, those with up to 16 children within the statutory age, receive finance based on the provision of two staff members and a contribution towards the purchase of resources.  Those with higher numbers received finance for an extra staff member for every 8 pupils above the 16.  These settings also received a higher contribution for resources. 


Members of the Committee wished to thank the Task and Finish Group for their work in respect of this matter. 


RESOLVED to note the report.


ACTION : That the Executive will discuss the item in due course.


Update by the Chair or Vice-Chair


The Chair stated that he and Councillor Carwyn Jones had attended the Enterprise Island Board recently and noted that reports will be submitted to both Scrutiny Committees on the VVP funding secured for development and project on Anglesey.




Work Programme pdf icon PDF 172 KB

To submit a report by the Scrutiny Officer.


Submitted – the draft Work Programme.


The Scrutiny Officer stated that he had received a request by Councillor Carwyn Jones to invite representatives from the major energy developers who intend to develop on the Island :-

·           Horizon Nuclear Power’s new nuclear build at Wylfa;

·           Upgrading of National Grid’s electricity transmission network;

·           Land & Lakes’ leisure and housing development in Holyhead;

·           Lateral Power’s biomass plant in Holyhead;

·           Decommissioning of Wylfa nuclear power station (Magnox);

·              Marine Current Turbines’ tidal array off the North West coast of   Anglesey. 

RESOLVED to note the draft Work Programme and to invite the Chief Executive of Land & Lakes (Anglesey) Ltd to a meeting of this Committee to discuss employment prospects arising and its economic vision for the project.