A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Virtual, Live Streamed Meeting (at present members of the public are unable to attend)
Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: As noted above. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Minutes: None received. |
To submit a report by the Director of Social Services in relation to the above. Minutes: Submitted – a report by the Director of Social Services in relation to the above.
The Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Social Services said that it is a requirement within the Part 9 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 that each Regional Partnership Board prepares, publishes and submits its Annual Report to Welsh Government. The Act requires that local authorities make arrangements to promote co-operation with their relevant partners and others, in relation to adults with needs for care and support, carers and children. It places a duty on relevant partners to co-operate with, and provide information to, the local authorities for the purposes of their social services function. She expressed that whilst the Authority participates within the Partnership Board it also take advantage of the opportunities which have resulted from Board.
The Head of the Regional Collaboration reported that whilst the pandemic has affected the planned projects of the Partnership Board it continued to meet virtually on a monthly basis. The Board continues to review the main principles within the Act and makes sure that the priorities of the Board is sustainable and addresses the requirement in relation to care and support of children and adults. She noted that the purpose of Part 9 of the Act is to improve outcomes and well-being of people, as well as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. The key aims of co-operation, partnership and integration relates to:
· To improve care and support, ensuring people have more say and control; · To improve outcomes and health and wellbeing; · Provide co-ordinated, person centred care and support; · Make more effective use of resources, skills and expertise.
The Head of the Regional Collaboration further said that Welsh Government has issued an updated Part 9 Statutory Guidance in January 2020 and the North Wales Regional Partnership Board is working in line with this Guidance. The main changes relate to additional membership, additional focus on outcomes for children and young people and further focus on integration of services. She referred to the pilot work stream undertaken by the Isle of Anglesey County Council as regard to ‘pooled budget and Welsh Government have welcomed the project undertaken as it is the first Regional Partnership Board in Wales in successfully rolling out the ‘pooled budget’ scheme; it is anticipated that Welsh Government will be rolling out the ‘pooled budget’ scheme to other Regional Partnership Boards as good practise. A total of £3.4m has been sourced from ICF funding towards 40 projects on the Island.
The Committee considered that report and maid the following points:-
· Questions were raised as to the location the 40 projects which have received ICF funding on the Island. The Director of Social Services responded that the projects are provided across the Island as regards to specific needs i.e. Cartrefi Clyd which are located within communities where buildings are available within schools catchment areas. He further said that other projects have incorporated the third sector where funding has been ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Public Services Board Annual Report 2020/21 PDF 637 KB To submit a report by the Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board in relation to the above. Minutes: Submitted – a report by the Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board in relation to the above.
The Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Service Board reported that the work of the Public Service Board has been affected by the pandemic and also priorities of the partnership organisations having to be changed. However, the partner organisations have worked closely together to support the local communities during the global health crisis. She noted that the report is structured to refer to the progress of the work of the four sub-groups of the Board. The leaders of the Board’s sub-groups are members of the Public Services Board, and it has been their responsibility to report on progress during the period 2020/21. They reported that progress had slowed as responding to the crisis and addressing the recovery of local communities has taken priority. The Board established four operational sub-groups :-
· Climate Change - the Sub-Group was established to encourage collaboration among public organisations on mitigating the impact of climate change, and in particular the impact of coastal and inland flooding on communities. Discussions were undertaken within the Public Service Board to the need to work closely with communities to hold necessary conversations about what is important in relation to climate change and flooding in particular. In addition, Natural Resources Wales and both Gwynedd and the Isle of Anglesey County Council need to discuss their priorities in respect of climate change whilst it must be considered that the local authorities have their own climate change priorities and there will be a need to avoid duplication in the work undertaken and to ensure that the work of the Climate Change Sub-Group add value and supports the climate change programme.
· Homes for local people – the Sub-Group was originally asked to establish a joint working regime in the housing sector and to develop more suitable and affordable homes in the right places. A number of the Board’s partners already had plans to develop affordable housing but one benefit of working together was to achieve economies of scale – namely joint housing development to reduce development costs and to be able to focus on developing innovative housing. She said the Homes Sub-Group has considered and agreed that their work is coming to an end as there is no further value that they could add to work already being undertaken in housing by individual organisations. The Board will therefore need to reconsider this priority and agree the way forward.
· Integrated Health and Social Care – the Sub-Group work in the health and social care field proved to be key importance during the pandemic and as especially to the work carried out for the recovery of local communities thereafter. New ways of working have been developed virtually which have been of benefit to the multi-disciplinary teams. Weekly meetings were also arranged among partners during the emergency period to discuss the most pressured services and to offer joint responses. A willingness to work together and adapt to challenging ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
North Wales Economic Ambition Board Annual Report and Quarter 4 Growth Deal Report PDF 2 MB To submit a report by the North Wales Economic Ambition Board Portfolio Director in relation to the above. Minutes: Submitted – a report by the North Wales Economic Ambition Board Portfolio Director in relation to the above.
The Portfolio Holder for Major Projects and Economic Development said that the North Wales Economic Ambition Board is an opportunity to regenerate the economy of North Wales after the pandemic and Brexit.
The Leader of the Council said that she wishes to see the Growth Bid for North Wales being successful and that the projects are delivered to take advantage of the funding available. She expressed that the Island has innovative projects as part of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board growth bids.
The North Wales Economic Ambition Board Portfolio Director gave a brief slide presentation to the Committee as follows:-
The Growth Bid Portfolio
· Spending Objectives over the next 15 years - to create between 3,400 and 4,200 net new jobs in North Wales. · GVA – to support a net additional GVA uplift of between £2 billion and £2.4 billion for the North Wales economy through the Growth Bid Deal by 2036. · Investment – to deliver a total investment of up to £1.1 billion in the North Wales Economy through the Growth Bid Deal by 2036.
The intention of the Growth Bid is to build a thriving and sustainable economy in North Wales with the main aim of having an inclusive sustainable growth which is part of the Future Generations Act.
The Programmes
· Digital Programme – deliver a step change in digital connectivity needed to ensure North Wales is able to satisfy user demand, maintain pace with the rest of the UK, unlock the growth potential of priority sectors and site and underpins the flourishing innovation ecosystems. Create up to 380 jobs by 2036. Total investment £41.7m
· Land and Property Programme – to address the shortage of suitable land and properties for business growth and to bring forward sites for housing development. To deliver improvement that stimulate investment in sites and premises in the Port of Holyhead and the wider region. Create 2,280 jobs by 2036. Total investment £355.4m
· Low Carbon Energy Programme – to unlock the economic benefits of transformational low carbon energy projects and position North Wales as a leading UK location for low carbon energy generation, innovation and supply chain investment. Create 980 jobs by 2036. Total investment £668.5m
· Innovation in High Value Manufacturing Programme – to consolidate North Wales position as a powerful and innovative high value manufacturing cluster, building on existing specialism and leading expertise to create a higher value, more diverse economic base that supports the transition to a low carbon energy. Creates 180 jobs by 2036 Total investment £39.5m
· Agrifood and Tourism Programme – the aim is to build a more sustainable, vibrant and resilient foundation economy within the region, optimising opportunities for employment and prosperity through our environment and landscape. Creates 380 jobs by 2036. Total investment £41.3m
Mr Hedd Williams gave a report on the Quarter 4 Performance Report to the Committee. He noted that the focus this quarter has ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Forward Work Programme PDF 449 KB To submit the Forward Work Programme. Minutes: Submitted – a report by the Scrutiny Officer.
· To agree the current version of the forward work programme for 2021/22; · To note progress thus far in implementing the forward work programme. |