A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Hybrid Meeting - Committee Room, Council Offices, Llangefni & virtually through ZOOM
Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: As noted above. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Minutes: None received. |
To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 September, 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 September, 2024 were confirmed as correct.
Arising thereon
The Chair referred to the ‘actions’ required following the last meeting and noted that Members of the Committee have received, as requested, reports as regards to ‘Overview of work undertaken by Anglesey County Council to raise awareness regarding the Cost of Living, together with a ‘follow-up’ report by MônCF following questions at the meeting held on 12 September, 2024. He noted that the report on ‘Bus Routes in Rural Areas’ is still awaited.
Strategic Partnership - Menter Môn To receive a presentation by Menter Môn. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed Mr Dafydd Gruffydd, Managing Director – Menter Môn to the meeting to present an overview of the services provided by Menter Môn.
The Chair sympathised with the staff of Menter Môn who have lost a valued member of staff recently.
Mr Dafydd Gruffydd, Managing Director – Menter Môn said that Menter Môn was established by the County Council in 1995, and a decision was undertaken to establish the company as a ‘not for profit’ company in 1996 to deliver the EU LEADER programme, which sought to develop solutions to challenges faced in rural areas. Projects in the early years included the Ynys Môn Red Squirrel project, the restoration of Swtan Cottage, the establishment of Gwyl Cefni and the development of the coastal path and Lôn Las Cefni. The company has developed over the years, delivering regional and national projects, but the range and emphasis of work on Ynys Môn has remained constant. Schemes such as Menai Rivers, which protect the Water Vole, the work of the Menter Iaith, maintaining Aberlleiniog Castle, supporting Anglesey Youth Theatre and organising Gwyl Cefni. The company now employs 85 staff, who work on projects and contracts ranging from business support, renewable energy, to environmental conservation and SMART technology. He further said that most of the work carried out regionally and nationally are through contracts, with any surplus retained within the company to support its various projects as noted within the report. One of the largest project is Morlais, which aims to add value to the tide and bring benefits to Ynys Môn by creating jobs, supporting supply chains and generating income for community project. Mr Gruffydd further said that Brexit posed a significant threat to Menter Môn as the EU was the main source of funding for most of the company’s projects. As a result of this uncertainty the company expanded its portfolio, with exploring new areas and developing income generating activities. Menter Môn has revisited the aims of the company and consider the main areas to unlock the potential of people and resources to secure the future of communities. The aims are to support and nurture people; strengthen the economy; enhance the environment and celebrate our culture. However, the uncertainty is ongoing especially within community activities. The SPF funding continues possibly until March 2025 and ARFOR funding also until March 2025 with a possible extension; these schemes employ 25 staff.
Mr Gruffydd referred to Menter Môn’s commitments on Anglesey and how they align with the Council’s Plan 2023-2028. These align with strategic objectives set out within the Council’s Plan, and particularly the Welsh language, the economy and climate change as set out within the report. He further referred that Menter Môn consistently engages with a range of groups and communities across the Island. Menter Môn does not receive core funding and therefore all activities, including engagement, must relate to a contract or grant scheme. Nevertheless, Menter Môn is keen to build a stable relationship with communities and improve communication. He ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
GwE Annual Report for the Isle of Anglesey : 2023/2024 To receive a report by the Director of Education, Skills and Young People. Minutes: Submitted – a report by the Director of Education, Skills and Young People for consideration by the Committee.
The Chair welcomed Mrs. Gwenno Jones, Mrs Sharon Vaughan and Mr Rhys Williams from GwE to the meeting.
The Portfolio Member for Education and the Welsh Language said that this is the GwE’s Annual Report for the Isle of Anglesey : 2023/2024. He said that the Local Authority works in a close and effective partnership with GwE. GwE is the regional education consortium for North Wales and works in partnership with Anglesey’s Learning Service in terms of improving schools, sharing good practice, knowledge and skills, increasing local strengths and building capacity. The reports highlight the main strengths of schools in Anglesey and priorities that need to be further developed. He noted that there has been good work undertaken within the schools regarding the Curriculum for Wales. He further said that a review of the ‘middle tier’ roles and responsibilities of the education system in Wales was undertaken between July 2023 and December 2023. The review looked upon the role of the regional consortia, local authorities and the National Academy for Educational Leadership, with the aim of clearly identifying their roles and responsibilities and funding streams. It has been noted that there will be a move away from existing arrangements for regional support to a partnership between local authorities which will allow for more local approaches. In light of this, GwE will come to an end as a service from 1 April, 2025. He noted that joint working between local authorities is undertaken to ensure that the transitional arrangements are in place to ensure that schools receive suitable support during this period.
The Director of Education, Skills and Young People reported that there has been close collaboration between the Education Authority and GwE. The Annual Report before this Committee refers to the work undertaken in 2023/2024.
In considering the report, the Committee discussed the following main matters:-
Education Scrutiny Panel : Progress Report To submit a report by the Chair of the Education Scrutiny Panel. Minutes: The Chair of the Education Scrutiny Panel, Councillor Gwilym O Jones said that this is the fourth progress report of the Panel which covers the period February – October, 2024. He noted that the Panel met on five occasions during this period and considered the following matters :-
· Schools Improvement Guidance : Framework for Evaluation, Improvement and Accountability (Welsh Government); · The Welsh Language; · Measure the Impact of Leadership; · Estyn Inspections – Welsh Government update; · Digital Environment in Schools; · GwE Anglesey Annual Report : 2023/2024; · Schools Placed in Category, Estyn Follow-Up or Receiving Additional Support · Scrutiny Panel work programme for the period April – October, 2024.
Councillor Euryn Morris said that he appreciated that the Education Scrutiny Panel report is submitted to this Committee and noted that the Social Services Scrutiny Panel nor the Finance Scrutiny Panel reports on the work undertaken. He considered that it was important that both these Scrutiny Panels reports on their work so that other elected members, who are not on these Panels, are aware of the progress made.
The Chair said that the Finance Scrutiny Panel reports to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee. He noted that he would raise the issue in the Chairs and Vice-Chairs Forum at its next meeting.
It was RESOLVED to note the progress made during the last period in terms of the work of the Education Scrutiny Panel.
ACTION : As noted above.
Committee Forward Work Programme for 2024/2025 To submit a report by the Scrutiny Manager. Minutes: The report of the Scrutiny Manager setting out the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee’s indicative Forward Work Programme for 2024/2025 was presented for consideration.
· To agree the current version of the forward work programme for 2024/2025; · To note the progress thus far in implementing the forward work programme.