Agenda, decisions and minutes

Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 19th June, 2024 2.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Hybrid Meeting - Committee Room, Council Offices, Llangefni & virtually through ZOOM

Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes 

No. Item




As noted above.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


None received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the following meetings:-


·       Minutes of the meeting held on 17 April, 2024;

·       Minutes of the meeting held on 21 May, 2024 (Election of Chair/Vice-Chair)

Additional documents:


The minutes of the following meetings were confirmed as correct:-


·       Minutes of the meeting held on 17 April, 2024

·       Minutes of the meeting held on 21 May, 2024 (Election of Chair/Vice-Chair)


Welsh Language Annual Report - 2023/2024 pdf icon PDF 474 KB

To submit a report by the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer.


The Welsh Language Annual Report was presented for the Committee’s consideration and for comment prior to its submission for delegated approval by the Portfolio Member for publication.


The Portfolio Member for Education and the Welsh Language said that in accordance with the Welsh Language Standards Regulations 2015 the Council must prepare an Annual Report regarding the compliance with the standards.  He referred that there has been an increase in staff receiving Welsh language training over the year and the National Centre for Learning Welsh has supported the Council.  He further said that it was pleasing that the Welsh Language Commissioner and Care Inspectorate Wales have praised the Authority that it has met all the Welsh language standards. 


The Head of Democracy reported that the Annual Report has been structured in accordance with the requirement of the Welsh Language Commissioner and to comply with the headings that is required to be reported upon. He further said that the Anglesey perspective has also been incorporated within the report to highlight the wider successes attained within the Authority during the last year.


In considering the report the Committee raised the following issues:-


·         Reference was made to the impacts on the recruitment process for posts that are challenging to fill and the requirement, in some services, to recruit people who need additional training and support to develop their Welsh language skills and to what extent does a focus on the Welsh language limit the ability to attract individuals to posts requiring a set of specialist skills?  Further questions were raised that there are 178 staff with language skills of 0 – 1 Welsh language skills with only 27 having received training.  The Head of Democracy responded that it is essential that the Council provides training to staff to support their language skills. He noted that the Welsh language is considered a crucial skill with levels of language skills varying depending on the requirements of the role of a specific post.  If there is a change in the language skills of a post discussions need to be undertaken within the Recruitment Panel.  He further said that some posts only require the lower level of language skills, and that level will remain part of that post.  It is recognized that there is a requirement to invest more to increase the linguistic skills of staff. The recruitment of some specialised posts is challenging to fill for a number of reasons including  linguistic requirements, but support and training is available to improve their Welsh language skills.  The Chief Executive said that the robustness of the Welsh Language Policy and the expected language skills is a way of measuring improvements of staff linguistic skills and the Welsh culture of the Authority.  He further said that there is an expectation when an individual within a team is having an affect on front line services due to the lack of Welsh language skills, there is an expectation within the employment contract of that individual to undertaken Welsh language training.

·         Questions were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Welsh in Education Strategic Plan : 2022-2032 - Progress Report (2023/2024) pdf icon PDF 725 KB

To submit a report by the Director of Education, Skills and Young People.


Submitted – a report by the Director of Education, Skills and Young People for consideration by the Committee.


The Portfolio Member for Education and the Welsh Language said that the purpose of the report is to provide an annual update on the progress made as regards to the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan. 


The Director of Education, Skills and Young People reported that over the period of 2023/2024, schools have received the support of the Learning Service, the language centres, the Language Charter and GwE to ensure provision of standard that reflects school categories and the needs of the pupils within the schools on the Island.  He noted that the Welsh Education Strategic Plan progress report must be submitted to Welsh Government to report on the progress to reach the Council’s priorities and address the aims of the Plan.  The report notes the stability of outcomes 1,2,3, 5 and 6 with a decrease in outcome 4 (pupils studying through the medium of Welsh) and an increase in outcome 7 (number of staff able to teach through the medium of Welsh).  The language categories have been discussed with the schools with Category 1 – English Medium, Category 2 – Bilingual and Category 3 – Welsh Medium.  There is a transitional period to work towards Welsh Medium (T3).  As noted within the report, all primary schools except one are within Category 3 and 4 secondary schools are within Category 3 with one secondary school in T3.  He further reported on the ‘Cynllun y Llan’ which is specifically for the Welsh Language Centres and 96 primary school children attended the Language Centres and 150 pupils received aftercare language support.  One member of the centre will be sustained on the Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi site, strategically as part of the transitional plan to support the school from Category T3 to Category 3.


The points of discussion by the Committee were as follows:-


·     Questions were raised as to how parents will be assured that their children will receive their education in Welsh following the transition from a Category 3 primary schools to Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi.  The Director of Education, Skills and Young People responded that a plan will be created in Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi which includes creating a Category 3 stream in Year 7 from September 2024. By 2029, every year will have a Category 3 stream within the school.  One class in Year 7 will be afforded who will receive their education through the medium of Welsh from September 2024 and progression will follow in the following Years 8 to 11.   Staff have already attended Welsh language courses and are optimistic that pupils from Holyhead primary schools will have the provision to receive their education through the medium of Welsh in Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi.  Further questions were raised as to whether there will be a provision for parents to be able to contact the school with other language problems that may arise.  The Director of Education, Skills and Young People responded that a Language Charter  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Committee Nomination - Finance Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To submit a report by the Scrutiny Manager.


 Submitted – a report by the Scrutiny Manager in respect of the above.


It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Derek Owen to serve on the Finance Scrutiny Panel.



Forward Work Programme 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To submit a report by the Scrutiny Manager.

Additional documents:


The report of the Scrutiny Manager setting out the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee’s indicative Forward Work Programme for 2024/2025 was presented for consideration.




·       To agree the current version of the forward work programme for 2024/2025;

·       To note progress thus far in implementing the forward work programme.