Agenda item

Corporate Scorecard - Quarter 2, 2020/21

To submit a report by the Head of Profession, HR and Transformation.


The report of the Head of Profession (Human Resources) and Transformation incorporating the Corporate Scorecard for Quarter 2 2020/21 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member for Council Business introduced the report and provided an overview of performance during the quarter. Despite the challenging circumstances created by the Coronavirus pandemic which saw the Council adapt the way it works to respond to the crisis including implementing new services whilst also maintaining key frontline services, conducting normal business where possible, and ensuring health and safety, the majority (88%) of the performance indicators monitored continue to perform well against targets (Green or Yellow RAG). This is an encouraging outcome in the context of a year that has been far from normal.


Councillor Aled Morris Jones, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee provided feedback from the Committee’s discussions on the Quarter 2 Corporate Scorecard at its meeting on 17 November, 2020. Having acknowledged and expressed appreciation for the efforts and commitment of the Council’s workforce during the period the Committee had focused on pockets of underperformance in Housing, Planning and Children and Families Services and had sought assurance that the specific issues raised were being addressed. The Committee was satisfied with the mitigation measures presented and as clarified by the Portfolio members and Officers at the meeting and was happy therefore to recommend the Quarter 2 Scorecard report to the Executive.


The Programme, Business Planning and Performance Manager confirmed the many positive aspects of work which the Quarter 2 Scorecard reflects and highlighted the Council’s digital strategy as  an area which has been essential during the pandemic due to the closure of the Council’s offices and the cautious re-opening of some services after lockdown. All indicators under the digital service shift subheading have seen performances that have surpassed previous annual results. Further, there have been no corporate complaints with regard to customer service issues and the number of complaints at the end of Quarter 2 (17) was half that recorded for the same period of 2019/20 (35). This is especially positive at a time when many services provided to Anglesey’s residents were delivered differently to the norm and demonstrates also that providing good customer service remains a priority during these difficult times.


Agreeing that the report is encouraging given the context, the Executive added its thanks to all the Council’s staff for their hard work in maintaining performance levels in general. Referring to Indicator 35 (the average number of calendar days to let lettable units  of accommodation (excluding DTLs) and related Indicator 36 (Landlord Services: the percentage of rent lost due to properties being empty) the Vice-Chair although recognising that there are extenuating circumstances which might account for the below  target performance in these areas with Housing Service staff having been involved with the crisis response, said that he would like to see positive movement on these indicators in the new year and would welcome a more detailed analysis on how the timescales could be reduced given the local need for housing.

Councillor Alun Mummery, Portfolio Member for Housing and Supporting Communities confirmed that this conversation is being conducted by the Housing Service and that more detailed analysis is planned. In the meantime housing units do continue to be let.


The Programme, Business Planning and Performance Manger said that more information would be available at Quarter 3 and that Internal Audit is also undertaking an audit of the housing allocations process.


Councillor Richard Dew, Portfolio Member for Planning provided an explanation for the underperformance in aspects of the Planning Services citing that Covid-19 related restrictions had contributed towards the missed targets with regards to the timely determination of planning applications and the investigation of enforcement cases but that progress is now being made. In the case of planning appeals dismissed, the numbers to which the indicator applies is small with the underperformance being due to three out of six appeals being upheld. A discussion with the Joint Planning Policy Unit is planned to ensure consistency in decisions/Officers’ interpretation of applications in order to reduce successful planning appeals.


It was resolved to accept the Scorecard monitoring report for Q2 2020/21, to note the areas which the Senior Leadership Team is managing to secure improvements into the future and to accept the mitigation measures as outlined in the report.

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