Agenda item

Remainder of Applications


12.1 FPL/2021/10 – Retrospective application for the erection of a garage on land adjacent to Bron Castell, Llanfairynghornwy


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee having been called in by a Local Member due to concerns within the local community about the scale, location and design of the garage.


Councillor Llinos Medi, a Local Member requested that the Committee carry out a virtual inspection of the application site to gain a better appreciation of the development within its context.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed, seconded by Councillor Robin Williams that a virtual site visit be carried out.


It was resolved to conduct a virtual site visit in accordance with the Local Member’s request.


12.2 MAO/2021/1 – Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission 34C304K/1/EIA/ECON so as to allow development to commence on separate plots within Site B on land at Coleg Menai, Llangefni


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as application 35C304K/1/EIA/ECON was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment and was determined by the Committee.


Having declared an interest in the application, Councillors John Griffith and Kenneth Hughes were not present for the discussion or voting thereon.


The Planning Development Manager reported that outline permission was granted in 2017 for 153 dwellings, a hotel and food and beverage facility and associated parking and works, and full permission for a new engineering centre, car parking, and children’s play area and associated works as part of a hybrid application. That part of the site which was granted outline permission was identified as Site B and included five separate plots as part of the masterplan. The new engineering centre has since been completed and two reserved matters applications relating to the residential element of the outline consent have been submitted and are currently being considered. The wording of the conditions attached to the original consent links all the plots within Site B thereby restricting the ability of certain plots to progress in advance of or at a different time to other plots. Since the granting of permission plots are now separately owned and developers want to commence works at different times. The application seeks to amend the wording of some of the conditions to the outline consent in order to relate conditions to relevant plots and allow certain plots to progress at separate times to other plots. The amendments do not entail any changes to either the substance of the conditions or to the details which are required to be submitted and are therefore considered to be non-material amendments.


The Officer highlighted that a further minor change to the wording of condition (37) is proposed namely to replace the reference to “each plot” with “relevant plot.” With this additional change, the recommendation is to approve the application.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Vaughan Hughes that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report with the additional change to the wording of condition (37) as outlined.


12.3 MAH/2021/2 – Minor amendments to the scheme previously approved under planning permission FPL/2019/300 so as to amend the design at 15 Coedwig Terrace, Penmon


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Housing Service and is on Council owned land.


The Development Management Manager reported that the application is made to change the window arrangement to the rear of the property which will result in a wider opening for the patio doors. As they are not viewable from public viewpoints, it is not considered that the proposed amendments will have any impact on the appearance and character of the dwellings or the terrace nor or the amenities of any surrounding properties. The recommendation is therefore to approve the application.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes, MBE, that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report.


12.4 FPL/2020/191 – Full application for the erection of a dwelling together with the construction of a vehicular access on land at Rallt Gwta, Newborough


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee having been called in by a Local Member and because the application site encompasses Council owned land.


Councillor Bryan Owen, a Local Member commented that having read the Officer’s report he was satisfied that the proposal is policy compliant and that issues that might have arisen have been dealt with; he could therefore see no grounds on which to refuse the application and was supportive of it.


The Development Management Manager reported that the application is to erect a dwelling to the rear of Rallt Gwta with access via Tan Roft estate. Objections to the proposal on the basis of design, appearance and its impact on nearby residential amenities have been received and are addressed within the body of the report. The proposal is for a two storey 3 bedroom house the appearance and design of which despite the objections, is considered to be in character with its context, and also with the wider area. No objections have been raised by the Highways Service subject to the conditions recommended which include a requirement for a 1.8m wide pedestrian footway along the frontage of the application site within the public highway. An amended plan to reflect this requirement is being publicised at the time of writing. Subject to no new matters being raised before the expiry of the latest publicity period for the amended plan on 15 April, 2021, the recommendation is to approve the application.


In response to a query about the proposal relative to the Council owned land, the Officer clarified that the recommended pedestrian footway encompasses council owned land comprising a highway verge which the Highways Service has confirmed it is happy to see developed as a public footpath.


Councillor Eric Jones proposed, seconded by Councillor John Griffith, that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the planning conditions contained therein and subject also to no new matters being raised before the expiry of the latest publicity period on 15 April, 2021.

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