Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1 – 11LPA921A/AD/CC – Car Park, Parys Mountain


12.2 – 12C266K – ABC Power Marine, Gallows Point, Beaumaris


12.3 – 19C484K – Trinity Marine, Porth y Felin, Holyhead


12.4 – 20LPA971/CC – Bonc y Môr, Cemaes


12.5 – 20LPA971A/AD/CC – Cemaes Greenery, Cemaes


12.6 – 20LPA971B/AD/CC – Bonc y Môr, Cemaes


12.7 – 20LPA973/AD/CC – National Trust Car Park, Llanbadrig


12.8 – 20LPA973/CC – Towyn Llanbadrig, Llanbadrig


12.9 – 31LPA977/AD/CC – Marquis’ Column Car Park, Llanfairpwll


12.10 – 35LPA976/AD/CC – Trwyn y Penryn, Penmon


12.11 – 39C381D – Menai Bridge Cricket Club, Menai Bridge


12.12 – 40LPA899B/AD/CC – Traeth Lligwy, Moelfre


12.13 – 43LPA974/AD/CC – The Coastguard Lookout, Rhoscolyn


12.14 – 46C520 – Gadlys, Ffordd Penrallt, Trearddur


12.1 11LPA921A/AD/CC – Application for the siting of an interpretation panel at the Car Park, Parys Mountain


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Local Authority.


The Planning Development Manager explained that the application above is the first of several under section 12 of the agenda for this meeting for interpretation panels. These have been brought to the Committee as the Council is the applicant. The purpose of such panels is to display details of local attractions within their locality and also to provide information about the geology of the area in which they are proposed to be placed. Anglesey’s geology is recognised as being significant world-wide and the island is known as Geo Môn Park. These developments therefore contribute towards promoting this aspect, the intention being to create experiences that are both educational and interesting to walkers. Each panel will carry information about the local area along with details of the area’s geology. With such developments the two principal planning factors which need to be considered are the effects on amenities and highway safety. Officers have assessed these factors for each of the applications and are satisfied that no problems will arise as a result. The recommendation is therefore one of approval.


Councillor Ken Hughes proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Vaughan Hughes.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.2  12C266K – Retrospective planning application for alterations to the roof design and general amendments to Units 2 to 5 A.B.C. Power Marine, Gallows Point, Porth Lafan, Beaumaris


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee because the Isle of Anglesey Council is the land owner.


The Planning Development Manager explained the context to the application with reference to planning consent 12C266C which was granted to re-develop the site in its entirety involving the demolition of the existing boat sheds and the erection of new boat sheds, and extensions to the petrol filling shop. What has occurred in this case is that the roofs of Units 2 to 5 forming part of the development have been constructed to a different design, height and materials to that approved under planning consent 12C266C. They are of lower height and different colour to that originally approved but are deemed acceptable by the Officers in terms of according with the relevant planning policies and an improvement on that approved in the first place. The recommendation  therefore  is one of approval.


Councillor Ken Hughes proposed that the application be approved and he was seconded by Councillor Vaughan Hughes.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to a deed of variation of the legal agreement completed in connection with planning application 12C266C and the condition set out in the written report.


12.3 19C484K – Application for the deletion of conditions (15), (16).(17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22) and (23) on planning permission 19C484A to allow for a gateway and pavement crossing for occasional use and emergency vehicles at Trinity Marine, Boatyard and Foreshore, Porth y Felin, Holyhead


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee for determination as it is made on Council owned land.


The Planning Development Manager explained that the application is for the deletion of conditions on the original outline planning consent to allow the creation of a gateway and pavement crossing for occasional use. The marina has been in operation for some 10 years and the access as originally proposed is considered not to be required for the day to day operation of the site. The Officer said that no objections to the proposal have been raised locally and no highways issues have arisen so the Officer recommendation is one of approval.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed approval of the application and his proposal was seconded by Councillor John Griffith.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.4 20LPA971/CC – Full application for environmental improvements on land at Bonc y Môr, Cemaes Bay


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee because the Isle of Anglesey is the applicant.


The Planning Development Manager stated that the intention with the application above is to site nine stone plinths and one picnic table and bench along part of the Anglesey coastal path. The stone plinths will be constituted from different types of stone from different ages to reflect the geological history of the Island. Officers deem the proposal to be both a positive and educational development and recommend its approval.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.5 20LPA971A/AD/CC – Full application for the siting of an information panel at Cemaes Greenery, Cemaes Bay


The application is brought before the Planning and Orders Committee as it made by the Local Authority.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the application be approved; Councillor Lewis Davies seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.6 20LPA971B/AD/CC – Application for the siting of an interpretation panel on land at Bonc y Mor, Cemaes Bay


The application is brought to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Local Authority.


Councillor Vaughan Hughes proposed that the application be approved; Councillor Victor Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.7 20LPA973/AD/CC – Application for the siting of an information panel at the National Trust Car Park, Llanbadrig


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Local Authority.


Councillor Ken Hughes proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Lewis Davies.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.8 20LPA973/CC – Full application for environmental improvements at Towyn Llanbadrig, Llanbadrig


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee because the Isle of Anglesey Council is the applicant.


Councillor Victor Hughes proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Lewis Davies.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.9 31LPA977/AD/CC – Application for the siting of an interpretation panel on land at Marquis’ Column Car Park, Llanfairpwll


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Local Authority.


Councillor Ken Hughes proposed approval of the application; Councillor R.O.Jones seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.10 35LPA976/AD/CC – Application for the siting of an information panel adjacent to the car park at Trwyn y Penryn, Penmon, LL58 8RN


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Local Authority.


Councillor Lewis Davies drew attention to the fact that the correct address for the location of the application is Aberlleiniog – the correction was noted.


Councillor R.O.Jones proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Victor Hughes


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report. (Councillor Lewis Davies as a Local Member did not take part in the voting on this application)


12.11 39C81D – Creation of a car parking area on land near the Menai Bridge Cricket Club, Menai Bridge


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the land is owned by the Council.


The Chair invited Mr John Simpson, an objector to the proposal to present his views on the matter.


Mr Simpson explained that he and his neighbours live on the narrow lane which is the only access to the Menai Bridge cemetery and which is much too narrow for the traffic it carries at present. For much of its length the lane is only 4 to 5m wide and has a choke point where it narrows to 3.8m. This is too narrow for cars to pass safely so they are forced to back down to the A5 or to mount the pavement which is itself on 0.9m wide. For large funerals, up to 30 to 40 cars can use the lane putting heavy traffic on the access, which situation would be greatly exacerbated by traffic to the proposed car park when a funeral and cricket match coincide. The problem of the road’s narrowness is recognised by the Highways Department in the written report but is not seen as a reason for refusal as users of the car park will arrive and leave at the same times. Mr Simpson pointed out that there will be times when a funeral ends as people arrive for a cricket match creating chaos and has questioned whether a proper survey of the traffic situation has been carried out by the Highways Department which has taken a rather uncritical approach to the proposal. He would further question whether there has been proper assessment of the risks of accident in peak traffic situations particularly with reference to pedestrians. As the lane is also now designated as part of the National Cycle route 8 there is an increase in the flow of cyclists joining pedestrians on the shared path at the top of the lane. This would also be the entry point to the car park with cars having to cross the cycle route thus creating a hazard which does not seem to have been taken into account.


Mr Simpson said that overall, the proposed access to the car park is highly unsatisfactory and potentially unsafe and he would question whether the club’s parking needs cannot be effectively met by expansion of the existing car park at the top of the field with a more extensive use of the David Hughes School car park. Should a new car park be judged to be essential, then a more radical and beneficial alternative would be to open a second access from the Pentraeth road via an extension of a road at the Ty Mawr estate. This would allow a much safer, one way route to the cemetery and car park exiting the A5 down the lane. Mr Simpson concluded his address by saying that these options are submitted in the belief they should be fully explored and proper surveys and risk assessments completed before the Committee sanctions the building of a new car park.


There were no questions from the Committee’s Members to Mr John Simpson.


Mr Dan Surgey was then asked by the Chair to address the Committee in favour of the proposal.


Mr Surgey speaking as Vice-Chair of the Menai Bridge Cricket Club explained that the club currently runs 3 senior teams in the North Wales cricket league as well as junior teams and under sevens, nines, elevens and thirteen and upwards. The first team is at present quite successful in the North Wales Cricket League meaning it receives quite a large following on Saturday afternoons. The current car park which is towards the top of the field will accommodate up to 25 cars so on a Saturday when there are11 players from the home team plus 4 to 5 cars from the away team it can become congested. The Club was having problems with people coming to visit and supporters who were parking on Tyn y cae drive which leads to the cricket club. There have been discussions with the caretaker of Ysgol David Hughes who kindly allows use of the school as an overflow car park but that is a goodwill gesture. Therefor the club committee decided that it would rather depend on itself and that the best plan for the club was to try to develop the field towards the bottom of the area of the club. This land currently is not part of the lease and the Property section has been approached before the commencement of the process and it was said that if permission for the car park is forthcoming then the field would be added to the lease. Furthermore, meetings have been held with Menai Bridge Town Council and Property regarding the situation in relation to the cemetery in Menai Bridge. The field north of the cemetery has been outlined for future use for the expansion of the cemetery when it is required. The club’s proposal to Menai Bridge Town Council was that it would have access to the club’s car park if and when required e.g. large funerals which would alleviate some of the problems with parking when there is a funeral.


There were no questions to Mr Surgey from the Committee’s Members.


The Planning Development Manager stated that the written report highlight the principal issue as being the acceptability of the proposed new car park from a highway perspective. There has been consultation with the Highways Department and Highways Officers do not see grounds for refusing the application. At the time of writing the report, the Drainage Section had not given its response to the application; the section has since responded and has asked for further details regarding the means for dealing with surface water on site. The Officer went on to explain that the intention is to surface the car park with gravel and if the application is approved there will be a soak way on the site. In order to deal with this issue Officers propose the imposition of an additional condition requiring those details to be agreed and submitted prior to the commencement of the development. The Highways section has also requested a further condition restricting the use of the car park to the Cricket Club in the main. There are no planning objections to the proposal from the perspective of land use nor do planning officers see any problems in terms of effects on amenities – a condition is proposed with regard to landscaping. Therefore there are no planning reasons for refusing the application.


Councillor John Griffith enquired about the potential for traffic noise generated by a two way traffic flow from the direction of the cricket club late at night as a result of functions following cricket matches as mentioned in some of the objections and he asked whether this had been investigated and/or considered.


The Planning Development Manager explained that the written report deals with this issue in addressing the points of objections raised including the issue of noise from post-match functions which objectors feel will be exacerbated by the creation of a car park through the addition of traffic noise. The Officer said that whilst this is not essentially a planning issue attaching a condition regarding the car park’s hours of use to any planning consent given is possible and is a course which Planning Officers would consider.


Councillor John Griffith further enquired whether any survey of traffic congestion had been undertaken as a result of cars leaving this road and entering onto the A5. The building of a car park is likely to make any existing problems worse and given that the road is narrow there is greater potential for accidents. He sought confirmation whether there had been any examination of the hazard that might thus be created.


The Senior Engineer (Development Control) confirmed that the Highways Section had looked at the application in detail but had not conducted a survey in terms of the number of vehicles using the road. Highways Officers have looked at accident records which have shown that there is no history of accidents in the area. As with every narrow road there is a small risk but this has been assessed by the Highways Officers as has the nature of the road and the current volume of traffic and these considerations have been weighed against the benefit deriving from the use of the car park by funeral traffic as well, and the Officers are satisfied with the application. There is no evidence in accident records of any particular problems.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be approved; Councillor R.Jones seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report and to the imposition of additional conditions in relation to the submission and agreement of details with regard to drainage prior to the commencement of the development; the restriction of the use of the car parking area to the Cricket Club in the main and a restriction as to the hours of use.


12.12 40LPA899B/AD/CC – Application for the siting of an interpretation panel at Traeth Lligwy, Moelfre


The application is brought to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Local Authority.


Councillor R.O.Jones proposed that the application be approves and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Lewis Davies.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation  subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.13  43LPA974/AD/CC – Application for the siting of an interpretation panel at the Coastguard Lookout, Rhoscolyn


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Local Authority.


Councillor Vaughan Hughes proposed that the application ne approved; Councillor Ken Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.14 46C520 - Full application for alterations and extensions including raising the roof to create first floor accommodation and the erection of a balcony at Gadlys, Penrallt Road, Trearddur Bay, LL65 2UG


The application has been referred to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of the Local Member.


The Chair called on Mr Carl Bateman to address the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Bateman said that he and his partner had bought the property in question after searching in the area for 2 years. They found the Gadlys property but realised it would require a lot of renovation which they felt they could do and make the property a lot more attractive. They thought the first floor addition would not be out of keeping with the local estate particularly as the house next door is a 2 storey house. Mr Bateman explained that as he and his partner wish to spend a lot of time living in the house they do not want to upset local people who will be their neighbours and are therefore willing to take any advice on board to allay their fears as much as possible. With six children in the family, a larger than average property is required when the family is together. When the plans were drawn the additional rooms were shown as bedrooms whereas in reality they may actually be store rooms or play rooms – there was no intention to suggest anything more than this. The possibility of creating bedrooms in the roof space was looked at but was felt to be restrictive as regards space.


Mr Bateman went on to say that he had been advised of the local objections to the proposal and on some points he could see their merits. Consequently alterations have been made to the original plan to try to co-operate with neighbours to reach a mutual compromise. Having spoken with some of the neighbours as they have raised concerns about potential noise etc., he hoped this may have gone some way to assure them of the true intentions. Parking on site has been shown for 6 vehicles and this has been done to allay any local fears regarding street parking – it not thought for one minute that it will be used to full capacity. If the property was in future to be considered for commercial use then that would require planning permission. That is not his nor his partner’s intention.


The Planning Department was consulted regarding his and his partner’s intentions and was positive in its response at an early stage. Mr Bateman said that as there had been development of a similar scale in the immediate area, he felt that their proposed extension was in keeping with the properties along the road. It would appear that there is ongoing construction to further develop existing large properties in the immediate vicinity. Mr Bateman brought his presentation to an end by reiterating his wish not to upset local people  and to be amenable to advice.


Councillor Jeff Evans in his capacity as Local Member said that there were a number of key issues pertaining to the application which had resulted in 10 letters of objection to the proposal in its current format. The Community Council also opposes the proposed development and all the objections are based on standard reasons around excessive height, over development of the site, the amended scheme could provide an additional two bedrooms leading to an 11 bedroom property. Councillor Evans said that it is a site that has its difficulties with the road without the addition of this development. He believed that the provision of 6 car parking spaces would be insufficient to meet the requirements of a 9 bedroom property with the potential for 9 families and that the proposal was way too large for the area and would cause problems with views which people see as an infringement of their homes. There have been objections from 5 neighbouring properties and they might not have seen the proposed new changes – Councillor Evans thought it would therefore have been advisable for the objectors to have been sent a copy of the new plans. Councillor Evans went on to suggest that given this is such a change a site visit could be a way forward. He said he appreciated the comments made by the applicant in respect of not wanting a dispute with his neighbours and in being willing to consider advice. A site visit would therefore be an amenable way forward to a matter which is causing concern.


The Planning Development Manager stated that the application before the Committee is for adaptations and extensions to a dwelling in order to create one single dwelling on the site. As documented in the written report there are objections to the proposal and the plans have been amended at the requirement of Officers in order to try to overcome some of the objections made. The Officer said that in respect of design, the proposal respects the character of the surrounding properties; there are properties of a variety of design and size in this area so a dwelling such as that proposed is not out of keeping with the surrounding area. In terms of the effects on the occupants of neighbouring properties, Officers have considered this very carefully and have recognised the possibility that the development would have an adverse effect on neighbouring properties through overlooking. It is therefore considered necessary to condition any permission to erect screening along the boundary of the balcony which it is proposed is erected. The application has also been evaluated against the Council’s design guidelines and the details can be found in the report. Whilst the height of the proposal is greater than that of the dwelling as it stands, that is not an unusual feature in this particular area. In terms of overdevelopment there is adequate space on the site for the building so Officers do not accept this particular point. Should there be any intention to change the use of the dwelling to another use then that would require planning permission and would be dealt with on its planning merits if and when it arose. The Officer said that he was not aware of any traffic issues and none have been raised by the Highways Section. The applicant was requested to show that the scheme can accommodate up to 6 vehicles within its curtilage in accordance with parking requirements and the applicant has been able to do so. Therefore no new information has been received only confirmation by the applicant that there is sufficient space within the development’s curtilage for parking for 6 cars. The Officer said that he did not accept that the area’s residents had not been informed of the intention in its entirety. Mention was also made of the potential for 9 families to reside at the property; the Officer explained that for 9 families to be able to reside in one property requires planning permission and that is not the subject of the application in question. Consideration must be given to the application on its own merits as presented. Whilst the proposal does represent a larger extension it is not out of keeping with the character of the area and any adverse effects on amenities can be ameliorated by screening hence the Officer’s recommendation of approval.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes said that he believed there were insufficient reasons to reject the application on planning grounds and therefore he proposed that it be accepted. Councillor R.Jones seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


Supporting documents: