To submit a progress report on the School’s Progress Review Panel.
Submitted – a progress report on the work of the School Progress Review Panel.
The Chair said that it was decided to introduce a temporary programme during the pandemic with the initial focus on scrutiny of the Learning Service’s response to the Covid 19 and the arrangements put in place during the emergency period. The work to monitor the standards of individual schools is well established, and continues to develop. He referred that an update on the Welsh Language within the Anglesey’s Education System was afforded by the Primary Senior Manager to the Panel. Reference was also made to the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan which is a 10 year plan with 7 outcomes which was outlined within the report. The Chair further referred to the Self-Evaluation of the Panel’s work undertaken and it has been noted that the Panel’s work has had a very positive impact and has held schools to account, challenge and assist in their continued development and improvement. In terms of the areas for further development, it was felt that adequate follow-up did not occur after Panel Members visited individual schools. It would be advisable to arrange a follow up visit approximately six months after the original visit to see if any developments or improvements have been implemented.
The Chair further said that a verbal report was presented to the Panel on the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 focusing on the implications of the act locally. The main changes were outlined in that the age has now extended from 0-25 years, and that there is a 7 week period to determine whether an individual has Additional Learning Needs, which is much sooner than the requirements of the previous act. Reference was made to the innovative work in that the Council has an IDP system, with every school on the Island having access to the system, which means that the data is live and current. It was noted that Anglesey and Gwynedd are the only two counties in Wales that have such a system and therefore lead the way in that regard. The Chair noted that a letter has been sent to Welsh Government to express concern that there is a lack of Welsh Psychologist from North Wales being trained currently, which will lead to a staff shortage in the years to come. Furthermore, the Panel received input from two Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinators and the points raised during their presentation was noted within the report. It was noted that the Panel will receive regular updates to monitor the progress against the requirements of the Act.
The Portfolio Holder for Education, Libraries, Culture and Youth said that the Panel has received important reports as regards to the Additional Learning Needs Service and the Welsh Language within the Anglesey’s Education System recently. He wished to thank the Panel for their work but the priorities of education is continuing to change and especially during the pandemic. The Portfolio Holder challenged the Panel to demonstrate as to how it has developed since it was established over 8 years ago. The Chair responded that firstly he considered that the Schools’ Progress Review Panel has convinced Head teachers that they are critical friends rather than seen as a group that was there to criticise the education within schools. However, the existence of the Panel proves that there is accountability and a clear structure in terms of reporting and it is important that the Panel continues to challenge the schools to improve standards within the Islands schools.
The Committee considered the report and made the following main points:-
· Reference was made whether the priorities of the Schools’ Progress Review Panel needs to be reviewed following it work to improve the standards with schools and especially during the pandemic. The pandemic has raised issues of the welfare needs of pupils having to receive their education digitally from home. The Director of Education, Skills and Young People responded that it is imperative that the work of the Panel continues towards the journey of excellence within schools. He noted that the priorities is to be able to afford the best education for the pupils of the Island;
· Reference was made that the aim is to see the schools on the Island achieving excellence. Questions were raised as to what procedures can be put in place to achieve that all schools on Anglesey are recognised by Estyn as reaching ‘Green’ and that no school is classified as ‘Red’. The Chief Executive said that she agreed that the aim is to see the schools on Anglesey achieving excellence but she emphasised that the definition of excellence by Estyn will entail that the Council needs to demonstrate that it will be able to lead other counties;
· Reference was made that the Panel has considered that the well-being of the pupils is paramount and especially that the ‘voice of the child’ is listened to;
· The Chief Executive said that the Education Service will receive a visit from Estyn in the near future and she questioned whether the Schools’ Progress Review Panel will be viewed as a sector leading in respect of excellence in schools. The Director of Education, Skills and Youth expressed that the education services is striving to achieve excellence within the schools on Anglesey. He noted that Estyn representatives have met with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Schools’ Progress Review Panel to discuss the work achieved in the improvements of schools. The Director of Education, Skills and Youth further said that it is imperative that the work programme of the Schools’ Progress Review Panel continues prior to the pandemic. He noted that the visits to the schools needs to be resumed to review the work achieved within the schools and to report back to the Panel on specific areas of work that needs to be addressed;
· Reference was also made to the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan which is a 10 year plan with 7 outcomes which was outlined within the report. Questions were raised as to whether the Schools’ Progress Review Panel was to receive a progress report on the outcomes as regards to the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan. The Chair responded that the outcomes from the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan will be discussed at a future meeting of the Panel;
· Reference was made that the pandemic has had an immense effect on education and especially pupils in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 with GCSE and A education been affected. It was expressed that it is imperative to gauge the pupils education levels and that pupils are given support with regards to any shortfalls within their education and to make sure that the succeed in their examinations if they are to take place next Summer.
It was RESOLVED to note:-
· The progress to date with regard to the work of the School Progress Review Panel in terms of achieving its work programme which includes to robustly challenge the performance of individual schools;
· The areas of work that were given attention through the new arrangements made as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic;
· The robustness of the Panel’s monitoring work to date.
ACTION : As noted above.
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