12.1 – MAO/2021/26 – Porth Wen Solar Farm, Cemaes
12.1 MAO/2021/26 – Minor amendments to the scheme previously approved under planning permission 20C310/EIA/RE (Full application for the construction of a 49.99MW solar array farm together with associated equipment, infrastructure and ancillary works) at Rhyd y Groes, Rhosgoch so as to amend the wording of conditions (05), (06) and (11) to allow the development to take place in two phases (phase 1 – enabling works and phase 2 – installation of panels) at Porth Wen Solar Farm, Cemaes
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it seeks to amend conditions attached to application reference 20C310B/EIA/RE which was accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The application was approved by the Committee at its meeting on 6 December, 2017 in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions therein with delegated power to the Head of Planning Services to add, amend and delete conditions as necessary.
Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application, Councillors John Griffith and Richard Owain Jones withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and voting thereon.
The Development Management Manager reported that the application is for minor amendments to the scheme approved under application 20C310B/EIA/RE so that the works can commence in a phased manner, with works including enabling works to take place under phase 1 and the deployment of solar panels and associated works and equipment to take place under phase 2. In order for the development to be a two phased development, amendments are required to conditions (05), (06), and (11). The application requests the following –
· The addition of a Phasing Plan to the list of approved plans under condition (05);
· that condition (06) is amended to allow for the approval of details in two phases – details required prior to implementing phase 1 of the development followed by the details required prior to implementing phase 2 of the development;
· That condition (11) is amended to allow the submission for approval of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) (with a full Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) for Phase 1 followed by a CEMP (and CTMP) for Phase 2.
The application does not change the nature of the development nor does it cause an impact different to that caused by the original approved development scheme. Whilst the proposal if approved would allow the developer to undertake the preparatory works without having to submit full details of the whole development for approval by the Local Planning Authority, the conditions attached to the original consent will still have to be discharged. For information, the Planning Authority is in receipt of correspondence from the neighbouring landowner at Buarth y Foel regarding the need to consult on the amendments; as the application seeks permission for what are considered to be non-material changes to an approved scheme, the requirement to consult does not apply. The owner of Buarth y Foel has been consulted directly with regard to a recently received application for a new access and bunding in accordance with requirements. Having assessed the application under Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and Welsh Government planning guidance, Officers are satisfied that the amendments sought to allow the approved development to take place in a phased approach are non-material and the recommendation is therefore to approve the application.
Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Eric Jones that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein.
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