7.1 - FPL/2021/106 – Neuadd, Cemaes
7.1 FPL/2021/106 – Full application for the retention of a wooden hut to accommodate a milk vending machine (Use Class A1) together with hardstanding and parking area, alterations to the existing vehicular access and associated landscaping on land at Neuadd, Cemaes
The application had been reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member. At its meeting held on 6 October, 2021, the Committee resolved to visit the application site; a virtual site visit subsequently took place on 20 October, 2021. At its meeting held on 3 November, 2021 the Committee resolved to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation on the grounds that as a rural enterprise it contributes to the economic prosperity and viability of the community; because it was not considered it would result in any overly harmful effects on the AONB and on condition that any permission granted limits the use of the hut to the applicant only.
The Chief Planning Officer reported that in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution the report addresses the reasons put forward by the Committee at its previous meeting for approving the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation and confirms the Officer’s recommendation of refusal because the proposal is considered contrary to policy in not being a subservient element of an existing business on the site; in resulting in an unacceptable and unjustified development of an isolated retail outlet in the open countryside and as such neither conserving or enhancing the special qualities and features of the designated AONB.
Councillor Aled Morris Jones, a Local Member reiterated his support for the proposal as a modest development providing a valued local service which by virtue of its limited scale would not in his view result in any harmful effects on the surrounding area nor on amenities. He asked the Committee to keep to its previous decision to approve the application.
Councillor Eric Jones highlighted that the pandemic had seen a number of wooden huts being built across the Island as garden rooms, Wendy houses and man caves and that he thought the proposal was no different to those structures. He pointed out that the petition and letters of support from the locality attest to the strength of feeling in favour of the proposal within the community.
Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the Committee reaffirm its approval of the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation and the proposal was seconded by Councillor Eric Jones.
The Chief Planning Officer advised that should the Committee be minded to reaffirm its approval of the application, then consideration needs to be given to the conditions to be attached to consent. In further clarification, the Officer said that the conditions would serve to manage the development in the usual way as well as being tailored to reflect the Committee’s reasoning for approval, namely to limit the use of the hut to the applicant only; the range of goods to be sold on site in order to ensure the link with the diversification project and Nant y Fran Farm, as well as conditions to mitigate the development’s visual impact by way of landscaping, external lighting, and the structure’s finish. The Officer said that if Members are amenable to imposing conditions such as these, then he would ask the Committee to delegate authority to the Officers to apply those conditions to the consent in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair.
Following consideration and further confirmation of the purpose of the conditions, Councillor Kenneth Hughes as the proposer said that he was happy to be guided by the Officer in the matter of the planning conditions; Councillor Eric Jones in confirming the same said however that it was important to ensure that conditions are fair and that they do no nothing to impede the success of the venture.
It was resolved to reaffirm the Committee’s previous approval of the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation and to delegate to the Officers the authority in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair, to apply conditions to the consent as advised.
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