13.1 – DEM/2021/3 – Thomas Close, Beaumaris
13.2 - DEM/2021/4 – Hampton Way, Llanfaes
13.1 DEM/2021/13 – Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of garages at Thomas Close, Beaumaris
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it relates to Council owned land.
The Development Management Manager reported that the application is to demolish a row of 23 domestic type semi-dilapidated vehicular garages at the Thomas Close residential estate in Beaumaris. The garages have become surplus to requirements and due to their construction do not lend themselves to re-development. It is proposed that the site be left as an open area following demolition. Under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 the demolition of buildings does not require planning permission providing the developer first applies to the Local Planning Authority for a determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of the method of demolition and any proposed restoration of the site. Under this process, the Local Planning Authority was afforded a 28 day period to come to a determination and has confirmed within that period that its prior approval will not be required. The proposed method of demolition has been noted in the application form and is outlined within the report; this and the subsequent restoration of the site are expected to be considered acceptable. In conclusion, the application has been considered by the Council and it has been determined that the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority is not required as it is classed as permitted development within Part 31 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995.
Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes, MBE proposed, seconded by Councillor Dafydd Roberts that the application be approved.
It was resolved to approve the application as permitted development in accordance with the Officer’s report and the details presented therein.
13.2 DEM/2021/4 – Prior approval for the proposed demolition of two garages at Hampton Way, Llanfaes
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it relates to Council owned land.
The Development Management Manager reported that the application is to demolish a row of 2 domestic type semi-dilapidated vehicular garages at the Hampton Way residential estate in Llanfaes. The garages have become surplus to requirements and due to their construction do not lend themselves to re-development. It is proposed that the site be left as an open area following demolition. As with the previous application, under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 the demolition of buildings does not require planning permission providing the developer first applies to the Local Planning Authority for a determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of the method of demolition and any proposed restoration of the site. Under this process, the Local Planning Authority was afforded a 28 day period to come to a determination and has confirmed within that period that its prior approval will not be required. The proposed method of demolition has been noted in the application form and is outlined within the report; this and the subsequent restoration of the site are expected to be considered acceptable. In conclusion, the application has been considered by the Council and it has been determined that the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority is not required as it is classed as permitted development within Part 31 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995.
Councillor Eric Jones proposed, seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes that the application be approved.
It was resolved to approve the application as permitted development in accordance with the Officer’s report and the details presented therein.
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