To present the report of the Deputy Chief Executive.
The report of the Deputy Chief Executive incorporating the Isle of Anglesey Toward Net Zero Plan 2022-25 Council Toward Net Zero Plan was presented for the Committee’s consideration and scrutiny.
Councillor Dafydd Rhys Thomas, Portfolio Member for Corporate Business said that he was pleased to present the Towards Net Zero Plan which represents the first step on the Council’s journey to transition into a net zero carbon organisation by 2030. To achieve this objective and to meet the challenge and implement what is a significant change, it is essential to have in place a clear plan and corporate approach that addresses all aspects of the Council’s work. As well as building on recent successes and co-ordinating schemes already in place, the proposed Plan will implement new projects that will lead to a reduction in the Council’s carbon emissions. To deliver the plan, an annual delivery plan, targets and a monitoring and reporting framework will be adopted. The next step will be to establish a full and detailed baseline, with data management systems. Given the requirements in terms of finance and personnel to deliver the changes will be considerable over the period ahead, the Council will have to take advantage of any funding opportunities available to progress schemes and programmes in future years.
The Deputy Chief Executive highlighted that the Council has already achieved a great deal towards becoming a net zero carbon organisation especially with regard to reducing the carbon footprint of its property estate. What has changed is the prominence and importance of climate change and carbon reduction which is a priority for the Council, for communities and for individuals. The Council is responding by showing strong leadership. Whilst the Plan is clear and short term it is not meant to be static and will be adapted as the Council moves forward. It has been developed within a national context ensuring that it is consistent with the role envisaged by Welsh Government for local authorities. Further work is needed to create a full and detailed baseline, targets set and a monitoring system established so that stakeholders can see the progress being made. While some difficult decisions will have to be made it will be essential for the Council to be able to measure the environmental impact of its decisions. The Council will also have to be able to demonstrate the environmental benefits that flow from investment and for that to become part of wider decision making. To achieve its objective the Council needs to be ambitious and courageous and it is hoped the Plan fulfils both those needs as well as being realistic, achievable and affordable; it is the first step towards a culture change and builds on the work already undertaken to support the journey towards the end target of becoming zero carbon by 2030.
The Climate Change Manager agreed that although the Council is not starting from scratch having achieved much already, there is further work to be done and the Plan is a step on the way to delivering the change.
It was resolved to endorse the Towards Net Zero Plan and to recommend the Plan to the Executive.
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