12.1 – FPL/2021/316 – Bryn GLas, Llanrhuddlad
https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H000 00QbZfjUAF/fpl2021316?language=en_GB
12.2 – HHP/2021/331 - Glan y Mor, Beach Road, Menai Bridge https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H000 00O5fyLUAR/hhp2021331?language=en_GB
12.3 – FPL/2021/337 - Former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H000 00Qc641UAB/fpl2021337?language=en_GB
12.4 – FPL/2021/332 – Red Wharf Bay
https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H000 00QbzgKUAR/fpl2021332?language=en_GB
12.1 FPL/2021/316 – Full application for the change of use and refurbishment of two agricultural buildings into a commercial laundry together with improving the access at Bryn Glas, Llanrhuddlad
(Having declared a personal interest with regard to the application, Councillor K Hughes said that following legal advice he was able to speak in respect of the application).
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a local member.
Councillor K P Hughes, and a local member, requested that a site visit be conducted due to local concerns as the narrow roads leading to the application site. Councillor Hughes proposed a virtual site visit to the site. Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal.
It was RESOLVED that a virtual site visit be undertaken in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reasons given.
12.2 HHP/2021/331 – Retrospective application for retention of alterations and extensions which include a balcony at Glan y Môr, Beach Road, Menai Bridge
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.
The Chair, Councillor Robin Williams said that as a local member he had referred the application to the Committee due to objection by the neighbouring property as regards to the application. He further said that the residents of the neighbouring property have now withdrawn their objection to the application.
Public Speaker
Mr Craig Bonnington, in support of his application said that he wished to clarify that the reason the description of the development refers to the works being partly retrospective arises from a misunderstanding on their part that the alterations were permitted development. When the error came to light they had worked with Officers of the Council to ensure that the proposal is acceptable in terms of impact on the Conservation Area and on neighbours. In the committee report before this meeting they now have a proposal which improves this building in a way which is sympathetic to the Conservation Area, it is supported by your Conservation Officer, and also, no objections were raised by the Menai Bridge Town Council. In addition to measures to ensure that the design of the proposal is acceptable, compromises have been made to ensure that the privacy of their neighbour is safeguarded. Naturally, they want to make the best of views towards the Menai Strait as everyone would in this location. There are already large windows facing south towards the Menai Strait and the proposal changes these to French doors leading out onto a narrow balcony. The view will still be focused towards the Menai Strait rather than towards their neighbour to the side. To ensure that their privacy is maintained, the proposal now has the added safeguard of a 1.8 metre obscure glazed screen to the side of the small balcony. It is hope that the fact that none of the neighbours have decided to address the committee today is now an indication that, with the compromises in design and privacy safeguards, they do not see the proposal as being unacceptable.
The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposed development is for the retention of the balcony at the rear of the dwelling house which is currently under renovation. The proposal entails the removal of a pitched roof and replacing with a balcony/walkway in lieu which will be leading off from the two bedrooms. The balcony projects 1 metre from the rear façade of the property and measures 7.3 metres along its rear elevation. Both of the existing picture windows will be replaced by two French doors. Given the proximity between the balcony and the adjoining properties a 1.8 metre high screen with obscure glassing will be installed on either end of the proposal in order to mitigate any potential impacts of overlooking.
Councillor K P Hughes proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Eric W Jones seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
12.3 FPL/2021/337 – Full application for the construction of an Inland Border Facility (IBF) at former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the proposed development forms part of national infrastructure relating to the checking of goods being imported from and exported to the European Union (EU).
Public Speakers
Mr Iain Leech and Mr Barry Chadwick, in support of the application were present at the meeting. Mr Iain Leach said that the development is of national importance as regards to essential checks of goods entering and leaving the country together with support of the Port of Holyhead. The location of the site is sustainable as it is near the Port, it is an existing brownfield site and the location is near the highway network. The planning application was accompanied by an Economic Impact Assessment and this found that development will have a significant benefit to the local area which will result in significant local investment and will also create hundreds of jobs both temporary during construction and also permanent employment as part of the development. Works has been undertaken with local agencies to afford employment opportunities for local people; the result for the work undertaken has been successful with candidates being employed from the local area which included re-employment of some of the previous RoadKing staff. The employment opportunities will also help with the jobs losses or delayed within large industries in the local area. Mr Leech further said that the promotion of the Welsh language with all site signage being in Welsh first with an English translation. He further said that a wide range of detailed technical and environmental assessments have been undertaken to support the development which has resulted in no significant adverse environmental impact on the locality.
Councillor T Ll Hughes MBE questioned as to total number of job opportunities the development will create. Mr Leech responded that temporary works have undertaken on site as from January, 2022 with 150 staff currently employed. HMRC is committed to advertise any further vacancies locally.
Councillor Dafydd Roberts said that previously the site was used by Roadking as a lorry park and he questioned whether mitigation measures will be in place to alleviate having HGV’s with no facilities to park. The Planning Development Manager responded that a planning application is awaited in respect of Plot 9 in Parc Cybi for a permanent HGV’s parking area which will alleviate the effects of relocation from the Roadking facility.
The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposal lies within the Parc Cybi primary safeguarded employment site. In accordance with Policy CYFF 1 the site has been safeguarded for land uses which fall within the B1, B2, B8 and some suitable ‘unique use’ (sui generis) use class. The site is a Strategic Regional Site within the North Wales Regional Employment Land Strategy, meaning that it is seen as a site of regional importance with a critical role in achieving regional contribution to national economic development objectives and supporting key sector development. The proposed use of the site falls within the unique uses (sui generis) use class. As specified within Strategic Policy PS 13 (Providing Opportunities for a flourishing economy) of the JLDP some unique uses may be suitable on safeguarded employment site. The site was used by Roadking as a lorry park which is similar to the proposed use. It is therefore considered that the principle of the development accords with Strategic Policy 13 and policy CYFF 1 of the JLDP and the main thrust of National Policy. The application site is located on an industrial estate and comprises previously developed land. On the grounds of sustainability, Planning Policy Wales (PPW) promotes the re-use of such sites in existing settlements where there is vacant or under-used land for suitable uses. He further said that the site is located within the development boundary of Holyhead in which ample public facilities are located nearby. The site is serviced by pedestrian footways and cycle routes which links to other nearby public services such as the train station and port. The developer is proposing as part of the application, both cycle parking and electric vehicle charging points as part of the proposal. It can therefore be concluded that the proposed development would be in accordance with PPW, TAN 18 and the JLDP, in terms of being in a sustainable location.
The Planning Development Manager further reported that in accordance with the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 Local Planning Authorities have a duty when making a decision on a planning application to have regard to the Welsh language, where it is relevant to that application. This is further supported by Paragraph 3.28 of the Planning Policy Wales (Edition 11, 2021) together with Technical Advice Note 20. A Welsh Language Statement is required for industrial developments which measure more than 1,000m2 or employ more than 50 people. HMRC have stated that the proposal will result in the creation of over 200 new jobs. It is considered that the measures proposed by the developer is adequate to promote the Welsh language by encouraging employment for local people residing in the local area. The Planning Development Manager referred to the economic benefit of the application and noted that the proposal would result in the creation of approximately 390 temporary jobs during construction and 175 gross additional permanent jobs during operation. The jobs created would be open to all and there is an expectation that a number of roles would be filled by employees from further afield. However, HMRC have confirmed they would seek to encourage employment for local people where possible. In addition, HMRC are committed to supporting opportunities for apprenticeships where there are opportunities to do so. An Economic Impact Assessment has been undertaken for the scheme which has calculated that the proposal would result in a circa £240m+ investment into the UK to be centred on Anglesey. This would bring about a number of economic benefits during both the construction and operational phases of the development. Any permission issued by the Authority will include conditions requesting that both a Local Employment Scheme and Local Supply Chain Scheme are submitted to ensure that the proposed development will benefit the local area.
The Planning Development Manager referred to the landscape and visual impacts of the development. Whilst the site is located within the AONB, the vast amount of the existing Truck Stop development would be retained as part of the application. These includes the two storey building and parking spaces. The proposed extension at the southern part of the existing building would measure approximately 17.6m long by approximately 13 metres wide with a ridge height of 6.4 metres. The extension would have a link extension to the existing building. This new development is considered subservient and would be a minor feature in the overall context of the site. Other new developments includes an inspection and drivers block which would be large low pitched shed like building together with entry and exist gatehouses. The application is accompanied by a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA). The Assessment has concluded that once developed, the site would become an integral part of the landscape within the wider Parc Cybi development area. A condition will be attached to secure that a landscape plan and external colours are submitted before commencement of works on site. An Ecological Assessment (EA) has been undertaken for the site which accompanies the planning application. Based on the detailed finding of the EA as noted within the Officer’s report, it is considered that the development as proposed can be undertaken without detriment to the nature conservation value of the site and surrounding area, including the nearest statutory designated site. A condition will be attached to any approval of the application as regards to the above.
Reference was made that the proposal proposes to use the site for 24 hours a day and therefore providing appropriate and sympathetic external lighting is an important factor. Although the current site was also in use on a 24 hours basis, an extensive assessment has been undertaken as part of the current application. The application is accompanied by a Lighting Assessment and the assessment has demonstrated that the proposed lighting scheme represents an improvement as compared to the existing scheme. The Public Protection Section of the Authority have been consulted regarding the application and have concluded that the development would adopt best practice as part of the operations. It is also acknowledged that the proposal entails reducing the tallest light on site which would ensure off site spillage is kept to a minimum. The luminaires are directed down, there is zero upward illumination. All of the external lighting will be controlled by photocell and time clock provision with manual overide so as to avoid inadvertent illumination during the hours of daylight. It is considered that the proposed scheme would not result in light spill or light pollution which would have an adverse impact on the immediate and wider locality/local environment or the amenity of nearby residential properties. Conditions would be applied to any permission to ensure that lighting is satisfactory controlled.
The Planning Development Manager reported that although the current use of the site involves a lorry park which is similar to what is being proposed, careful consideration will have to be given to the impacts, in particular to noise omitting from the site will have upon the neighbouring uses and residents. The nearest residential property to the site is located approximately 250 metres to the west of the site. Other nearby residential properties are located approximately 400 metres to the south. A Premier Inn is also located approximately 130 metres to the north east of the site. Given the distances between the site and nearest properties, combined with intervening land uses and the landscaping proposed as part of the scheme, it is considered there would be no significant loss of privacy, light or the proposed structures being overbearing features. A Noise and Lighting Assessment has been undertaken and submitted as part of the application. The assessment concluded that there would be no adverse impact from the predicted noise levels and allowing for context, noise levels would be considered low. With regard to the HGV being stagnant at the site, HMRC will utilise a no idling policy. In addition, electric hook-up points would be provided on site for any refrigerated vehicles which may be on site for an extensive period of time and requires continuous refrigeration. The Noise Assessment has demonstrated that the proposed development would not have any adverse impact on the noise environment at the site or within the locality. The Public Protection Department have assessed the application and raised no objection to the proposed development as they are satisfied with the conclusion of the Noise Assessment together with the orientation of the HGV bays and the fact that the applicant is adopting best practice with respect of limiting idling of HGV’s. However, Conditions would be imposed as part of any approval to ensure that matters such as noise and lighting is controlled to ensure that the proposed development does not have an adverse impact upon residential amenity.
Reference was made to the access to the site for all HGV vehicles would be via the existing former Road King entrance to the east of the existing building. HGV vehicles would pass through the site to the parking and inspection areas. In total, there would be 87 HGV parking bays provided along with 20 van bays. HGV’s would exit the site via the existing site exit to the south eastern corner of the site. HMRC anticipate that 350 vehicles can be processed within a period of 24 hours on site. It was further said that a Transport Assessment initially submitted was based on Traffic Survey data obtained during 2021, when the pandemic related restrictions were in place. As such, Welsh Government has requested that the applicant provides and update Transport Assessment with an updated Traffic Survey data to better reflect the worst-case traffic conditions for a fully operational environment. In addition, it is also requested that the Traffic Survey considers the impact of development generated traffic delays upon not only Junction 2 and the mainline of the A55, but also the impact of such delays upon the Port and the local communities within the vicinity of the development. Welsh Government has also requested that a risk assessment is submitted for varying operational scenarios of the site including ICT issues and staff shortages and that the applicant will be required to undertake a condition survey of all on/off slip roads associated with Junction 2 of the A55.
The Planning Development Manager said that the cumulative impact of the proposed development including the construction phase is an important issue to assess in light of other existing and future development, especially major projects. HGV parking displacement following the closure of the Road King Truck Stop is an important issue within this area of Holyhead. Plot 9 at Parc Cybi is currently being used for temporary HGV parking following the closure of Road King. It is acknowledged that a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) Report has recently been undertaken and therefore application may be forthcoming. The site is a Strategic Regional Site within the North Wales Regional Employment Land Strategy, meaning that it is seen as a site of regional importance with a critical role in achieving regional contribution to national economic development objectives and supporting key sector development. The re-development of the now disused truck stop for a comparable use would therefore bring about a number of benefits through the creation of jobs and the provision of a virtually important border facility. It would also prevent the site and building falling into disrepair and creating a blight on the landscape. Conditions and mitigation measures being proposed will ensure that the development does not have a detrimental impact upon highway safety or the highway network. The recommendation is of approval of the application subject to conditions and that delegated powers be afforded to the Head of Service to make any minor amendments to conditions as necessary.
Councillor T Ll Hughes MBE said that there are concerns/complaints due to the lighting on the site by local residents. He also said that there has been complaints to the noise from the HGV’s refrigeration units and to the parking problems that have occurred following the closure of the Road King facility with HGV vehicles parking on pavements and at local shopping facilities nearby. He referred that a condition could be imposed on HMRC to pay for policing the surrounding area of the development to stop the illegal parking of the HGV’s. Councillor Hughes further said that the conditions as regards to the lighting and noise from the site needs to be enforced stringently. The Planning Development Manager responded that conditions as regards to lighting and noise for the facility have been addressed as part of any approval of the application. However, he did not consider that conditions can be imposed as regards to policing the parking of HGV’s as part of this application. Such conditions should be considered when the planning application for Plot 9 at Parc Cybi is submitted for the parking of HGV’s on site.
Councillor Dafydd Roberts ascertained as to whether HMRC was contributing towards Plot 9 at Parc Cybi. The Planning Development Manager responded that the application as regards to Plot 9 will be submitted by Welsh Government to address the illegal parking of HGV’s in the area.
Councillor Eric Jones said that he considered that the site is inadequate in size as to the amount of HGV’s that will be passing through the facility. He further said that there is ample acreage on the site to extend the facility so as to allow speedy traffic movement.
Councillor T Ll Hughes MBE proposed that the application be approved. Councillor K P Hughes seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report and to delegate powers to the Head of Service to make any minor amendments to conditions as necessary.
12.4 FPL/2021/332 – Full application for coastal flood defence improvement works at Red Wharf Bay
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is submitted by the local authority.
The Planning Development Manager reported the application is for coastal flood defence improvement works at Red Wharf Bay. The proposed works extend from Seagarth to the North to just beyond the Grade II Listed Ship Inn to the South. The site is located within a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty along the Wales Coast Path in a C2 flood zone and is adjacent to the Anglesey Terns SPA, within 170 metres of Trwyn Dwlban SSSI/GCR and within 850 metres of the Menai Straits and Conwy Bay SAC and Liverpool Bay Special Protection Area (SPA). The existing coastal defences are comprised of various periods of construction and are weathered, discoloured and damaged. The existing boundaries are a mix of precast concrete, mortared stone walling with sections of metal and timber railings on top unsympathetic to the rural setting. The wall/defence works would be 6.06 AOD which depending on existing road/path levels would mean that the proposed defence structures would generally be 1.2 – 1.3 metres above present levels I, although in locations (south east of Section 3) it would be in the region of 1.7 metres high. Of the wall types proposed: Types A and C are masonry clad, with type B a glass panel on top of a pre-cast base. The height of the glass panel is proposed to be between 600 cm and 1300 cm with the scale/design dependant on others. He further said that as is noted within the Officer’s report, the defence works will be in 6 sections with different materials in use to carry out the works. The proposed wall and panels will be higher than the existing boundary structures and as such would become a more noticeable feature. It would reduce some of the openness between the existing Coastal Path to more than a minor degree. On balance it is not considered that the proposal would affect the natural beauty, AONB features or special qualities related to landscape subject to conditions regarding appropriate details of materials/wall appearance to assist in limiting adverse visual change to local character from the works proposed, and result in better design cohesion for this stretch of coastal boundary than at present. The Submitted Water Framework Directive (WFD) confirms that a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be prepared following contractor appointment to ensure pollution prevention is effectively captured. Mitigation measures are suggested or proposed within the various submitted reports, including high-level overview of the proposed development and pollution prevention measures. The permission will therefore be subject to a pre-commencement condition requiring the submission of a detailed CEMP. The application is also accompanied by a Flood Consequence Assessment. NRW have reviewed the FCA and agree that the proposed scheme will offer a significant improvement for tidal flood protection to the residential, commercial properties along with the infrastructure which will benefit from these work. The Planning Development Manager concluded that it is therefore considered that the development is acceptable and conforms with the policies mentioned within the Officer’s report and it is not considered that the development will give rise to an unacceptable impact upon the character and appearance of the listed building and designated AONB subject to conditions.
Councillor Ieuan Williams proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
Supporting documents: