To submit a report by the Interim Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer.
Submitted – the Annual Equality Report 2020/21 for consideration by the Committee.
The Leader of the Council said that the Annual Equality Report demonstrates the Council’s commitment to mainstreaming equality into the work of the Authority. This includes an outline of progress against work related to the Council’s priority to establish an effective corporate process to ensure the ongoing assessment of impact across services.
The Policy and Welsh Language Manager reported that the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requires that all public authorities covered under the Equality Act 2010 Statutory Duties (Wales) Regulations 2011 must publish an annual equality report by 31 March in the year following each reporting period. The Welsh Government introduced specific duties to help public bodies in Wales to meet the general duty. These specific duties include a requirement to develop and publish equality objectives and Strategic Equality Plans at least once every four years. The purpose of the Annual Equalities Report is to demonstrate how the Council has met the general and specific equality duties. She further said that the employment data within the report covers the period from 1 April, 2020 to 31 March, 2021.
The Committee considered the report and made the following main points:-
· Questions were raised as to whether the Annual Report could be adapted to be accessible and written in a way that is easier to understand. The Policy and Welsh Language Manager responded that the documentation can be adapted but the specific data and information needs to be included. However, she emphasised that the main messages in respect of equalities needs to be addressed and consideration will be given as to how to present the information within the report so as due reflection is addressed within the framework imposed;
· Reference was made to the employment information graphs within the report and concerns were raised that individuals might object to being labelled by protected characteristic. The Leader of the Council responded that whilst accepting the comments made, the data is expected by Welsh Government;
· Questions were raised as to what steps have been put in place to ensure that children and vulnerable people do not experience inequality as a result of the pandemic. The Leader of the Council responded that as can be seen within the report as to the way the Education Department has responded during the pandemic with Cromebooks afforded to the children and internet access secured so as to be able the children to be able to their receive education whilst at home. She further said that the Education Service and Social Services have worked to identify vulnerable children with joint plans and Welfare Officers working together to address their needs. All schools have received the ‘Carlam Cymru’ grant so as to facilitate the schools to address the challenges identified in their schools;
· Questions were raised as to whether the Council has achieved the equality objectives. The Leader of the Council responded that the Authority has achieved it equality aims as is possible, whilst the pandemic has been challenging with people having to self-isolate and unable to socialise. The equality objective is an integral work of the Council and progress is measured over an extended period rather a twelve month period;
· Questions raised as to how it is intended to ensure that the socio-economic duty becomes an integral part of the Council’s work. The Leader of the Council responded that discussions have undertaken in the ‘elected members briefing sessions’ to raise awareness of socio-economic duty of the Council. She noted that the socio-economic duty is has been raised at the North Wales Ambition Board so as to be able to make a difference to local communities when potential developers invest in the local areas of the Island;
· Reference was made that poverty within communities can affect education. It was stressed that it is crucial to for children and young people to have the opportunity to reach their full potential and enable them to be able to apply for employment opportunities. The Leader of the Council responded that the opening of the new schools on the Island in deprived area will encourage and develop children and young people to be able to reach their full potential.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Annual Equality Report 2020/21.
ACTION : As noted above.
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