Agenda item

Housing Support Grant Programme Strategy 2022-26

To present the report of the Head of Housing Services.



The report of the Head of Housing Service incorporating the Housing Support Grant Programme Strategy 2022-26 was presented for the Committee’s consideration.

The Head of Housing Services reported that the Housing Support Grant is a Welsh Government funded programme led and managed by local authorities in partnership with Health and Probation. It provides housing support services for people from a range of client groups. The programme aims to provide housing support for people to be able to maximise, maintain and sustain their independence through the provision of a range of innovative housing support services and projects that help prevent homelessness. It incorporates the previous Welsh Government funded programmes of Supporting People, Homelessness Prevention and Rent Smart Wales. As part of the Housing Support Grant Guidance, Welsh Government requires all local authorities to produce a 4 yearly detailed Needs Assessment which underpins the Housing Support Grant Strategy and 3 Yearly Cyclical Housing Support Delivery Plan which has to be reviewed annually. The Delivery Plan outlines how the Council proposes to spend its revenue allocation of £3.571m for 2022-23 allocated between Housing Support(previously Supporting People - £3.417m); Homelessness Prevention (£140k), Rent Smart Wales - £6,209k) leaving £8,148k uncommitted. The Strategy was subject to public consultation between 5 January and 1 February, 2022 and 88% of those who responded agreed that it captured the most important issues and priorities.

The Housing Services Manager (Strategy, Commissioning and Policy) confirmed that the Strategy is based on providing universal and targeted services to help people in housing crisis, prevent homelessness and support housing independence. The Covid 19 pandemic has seen an increasing number of people seek support and it is anticipated that this increase will continue into next year and that demand in the years after and beyond will settle at a higher level than previously. The Strategy is the product of considerable research and consultation and brings forward plans to provide housing support.


In considering the report the Committee referred to the following –


·                  The absence of any reference to the Council’s response to and provision for refugees. The Housing Services Manager (Strategy, Commissioning and Policy) clarified that the Service’s Housing Strategy recognises the Council’s role as a participant in refugee resettlement schemes which come under the jurisdiction of the Home Office. The duties in relation to homelessness and the pathway to accessing support are different in the context of refugees. The Service has plans at the ready under the Housing Strategy should it be called upon to accommodate refugees.

·                  Concern regarding homelessness, the people who present as homelessness and whether they are local or incomers and the availability of provision and funding in connection with tackling the immediate problems of homelessness such as emergency accommodation.  The Housing Services Manager (Strategy, Commissioning and Policy) advised that the pandemic period has been challenging and has led to an increase in the number of people seeking support. Not all of those accessing the Service are in need of accommodation and the Service’s approach through early interventions is to try to prevent housing crisis. The Strategy in part seeks to move away from a dependency on emergency accommodation provision to a rapid rehousing approach. The Service has also taken advantage of the Welsh Government’s Covid Hardship Fund which has covered much of its emergency costs. Welsh Government has recognised that demand is also likely to remain high in the transitional period and has provided additional resources to that end. In addition, funding through the Housing Support Grant is higher than in previous years in recognition that tackling and preventing homelessness needs to be underpinned by sufficient resources.


Having considered the documentation and information provided verbally at the meeting the Committee resolved to recommend to the Executive -


·         That it approve the Housing Support Grant Programme Strategy 2022-26 and Delivery Plan.

·         That it should agree to the proposed Spend Plan in accordance with Welsh Government HSG Guidance and requirement included in Annexe B in the Delivery Plan.

·         That it approve the Rapid Rehousing Transition Work Plan April 2022 to March 2027.



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