12.1 – VAR/2022/36 – Peboc, Llangefni
12.2 – FPL/2022/87 – Llangaffo Primary School, Llangaffo
12.3 – VAR/2022/3 – Cae Mawr, Llanerchymedd
12.4 – FPL/2021/336 - Llanfairpwll Health Centre, Ffordd Penmynydd, Llanfairpwll
12.5 – FPL/2022/46 - Land near Bryn Glas Estate, Brynsiencyn
12.1 VAR/2022/36 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (02) (submission of reserved matters) of planning permission reference OP/2019/6 (demolition of former chemical works and erection of 7 business units) so as to allow further time for the submission of the reserved matters at the former Peboc site, Llangefni
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it has been submitted by the Local Authority.
The Development Management Manager reported that there has been no change in circumstances or local policy since the outline permission was granted and so the variation of the condition to allow additional time for the submission of the reserved matters is therefore acceptable. The recommendation is therefore one of approval.
Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Geraint Bebb that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the planning conditions contained therein.
12.2 FPL/2022/87 – Full application for the change of use of part of the former school playing field into a children’s play area at Llangaffo Primary School, Llangaffo
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is made on land which is owned by the County Council.
The Development Management Manager reported that former Llangaffo Primary School is located along the B4419 in the middle of the village. The former school building itself is located within the development boundary as defined by the JLDP whilst the playing field is located outside but adjoining the boundary. Access to the proposed playing field will be afforded via a wooden gate off the highway; the highway is paved throughout the village providing safe access to all users. The application site is considered to be in a sustainable location and is easily accessible on foot, by cycle or other means of transport. Although it is expected that most users will be local as the nearby villages of Gaerwen and Newborough have their own playing fields, the village hall located up the road could be used as a parking hub should people want to come to the playing field by car. Being a small scale development adjoining the development boundary and within a sustainable location, the proposal is considered to conform to Policy ISA 2 of the JLDP which is the relevant policy for assessing a community facility development of this type. The site is well screened and given the previous use of the land as a school playing field, it is not considered that the proposal will impact the neighbouring properties to such a degree as to warrant refusal. The recommendation is therefore to approve the application.
Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Ken Taylor that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the planning condition contained therein.
12.3 VAR/2022/3 – Application under Section 73A for the variation of conditions (05) (Manure Management Plan), (08) (Landscaping Scheme), (09) (TPO Tree Protection), (10) (Light Mitigation Strategy), (11) (Woodland Management Plan), (12) (Construction Environmental Management Plan), (17) (Archaeological Works), and (18) (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of planning permission reference FPL/2019/251/EIA (erection of a poultry unit) so as to allow the details to be submitted and approved following the commencement of development works at Cae Mawr, Llanerchymedd
The application relates to the variation of conditions of consent of an application which was accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment. It is therefore referred to the Planning and Orders Committee for determination in accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution.
The Development Management Manager reported that planning permission was granted in September 2021 for the development of a free range poultry unit to accommodate 32,000 chickens for egg production under planning permission FPL/2019/251/EIA. The permission remains extant and the development has commenced. There has been no change in policy since application FPL/2019/251/EIA was granted. The permission was subject to 18 conditions many of which required the submission of further details either prior to the commencement of the development or prior to being brought into use/operation and were intended to manage, mitigate and control the impacts of the development. Despite this the development commenced and has continued contrary to the advice of Officers and in breach of several conditions of the permission. The S73A application is therefore submitted in order to vary the requirements of the conditions to allow the relevant details to be submitted and approved after the commencement of the development. In addition, the details required under the provisions of the relevant conditions have also been submitted as part of the application and as documented in the Officer’s report. These details are considered acceptable by the Local Planning Authority meaning that Conditions (05), (08), (09), (10), (11), (12) (18) can be discharged and Condition (17) varied to require the further submission of a detailed SME report in fulfilment of part (b) of the condition, part (a) having been met.
Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed, seconded by Councillor Ken Taylor that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the planning conditions contained therein.
12.4 FPL/2021/336 – Full application for alterations and extensions to health centre, the construction of new parking spaces together with soft landscaping at Llanfairpwll Health Centre, Penmynydd Road, Llanfairpwll
The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.
Councillor Alun Mummery, a Local Member requested that a site visit be undertaken due to concerns about the lack of standard parking provision to meet the needs of the application.
Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Geraint Bebb that a site visit be conducted in accordance with the Local Member’s request.
It was resolved to undertake a virtual site visit in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reason given.
12.5 FPL/2022/46 – Full application for the erection of 12 dwellings together with the creation of an internal access road and associated works on land near Bryn Glas Estate, Brynsiencyn
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member due to concerns regarding density and surface water along with highway concerns.
Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application, Councillors Glyn Haynes and Ken Taylor withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and determination thereof.
Public Speaker
Sioned Edwards, Cadnant Planning spoke in support of the application saying that the application is submitted by DU Construction who would be developing the proposed units on behalf of the County Council, all of which would be provided as affordable housing to meet a local identified need for this type of housing. The application site is within the development boundary of Brynsiencyn with residential housing to the north, east and south of the site and an open field to the west.
A Local Member has raised concerns about the density of the development and about surface water drainage and highways matters.
The development will provide 12 dwellings equivalent to a density of 31.6 housing units per hectare thereby satisfying Policy CYFF 2 of the JLDP which requires a minimum density of 30 housing units per hectare. Officers have raised no concerns on the basis of the density of the proposed development. Access to the site will be through the adjacent Bryn Glas estate. The application is accompanied by a Transport Statement which notes that the increase in vehicle movements as a result of the development would be very small. Each unit will have adequate parking provision and parking spaces will also be provided for visitors. A condition requiring the submission of a Construction Traffic Management Plan is included to minimise the impacts on nearby residents during the construction phase. The Highways Authority is satisfied with the proposal.
With regard to drainage concerns the development is not within a flood zone and surface water drainage would be via soakaways on site; SAB approval would be required prior to the commencement of works. Given the clear need for affordable housing in the area, it is hoped the Committee can support the application which will help in meeting that need.
The Development Management Manager reported that the main planning considerations in relation to housing, parking and highways, amenities and drainage have been outlined and addressed by the Public Speaker. Having confirmed that the proposal aligns with material policies and having weighed the material planning considerations, the Officer’s recommendation is to approve the application.
Councillor Dafydd Roberts said that as a Local Member he was satisfied that concerns expressed with regard to the density of the development, drainage and highways issues had been addressed.
Councillor Jackie Lewis proposed, seconded by Councillor Geraint Bebb, that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the planning conditions contained therein.
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