To present the report of the Chief Executive.
Submitted - the Gwynedd and Anglesey Community Safety Partnership Annual Report for 2021/2022.
The Portfolio Member for Housing & Community Safety said that the Community Safety Partnership is required to formally report to this committee each year to present an overview of activities. He noted that virtual meetings has improved the attendance at these meetings.
The Community Safety Senior Operational Officer for Gwynedd and Anglesey reported that there is a statutory duty on local authorities, in accordance with the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, and subsequent amendments due to the Police and Criminal Justice Act 2002 and 2006, to work in partnership with the Police, Health Service, Probation Service and the Fire and Rescue Service, to address the local community safety agenda. There is also a requirement to formulate and implement a strategy to prevent and reduce serious violence following the amendments to the Crime and Disorder Act as a result of the new Serious Violence Duty expected next year. She further referred that some of the main challenges the partnership has and currently faces is the loss of local grants – all the grants, which the partnership once received have now either ended, or have moved to a regional grant position, managed on a North Wales basis. The Community Safety Senior Operational Officer referred to the recent crime data for Anglesey for November 2022 as noted within the report that is received from the Partnership Analyst within North Wales Police. She further noted that due to the collaboration between the Police, Local Authority and the Holyhead Town Council, a successful bid for Holyhead was submitted in May under the Home Office’s Safer Streets 4 Fund.
The Committee considered the report and raised the following main points:-
· Whilst welcoming the successful bid for the Safer Streets 4 Fund in Holyhead, members raised that rural communities are unable to benefit from such a project and questions were raised to the availability of mobile CCTV cameras within rural communities. The Community Safety Senior Operational Officer responded that the eligibility criteria of the Safer Streets 4 Fund is specific as to the level of crime cases reported within a specific area to qualify for funding. She noted that discussions have taken place with the Police regarding funding from the Shared Prosperity Fund for rural communities. With regards to mobile CCTV cameras she noted that the Town Councils have taken over the operation of CCTV cameras, however she assured the members that she would make enquiries as to possible availability of mobile CCTV cameras. The Deputy Chief Executive noted that as Chair of the Partnership he would raise the matter at the next meeting of the Partnership. The Chief Executive said that rural crime concerns could be an appropriate issue to raise at the WLGA Rural Forum;
· Reference was made to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and questions were raised as to how the partnership works in an effective and efficient manner in accordance with expectations of the Act. The Community Safety Senior Operational Officer responded that partner organisations within the Community Safety Partnership are able to create links and share expertise to assure that crime and disorder issues are addressed;
· Questions were raised as to the effect of the pandemic on crime figures on the Island. The Community Safety Senior Operational Officer responded that crime figures fell over the pandemic due to shops and pubs closed and people working from home. However, hate crime figure increased due to people travelling over the boarder to rural areas and on-line fraud saw a significant increase with more people purchasing goods on-line. The Chief Executive said that due to the cost of living crisis discussions have undertaken within the Partnership as regards to the potential increase in crime i.e. shop lifting and burglaries;
· Questions were raised as to what extent is the action plan sufficiently robust to deal with aspects of the priority areas for the benefit of Anglesey’s communities. Members expressed that they would prefer to see Police Officers presence within the local communities and speaking to residents to ascertain their concerns. The Community Safety Senior Operational Officer responded that it is important for the Partnership to be able to bid for funding as the Safer Street 4 Fund. She noted that resources could be made available through the Shared Prosperity Fund for rural communities. Members considered that an invitation needs to be given to a representative from North Wales Police to attend this meeting when the item regarding Community Safety is on the agenda.
· To note the contents of the report and attached documents and to support the priorities and future direction of the work;
· To ascertain whether mobile CCTV cameras can be made available through the Community Safety Partnership within rural communities;
· To ensure that rural communities are able to take advantage of any funding resources available so as to protect their communities.
ACTION : As noted above.
Supporting documents: