Agenda item

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Performance Evaluation Review Inspection (PEI) of Anglesey Social Services

To submit a report by the Director of Social Services.


The report of the Director of Social providing a review of the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Performance Evaluation Review Inspection (PEI) of Anglesey’s Social Services was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member The Portfolio Member for Children’s Services (Social Services) and Youth Services in presenting the report said that the Social Services Departments, both Children and Families and Adults Services were inspected by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) on the 10th – 14th October, 2022, as part of their routine Performance Evaluation Review Inspection (PEI).  He noted that the report is to be welcomed as CIW identified areas of strength, good practice and service development and did not highlight any areas of significant risk or safeguarding matters.  CIW has identified that the Authority demonstrated a strong enthusiasm and readiness to work with partner organisations and the third sector together with other services within the Council.  He further said that there is consistent, positive messages from the workforce regarding the quality of leadership and culture across both the children and adults’ services.   He further noted that he was glad that CIW has recognised the political and corporate support the Social Services Department has received.


The Portfolio Member for Adults’ Services reiterated the comments made by the Portfolio Member for Children’s Services (Social Services) and Youth Services and welcomed the positive CIW report on the Social Services Department.  He further said that in light of the financial challenges, it should be ensured that the support continues in order to further drive improvements across the children and adults’ services.  He wished to thank the staff of both the Children and Adult’s services for their work.


The Director of Social Services reported that he was appreciative that the CIW report was a positive report on both the Children and Adult’s services and especially during the immense pressure on the Care Sector, cost of living crisis and the pressure on the workforce to address these issues.    He noted that there are some areas have been highlighted within the report that needs to be addressed, however, these matters were currently been considered within the service and a report will be submitted to the meeting of the Social Services Scrutiny Committee for consideration in due course. 


Councillor Robert Ll Jones, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee provided feedback from the Committee’s 19 January, 2023 meeting where the CIW Performance Evaluation Review Inspection Report was discussed, and he confirmed that the Committee was provided with a positive report on the Social Services Department.  Members thanked all Social Services staff and wanted to recognise their dedication and good work. Having considered the information presented both written and verbally at the meeting, it was recommended to note the content of the Care Inspectorate for Wales Performance Evaluation

Review inspection report and to recommend the proposed post inspection actions to the Executive for adoption.


The Leader of the Council also wished to thank the staff of the Social Services Department for their work.  She noted that she was pleased that it it has been recognised that the political and corporate support the department has received has contributed has been improvement within the service since 2016.  She also wished to thank the Finance, HR and Legal departments for supporting the social services department.  The Leader further referred that CIW has identified that the Authority demonstrated a strong willingness to work with partner organisations and the third sector together with other services within the Council. 


It was RESOLVED to accept and to note CIW’s report on the Performance Evaluation Inspection of Social Services.


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