7.7 – FPL/2022/189 – Bilash, Dew Street, Menai Bridge
7.7 FPL/2022/189 - Retrospective application to retain the use of a flat at Bilash, Dew Street, Menai Bridge
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member. At the meeting held on 2 November, 2022, the Committee resolved to visit the site and a virtual site visit was conducted on 16 November, 2022.
The Planning Development Manager outlined the main planning considerations as detailed in the Case Officer’s report with regard to the retrospective application for the conversion and retention of unauthorised works carried out to create a residential unit; no new extensions are proposed as part of the current proposal. The internal floor area of the building measures 32.3 square metres; the flat consist of a living room with a kitchen area and a separate bedroom which includes an en-suite. Following public representations received in relation to the scale of the flat/building, consultations were carried out with Officers from the Public Protection Department to ensure that the scale of the building is sufficient to be used as a living accommodation which in turn confirmed that as per the Section 326 of the Housing Act 1985, the property would be suitable for up to 2 persons (providing the 2 person are living together as a married couple or civil partners). He further said that the site is within the development boundary of Menai Bridge as noted in the Joint Local Development Plan. Details have been submitted to demonstrate the need for the development in the area and the policy section has confirmed that the information is acceptable to meet the needs of the Local Service Centre. The site is located within the Menai Bridge Conservation Area, therefore, the proposal has been considered against Policy AT1 of the Joint Local Development Plan. The Heritage Officer has confirmed that the proposal appears to be for internal alterations and change of use with no external alterations that would impact upon the character of the conservation area. The Planning Development Manager referred that whilst mindful of the comments received from members of the public as regards to highways issues the Highways Authority has raised no objections to the proposed development. In addition, given the low number of vehicles expected to visit the site the Highways Authority is satisfied that there would be adequate parking provision. The site lies in a sustainable location within walking distance of all local amenities and public transport routes. The recommendation was one of approval of the application as it complies with the relevant planning policies.
Councillor Robin Williams, and a Local Member said that he requested that the application be considered by the Planning and Orders Committee following a request by objectors to the proposal, which would have allowed them to be able to address the meeting as public speakers. He noted that it is evident that the objectors do not wish to speak on the application as they had not attend the previous meeting nor this meeting. He further said that he had concerns as to the renovation of old buildings into flats within this part of Menai Bridge and considered that they are no fit for purpose for people to be living in them. However, he said that this is a retrospective application and people have been living in the flat for a number of years. He would abstain from voting
Councillor Ken Taylor proposed that the application be approved as it conformed with planning policies. Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal of approval.
Councillor Robin Williams abstained from voting.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
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