Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1 – HHP/2022/313 - Ponc Rodyn, Llangristiolus



12.2 – FPL/2022/173 - Lon Penmynydd, Llangefni



12.3 – LBC/222/34 - The Pillbox, Trearddur Bay




12.4 – FPL/2022/71 – Tre Angharad, Bodedern



12.5 – FPL/2022/301 - Holyhead Hotspur Football Club, Holyhead



12.6 – 46C427L/COMP - Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead



12.7 - COMP/2021/1 - Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead



12.8 - S106/2020/3 - Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead




12.1  HHP/2022/313 – Full application for alterations and extensions together with the erection of a balcony at Ponc Rodyn, Llangristiolus


Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application Councillor Geraint Bebb left the meeting immediately after making his contribution and before the discussion and voting thereon.

The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a local member due to local concerns as regards to the application.


The Development Management Manager reported on the main considerations of the application and said that the proposed rear extension extends 2.2 meters outwards from the existing dwelling.  The extension measures 6.7 meters in width in order to extend the kitchen/living area.  A balcony will be erected above the ground floor extension which will lead out from the main bedroom.  There is a distance of approximately 12m to the side elevation of the adjoining property known as Nyth Clyd.  The balcony will have a 1.8m glazed balustrade to alleviate any overlooking. The proposal is of a high quality which will complement and enhance the current dwelling and it is considered that it meets the relevant planning policy PCYFF 2 of the Joint Local Development Plan.


Councillor Geraint Bebb, a Local Member said that there has been a letter of objection to the proposal and he declared that the owner of the neighbouring property is a relative of his mother-in-law.  He further said that the author of the letter is also a friend of his wife.  He noted that the letter expresses that the erection of the proposed balcony will have a negative effect of the residents of Nyth Clyd due to overlooking into the garden.  Councillor Bebb left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon. 


The Development Management Manager said that the required distances from the boundary of the neighbouring property and the balcony meets the required distances within planning policies.  There will be a 1.8m balustrade with frosted glazing erected along the side elevation of the balcony.


Councillor Ken Taylor proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor Jackie Lewis seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.2  FPL/2022/173 – Full application for the change of use of agricultural land to site 32 holiday lodges, reception building, construction of new vehicular access, construction of new on site roads, and parking areas and associated works on land adjacent to Lon Penmynydd, Llangefni


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of the local members due to local concerns.


Councillor Geraint Bebb, and a Local Member requested that a physical site visit be undertaken to the site as there are local objections to application and the Llangefni Town Council are also in opposition to the proposal.  Councillor Ken Taylor seconded the proposal of a physical site visit to the site.


It was RESOLVED that a physical site visit be undertaken for the reasons given.


12.3  LBC/2022/34 – Listed building consent for alterations and repairs at The Pillbox, Trearddur Bay


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application has been submitted, alongside an associated listed building consent application, by the local authority as part of a wider Heritage Landscape Project. 


The Development Management Manager reported that the Second World War Pillbox is a Grade II listed building located on a rocky promontory to the rear of the Trearddur Bay Hotel.


Councillor Ken Taylor proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor Robin Williams seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.4  FPL/2022/71 – Full application for the erection of 29 dwellings, together with the creation of a new vehicular access, an internal access road and associated works on land at Tre Angharad, Bodedern


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a local member due to concerns over the capacity of the Primary School at Bodedern.


Public Speaker


Mr Rhys Davies, Cadnant Planning, spoke in support of the application and said that this is a full application for the erection of 29 dwellings on the site which has been allocated for housing within the Joint Local Development Plan.   Outline permission has already been granted for the erection of 30 houses on the site but Clwyd Alyn Housing Association has analysed the housing need and mix for this site and has reduced this number to 29 in the full application. Clwyd Alyn Housing Association will develop the site to provide affordable housing with some of the houses for rent and some for sale.  A percentage of the houses will be transferred to the Council’s Housing Department.  He noted that there has been considerable discussions with the applicant and the Planning Officers to ensure the development is of a high standard. There has been no objection to the development from members of the public and during the pre-application consultation period there was considerable support from families living in Bodedern who are eager to see affordable homes being developed in the village.  He noted that the application has been called in due to concerns regarding the capacity of Ysgol Gynradd Bodedern but as noted in the report the Education Department has no concerns and has not requested a financial contribution towards the primary school.  It should also be noted that outline permission has already been granted for more units on the site than the number proposed as part of this application.  A contribution has been agreed for the secondary school in Bodedern, and therefore a thorough assessment has been undertaken by the Education Department. A contribution will also be made to improve Bodedern’s playing areas as well as improvements to the footpaths and crossings between the site and the school.   However, Clwyd Alyn Housing Association are willing to discuss financial contribution to the Bodedern Primary School outside the planning process.  Mr Davies further said that it is important that this application is not deferred as there is a substantial grant available for this development on the condition that work will start on the site before the end of this month.


The Development Management Manager reported that the application site comprises of 0.97 hectares of agricultural land situated along London Road which leads to the centre of the village of Bodedern.  There is an extant outline permission on the land for 30 dwellings approved under planning application OP/2019/17 which was approved in November 2020.  He noted that this is a new full application as it has been submitted by another developer, Clwyd Alyn Housing Association.  However, there is a valid fall-back position on the site and there is minimal difference between the outline application in terms of scale.  The application site is located on an allocated site (T33) within the development boundary of Bodedern under the provisions of PCYFF 1 and the principles of residential development is therefore acceptable and aligns with planning policy TAI 1; there is at present capacity in the settlement which means that no Welsh Language Statement is required with the application.   The Housing Department has afforded a list of housing need in the area and are in support of the housing mix proposed on the site.   The Development Management Manager further said that Authority’s Education Department has confirmed that a financial contribution will be required towards Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern and on this basis a planning obligation has been recommended requiring a financial contribution of £18,469 as part of the development.  He noted that there has been concerns raised by a Local Member that Bodedern Primary School was over its capacity.  The Education Department has confirmed that the procedure that has been followed in assessing the planning application is outlined in the ‘Supplementary Planning Guide, Planning Commitments’ adopted in September, 2019.  The potential impact of a planning application has been assessed when the planning application is submitted which in this case was in March 2022, which in turn was part of the 2021/2022 educational year.  The number of pupils at Bodedern Primary School in September 2021 was 90.  A total of 12 primary age pupils would result from the development would take the capacity of the school to 102 which is 1 less than the school’s capacity, therefore, there is no education contribution requirement towards Bodedern Primary School.  However, the Local Member has discussed the matter with the Head Teacher of the school and the Head Teacher has confirmed that in January of this year there are 96 pupils (not including the nursery class) and including 12 extra pupils will result in 108 pupils which is 5 pupils over the school’s capacity which would result in the need for a financial contribution from the development towards the Primary School.   Following receipt of this information, the Planning Officer has consulted the Education Department and it was confirmed that there is a requirement for consistency across the Island and in accordance with the supplementary planning guidance.  The Education Department has confirmed that they are unable to review the pupil number unless the Planning Authority re-consulted on the application; the Planning Authority do not have a reason to re-consult on the application.    The recommendation was that the application be approved subject to the conditions within the report and providing that a Section 106 agreement is completed as noted within the Officer’s report.


Councillor Ken Taylor, and a Local Member said that he has no objection to the development on the site but his concerns as a Local Member and a School Governor was the capacity of the Bodedern Primary School to accommodate the potential children from the development.  He noted that there were 93 pupils in the school in September 2022 and not 90 pupils that has been reported upon.  The figures within the schools has recently increased to 96 and the Head Teacher has had to refuse the admission of 3 children to the school. Councillor Taylor said that the methodology used to assess the requirement for a financial contribution resulting from the submission of planning application needs to be reassessed.  He said that he welcomed that the developer Clwyd Alyn Housing Association are willing to discuss a financial contribution to the Primary School at Bodedern outside the planning process and he ascertained assurances that the developer would discuss the matter with the Head Teacher in due course.  The Development Management Manager said that the financial contribution towards the primary school would be voluntary and would not be a condition attached to the approval of the application. 


Councillor T Ll Hughes MBE queried as to the location of the access and whether the Highways Authority are satisfied with the new access proposed. The Development Management Manager responded that the Highways Authority are satisfied with the access to the site and a footpath together with pedestrian crossing will be at the entrance to the site. 


Councillor John I Jones ascertained whether the play area to the secondary school will be available to the children from the proposed development.  The Development Management Manager responded that as part of the Section 106 legal agreement a financial contribution of £5,557.94 will be afforded to the Community Council to improve the equipment within the play areas in Bodedern.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor Jackie Lewis seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report together with a Section 106 legal agreement that 6 of the dwellings to be affordable, that an education financial contribution of £18,469 towards Bodedern Secondary School and £5,557.94 towards equipped play areas in Bodedern.


12.5  FPL/2022/301 – Full application for the installation of a water storage buff behind the main stand at Holyhead Hotspur Football Club, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is being made on land which is owned by the County Council.


The Development Management Manager reported that the application is for the installation of a water storage buff behind main stand to collect water from the roof.  The development is a small scale, measuring 3m in height and 2.6m in width, holding a total of 15,000 litres at full capacity.  The recommendation was of approval of the application as it is considered that it will have any impact on neighbouring properties and complies with relevant planning policies.


Councillor T Ll Hughes MBE queried as to the ownership of the road passing the application site and whether there would be implications as regards to the Land and Lakes applications within the agenda.  The Development Management Manager responded that Land and Lakes are the owners of the land and is leased to the Local Authority.  The land is leased by the Local Authority to Holyhead Hotspurs Football Club.  He noted that Land and Lakes are eager for the Local Authority to surrender the lease so as to allow them to lease the land directly to Holyhead Hotspurs Football Club. At present as the land is let by the Local Authority to the Football Club they are unable to apply for grant applications for financial support.  He further said that the Local Authority is willing to surrender the lease conditionally that the Holyhead Hotspurs Football Club signs the lease on the same day and protects the lease of the land for the next 10 years.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be approve.  Councillor Geraint Bebb seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.6  46C427L/COMP – Submission of Community Liaison Group Scheme (CLGS) to comply with the Terms of Agreement as set out in Schedule 8, Section 7 and Penrhos Public Access Land Scheme (PPALS) as set out in Schedule 8, Section 13.1 of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission reference 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON at Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead


The Development Management Manager reported that following receipt of legal representations as regards to this application on Monday, 30 January, 2023 the recommendation is to defer the application to the next meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee to allow the Planning Authority to consider the contents of the correspondence received and to respond appropriately. 


The Legal Services Manager said that the contents of the correspondence received will need to be considered due to the nature of and the public interest in the development and thereafter to be reported back to the Committee in an open and transparent manner. 


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application for the reasons given.


12.7  COMP/2021/1 – Submission of information necessary to discharge sections: Schedule 8, Section 1, Clause 1.1; Car Parking and Public Access Strategy – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Clause 12.1: Ancient Woodland Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 15, Clause 15.1: Green Linkages Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 17, Clause 17.1: SSSI Management Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 19, Clause 19.1: Ecological Survey and Monitoring Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 9, Section 19, Clause 19.4: Ecological Compliance Audit – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 20, Clause 20.1 – Existing Tree Management Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 21, Clause 21.1 – Warden Service Appointment/Warden Service Annual Reporting – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 21, Clause 21.3 – Warden Service, AONB Impact and use of Green Linkages monitoring assessment – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 9, Section 3, Clause 3.1: Penrhos Leisure Village Phasing Plan – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 11, Section 1, Clause 1.1; Local Labour Plan – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase of the S106 agreement obligations attached to planning permission 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON at Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead.


The Development Management Manager reported that following receipt of legal representations as regards to this application on Monday, 30 January, 2023 the recommendation is to defer the application to the next meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee to allow the Planning Authority to consider the contents of the correspondence received and to respond appropriately. 


The Legal Services Manager said that the contents of the correspondence received will need to be considered due to the nature of and the public interest in the development and thereafter to be reported back to the Committee in an open and transparent manner. 


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application for the reasons given.


12.8  S106/2020/3 – Submission of ‘Penrhos Coastal Park Welsh Language Scheme’ under Section 1 (Welsh Language Scheme) of schedule 12 of the Section 106 Agreement completed in connection with planning permission 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON and the submission of a Deed of Variation to vary the following provisions of this legal agreement: paragraphs 2.1.1 Schedule B (Cae Glas Nature Reserve and Visitor Centre Specification), Appendix 2 Bond Table Penrhos Visitor Centre (including the Penrhos Visitor Centre Toilets) and their maintenance, paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 12 (Welsh Language Scheme) and the substitution of Plan 2 Penrhos Land Drawing – Plan 2 drawing reference PL1114.VW008/Rev 03 dated 03/03/2016 at Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead


The Development Management Manager reported that following receipt of legal representations as regards to this application on Monday, 30 January, 2023 the recommendation is to defer the application to the next meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee to allow the Planning Authority to consider the contents of the correspondence received and to respond appropriately. 


The Legal Services Manager said that the contents of the correspondence received will need to be considered due to the nature of and the public interest in the development and thereafter to be reported back to the Committee in an open and transparent manner. 


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application for the reasons given.


Supporting documents: