To submit a report by the Head of Profession – HR and Transformation.
The report of the Head of Profession (HR) and Transformation incorporating the draft Council Plan for 2023-28 was presented for the Executive’s consideration. The Plan included the corporate wellbeing aims as well as the strategic objectives and associated work streams.
Councillor Robin Williams, Portfolio Member for Finance, Corporate Business and Customer Experience reported that the Council Plan as presented is the culmination of 12 months of preparation in which time an extensive and comprehensive consultation process was undertaken as described in the report which deployed a variety of means of reaching the public and interested parties in order to generate as much interest and responses as possible. In excess of 2,500 responses were received following the public consultation prior to the development of the Plan and those responses played a central role in setting the strategic objectives therein. The Portfolio Member emphasised that while the Plan reflects the context in which the Council is operating it must be responsive to any changes during the five year period and will be adapted accordingly.
The Programme, Business Planning and Performance Manager reiterated the comments about the inclusivity of the consultation process with the Plan having been created on the basis of the most far-reaching consultation work ever undertaken by the Council. The Plan sets the strategic direction for the Council over the next five year period addressing areas which the public has indicated are priority areas for them in relation to social care and wellbeing; education, housing and the economy, along with climate change and the Welsh Language.
Councillor Robert Ll. Jones, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee confirmed that the draft Council Plan 2023-28 was received by the Committee at its 28 February, 2023 meeting when Members challenged the Portfolio Member and Officers on the deliverability of the Plan and whether there were any gaps in the document; the way in which it addresses statutory duties and meets the requirements of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act; the role of the Council’s partners in helping deliver the Plan’s objectives and the arrangements for monitoring and reporting progress. Having considered the information presented and assurances received, the Committee resolved to recommend the Council Plan 2023-28 for further consideration by the Executive.
The Chair commented that the Plan outlines the Council’s high level strategic aims and objectives and that further, more detailed plans will be developed under each strategic objective. Speaking as Portfolio Member for Education and the Welsh Language he said that in light of the 2021 Census data which showed a continued decline in the Welsh speaking population of Wales, he would like to see the Welsh Language being prioritised in the list of strategic objectives, and he proposed that the Council Plan be recommended to the Full Council with that amendment.
It was resolved to recommend the Draft Council Plan 2023-28 for proposed adoption by the Isle of Anglesey County Council at its meeting on 9 March, 2023, subject to prioritising the Welsh Language in the list of strategic objectives contained therein.
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