To submit a report by the Director of Social Services.
The report of the Director of Social Services which provided an overview of the latest progress and development within the Social Services was presented for the Executive’s consideration.
Councillor Alun Roberts, Portfolio Member for Adults’ Services and Community Safety provided context to the Social Services progress report which has been presented to Scrutiny and the Executive quarterly and then lately on a twice-yearly basis following a critical Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) report in 2016. A recent performance and evaluation inspection of Social Services by CIW produced a positive report in December 2022 which identified a number of strengths across both Adults and Children and Families’ services as well as areas for further improvement which will be the focus of attention for an internal working group. Although the report is a reflection of the positive journey on which the Social Services in Anglesey have been since 2016 there remain a number of challenges especially in relation to capacity and staffing which is affecting the sector as a whole. The Portfolio Member highlighted that the Social Services Department continues to work closely with Coleg Menai to attract younger people into the service and with the help of HR is trying out innovative recruitment ideas and marketing. As regards highpoints, the Holyhead 50+ Open Day, the third such event proved popular with participants with plans to make the series one that repeats annually.
Councillor Gary Pritchard, Portfolio Member for Children, Youth and Housing Services summarised the main developments in Children and Families’ Services with particular reference to Cartref Clyd Rhosybol the fourth such facility to be registered. The Youth Services team is being reviewed with a focus on engaging with stakeholders especially the young people who access the service as well as those who do not. A looked After Children and Care Leavers Strategy has been developed and will be presented to the Corporate Parenting Panel in March 2023.
The Director of Social Services commented that while the progress report documents specific initiatives and successes, they are in addition to the day-to-day delivery of social services to many people on the Island. World Social Work Day falls on the 21 March, 2023 and is a reminder of the importance of valuing social work and social workers. The Social Services Department is proud of its achievements in recent years but recognises that there are still challenges that must be faced with regard to funding, staffing and demand.
The Head of Adults’ Services confirmed that Adults’ Services had been under significant pressure over the winter months but thanks to the workforce, had responded flexibly and creatively to levels of demand. An internal working group will be addressing the CIW report in terms of making further improvements recognising that the Service cannot stand still and must continue to explore ways of modernising service delivery for the future.
Councillor R. Llewelyn Jones, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee reported that the Committee at its 14 March meeting had considered the progress report and had acknowledged the positive points while seeking confirmation of the monitoring arrangements with regard to areas needing attention. The work streams to be prioritised by the Social Services Scrutiny Panel over the next period were raised and the Committee considered whether it supported the intention to cease reporting on Social Services improvement to the Committee with reports to come from the Social Services Scrutiny Panel instead. The Committee had endorsed this approach confirming that it was satisfied with the pace of progress and improvements in Social Services to date and recommending the same to the Executive.
Members of the Executive acknowledged the progress made by the Social Services since 2016 and thanked the staff for the contribution they had made to that process in often challenging circumstances.
The Chief Executive likewise thanked the staff and also the Director of Social Services and Head of Adults’ Services for providing leadership and guidance. The Chair was pleased by the focus on Youth Services as a valuable investment in the Island’s young people who had endured a great deal over the past two years in the wake of the pandemic.
It was resolved -
· To confirm that the Executive is reassured that the continued progress made by the Social Services Department is reasonable and timely.
· To endorse the intention not to report to the Executive on Social Services improvements hereafter and that reports in future will continue to be made to the Social Services Scrutiny Panel.
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