To submit a report by the Chief Executive.
Submitted – a report by the Chief Executive on the North Wales Economic Ambition Board Q3 : 2022/2023 Progress Report for consideration by the Committee.
The Leader of the Council said that the progress reports of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board are submitted on a regular basis to this Committee. She noted that as reported at the last meeting the Llysfasi Net Zero Farm has now been withdrawn from the Growth Deal, the Economic Ambition Board made some key decisions regarding the reallocation of the funding within the deal. She noted that some projects have not progress as anticipated and some business plans have been submitted to the Board. The Board has met with Ministers from the UK and Welsh Governments to highlight the challenges in achievements of the projects with regards to regulation and planning together with the challenges faced by the region as regards to the business sector and attracting private investment.
The Chief Executive reported on the projects that have progress since the last quarterly report, namely:-
· The Bangor University - Low Carbon Energy Centre of Excellence (Egni) which will be located at a second building at MSparc in Gaerwen and it is hoped that the project will progress through the formal processes in the coming weeks and funding should be secured, with outline planning permission agreed in;
· Innovative Local Energy – a fund for green energy projects that has been approved by the North Wales Economic Ambition Board;
· Breakwater, Holyhead – Welsh Government has received £20m addition funding following the recent Westminster budget to repair the Breakwater in Holyhead. It is understood that Welsh Government will also afford additional funding, whilst Stena Line the owners of the Breakwater will also be contributing substantial investment. This will allow the Holyhead Growth Bid to progress.
The Chief Executive further reported that significant investments will be in Holyhead over the coming years due to the Breakwater project, Growth Bid, Holyhead Port project, LUF project and the Free Port Bid. The investment could total £150m.
In considering the report the Committee discussed the following:-
· Questions were raised as to the capacity within the Economic Development Department to deal with all the projects on the Island?
The Chief Executive responded that it is a continuous challenge as additional resources is required to deliver the schemes on the Island. The Executive has agreed to afford additional resources within the Economic Development Service. The Service also has a framework agreement with external specialist companies i.e. Architects, Economists, Project Manager.
· Questions were raised as to whether the North Wales Economic Ambition Board will transfer under the Corporate Joint Committee (CJC) and also who will be scrutinising the work of the CJC’s?
The Leader of the Council responded that it is the intention that the North Wales Economic Ambition Board will transfer under the CJC’s and the current scrutiny process will continue within the local authorities. She said that the scrutiny process will be more extensive due to the Transport Strategy for North Wales and the Strategic Development Plan. At present the work of the Scrutiny Committee is to report back to the Executive and therefore the scrutiny process has an influence on the policies of the Council, however, it will be a challenge to scrutinise the CJC’s. The Chief Executive said that it is misleading to call the CJC’s a Committee as it is an external body that charges a levy and he considered that discussions should be undertaken between the North Wales Local Authorities whether it would be advantages to have one Scrutiny Committee across the region to scrutinise all the external bodies.
· Reference was made within the report that the Environmental Biotechnology Centre is located at the Mona Industrial Estate and that another location were sought for the project. Questions were raised as to whether the other location will be on the Island?
The Chief Executive responded that discussions are being undertaken. He noted that the building at Mona has been funded by European funding and has now come to an end. The LUF and SPF funding available is much less than the previous European funding.
It was RESOLVED to note the progress made during Quarter 3 : 2022/2023.
ACTION : As noted above.
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