To submit a report by the Head of Regulation and Economic Development.
The report of the Head of Regulation and Economic Development incorporating the draft Destination Management Plan 2023-2028 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.
Councillor Neville Evans, Portfolio Member for Leisure, Tourism and Maritime presented the report which set out the Council’s ambitions for destination management over the next 5 years taking account of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Plan seeks to strike a balance between supporting the fundamental role which destination management plays in the economy of Anglesey and ensuring that the unique qualities of the Island are not adversely affected by unchecked tourism. It recognises that the tourism offer needs to deliver economic and social benefits for local people and their communities and that the Island’s language, culture, environment, and heritage are key qualities that underpin the offer. The Plan draws together all responsibilities and priorities of Destination and will act as a template for a more collaborative and holistically minded approach to destination management creating new partnerships across the sector and communities. A drive to improve infrastructure such as toilets, car parking and access provision forms a key part of the strategy and as part of the new approach, the Plan highlights opportunities to deliver social and wellbeing benefits to communities as well as leading to a better understanding of the special characteristics of the Island. The DMP links in with the AONB Management Plan and is fully aligned with new Council Plan; it will be the subject of consultation with key stakeholders and their views will be drawn upon to help shape and develop a resulting action plan.
The Visitor Economy and Coastal Area Manager confirmed that the consultation process will focus on key stakeholders including local communities via the town and community councils. Recognising how important the tourism industry is to the future of the Island and its communities, the aim is to take a different approach to that in the past enabling businesses to use the new model to ensure not only Anglesey economy for the future but also the fundamentally important aspects such as landscape, environment and communities thereby making tourism work for everybody. As well as posing challenges, the visitor economy offers opportunities to use Destination management work more expansively to link into other services such as Highways and Education so that it has greater and wider value than were it the preserve of a single service or discipline.
The Chief Executive also emphasised the importance of the Council as a whole taking ownership of the Plan meaning that internal procedures and co-operation are as important as those established externally and that delivery of the Destination Management Plan should not be too narrowly focused on the Economic Development Service as the issues extend beyond that service alone. An internal group chaired by the Deputy Chief Executive reflects the significance ascribed to this matter and work needs to be done to strengthen processes both within and without the Council and to refresh partnerships and formalise governance arrangements to show how seriously the Council considers Destination management and sustainable tourism. The increase in tourist numbers has also raised complex issues within some communities which the Council is trying to resolve within the parameters of current legislation.
The Executive’s members in acknowledging the many benefits which tourism brings to Anglesey and its communities and its importance to the local economy recognised that those benefits must increasingly be balanced against the needs of the environment and net zero in order to ensure tourism that is responsible and sustainable. Members thanked Councillor Carwyn Jones as the former Portfolio Holder for his work during that time with tourism and destination and they urged the sector as well as the Island’s communities to engage with the consultation on the draft Destination Management Plan.
The Chair confirmed that as with the AONB Management Plan, the Destination Management Plan will be submitted to Scrutiny following the consultation period so that Scrutiny can make its recommendations in full knowledge of stakeholders’ perspective on the Plan.
It was resolved to approve and support the draft Destination Management Plan (2023-28) for consultation with key stakeholders.
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