Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader or the Chief Executive


The Chair of the Council referred to the sudden and tragic loss on Friday 7th June of Mr. John Rees Thomas, Head of Service for Leisure and Culture. He had been a member of the Appointments Panel that had appointed John back in 1996 when he transferred from Clwyd County Council to Anglesey. John was a man who was very firm in his opinions and he had helped several communities on the Island over the years. The Chair stated that he had been at a ceremony in Beaumaris a week last Saturday and everybody there was shocked to hear of his death. Certainly he would be sorely missed. The great number who attended the crematorium at Bangor last Saturday was testament to his popularity and the great respect in which he was held.


The Chief Executive stated that it was a very sad occasion to have to pay tribute to a colleague, more so when that colleague had left us so suddenly and at such a young age. Losing John from the Council’s service would be a big blow for the Authority and for the citizens of Anglesey. John had joined the Council back in 1996 and for 17 years he had served very loyally, made his mark and had achieved so much.


He was aware that for some time that John’s health had been fragile. The last time he saw him was on Thursday evening a week before his death, when he came to see him specifically to say that he had some health issues and that he anticipated that he would require treatment. He wanted to give an assurance that he had made firm arrangements to cover the Service during his absence. The Service came first to John and his health came second.


When he failed to turn up for a meeting on the Friday of his death, the Chief Executive knew straight away something was wrong. It was decided to send two of his closest colleagues to his home to see what the situation was and those members of staff had been deeply upset and shocked with what they had found.


John was a very private man, but under that privacy there was also resilience, strength of character and humour as well – a very special brand of humour. We would miss him as a colleague for his satirical humour, which lightened the atmosphere very often at meetings and in the corridors of the Council.


For three years because of his health, he had not been able to drive but he did not miss a single day of work and was never late. There were months and months when he left home at 7:00am in the morning to catch a bus in all weathers to arrive at Parc Mount by 8:30am. That was a testament to his loyalty and the priority he gave to his work.


We will remember John because of his successes and what he had achieved. He was instrumental in the work of expanding Oriel Ynys Mon, establishing the Kyffin Oriel and placing Oriel Ynys Mon amongst the best museums in Wales and beyond. He was also instrumental in making sure that we got the new Archives building. It was a great concern to the Authority at that time that there was a real risk that the treasures of our heritage would be taken away from Anglesey because of the condition of the building at the time and the way in which documents were stored.


John had also been instrumental in persuading the Council at a very difficult financial time to invest capital to establish the new Archives building. Similarly, with the Leisure Service.  We dragged John by his ear really to be responsible for the Leisure Service! John was not a sporting man really but he addressed the work with energy and commitment. What he managed to do with the Friends of Beaumaris in transferring the provision in the Centre there to a local trust was innovative indeed. Those were his major successes but throughout the length and breadth of the Island there were also active people in their communities who were extremely grateful to John for all his help that made sure that our culture, heritage and language were all addressed in community activities. John made sure that no stone was left unturned to provide grants and subsidies to enable those activities which are so essential to take place.


He will be sorely missed but we will carry in our hearts and minds very many happy memories of John and for the quiet way he did his work. We will remember his incisive mind and sense of humour which were part of his character and personality.


Councillors Derlwyn Hughes and Aled Morris Jones were afforded the opportunity of paying their own particular tributes and fond recollections of John.


Councillor R.Meirion Jones had penned the following englyn to John:-


John Rees


Ei golli ym o’i lyfrgell o, - y ffrind

            Oedd mor ffraeth a chryno;

John a’n meddwl ohono

            Yw’n cais i archif y co’.


Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of their respect.