Agenda item

Departure Applications

10.1  42C321 – The Sidings, Pentraeth


10.1  42C231 – Full application for the erection of 13 new dwellings together with creation of a new access on land at The Sidings, Pentraeth


The application is a departure from Local Plan Policy but can be permitted under the Unitary Development Plan.


The Chair invited Mr. Alan Foster to address the meeting in support of the application.  Mr. Foster stated that the site is a brownfield site and the application is for detailed planning for 13 two bedroomed terrace houses based on the outline planning permission granted on 9th April, 2010.  He stated that he acknowledge that there are some objections from the local residents, and because of this agreed to extend the official decision date from 23 May until today to give the Planning Officers sufficient time to consider their concerns.  As well as information to satisfy Highways, Welsh Water and the Environment Agency he has provided :-


Full detailed surface water drainage design;

A risk assessment to Controlled Waters and Contamination Survey;

An ecological assessment


The objections therefore have been addressed, but there is one concern that was outside the planning officers remit. This concern by the residents of Helens Crescent and the use of the road by construction vehicles.  Assurances has been given to the residents that should approval be obtained, although they have a right to use the road, it is not our intention to use it fro fully loaded wagons and heavy plant, the main works access would be from the A5025, any traffic along Helens Crescent would be kept to a minimum, also if there was any damage caused by activities then it would be repaired. 


Finally, this application is for two bed starter units which will be affordable homes; every new home constructed creates 3 new jobs.


Councillor John Griffith questioned Mr. Foster as to what price did he consider appropriate for these affordable homes and how many of the houses will be affordable?  Mr. Foster responded that the price of the affordable houses was considered by the appropriate Officer dealing with the application.  He stated that the two first houses would be for sale for around £100k and thereafter £110k.


Mr J. Quinn, an objector to this application, was present at the meeting but declined the opportunity to comment on the application.


Councillor Ieuan Williams, one of the Local Members stated that residents of neighbouring properties have stated that part of the development land is not in the ownership of the developer and is taken up by a parking area.  He also stated that the residents have stated that there is a covenant on the site which restricts development. Councillor Williams requested that the application be deferred until the legal and technical issues have been sorted. 


Members of the Committee considered that as the Membership of the Planning and Orders Committee has changed considerably since the last local elections, it would be advantageous to visit the site before determination of the application.


Councillor J. Griffith proposed that the site be visited and Councillor A. Griffith seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED that consideration of the application be deferred to allow a site visit to be undertaken.

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