Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1  21C84E – Drogan, Llanddaniel

12.2  33LPA981/CC – Fron Capel, Gaerwen

12.3  45C429/AD – Llanddwyn Island


12.1  21C84E – Full application for the erection of a dwelling and the construction of a new vehicular access on land adjacent to Drogan, Llanddaniel


The application was brought to the Committee at the request of the Local Member.


The Planning Development Manager reported that a response has been received from the Llanddanial Fab Community Council yesterday.  He stated that the Community Council stated that they did not object to the application providing the applicant uses the present access to the site.  The Community Council  considered that the road near the site is dangerous.  The Officer stated that the application includes a new vehicular access to the highway and therefore he considered that the Community Council would object to the application.  However, the Highways Authority is satisfied with a new access to the site.


He further noted that the application site is located outside the settlement boundary under the Unitary Development Plan (Policy HP4) and directly adjoining, but further out of the village than the site where an application for a dwelling was refused on 20th October, 2008.  That application proceeded to appeal where it was dismissed for the reasons set out in the Inspector’s decision letter of 21st July, 2009. 


The Officer stated that the Planning Officers sympathise with the needs of the applicants, however as professional Officers they have to be aware of planning policies. 


Councillor T. Victor Hughes, as one of the Local Members, stated that there is  medical evidence in respect of this application that the applicant will need intense medical care in the future.  The applicant wishes to build a home for her needs and to be near family members.  He referred to Section 3.1.8 of  Planning Policy Wales and summarised that personal  circumstances can be considered to grant planning permission.


Councillor K.P. Hughes whilst sympathising with the medical needs of the applicant, he was not happy with approving the application due to personal circumstances and proposed that the application be refused.  Councillor Lewis Davies seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


12.2  33LPA981/CC – Full application of demolition of existing flat roof together with alterations and extensions at Fron Capel, Gaerwen


The application was brought to the Committee as the application is made by the Council on Council owned land.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Lewis Davies seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


12.3  45C429/AD – Application for the siting of 4 interpretation panels on land at Ynys Llanddwyn


The application was brought to the Committee as the application is made on Council owned land.


The Planning Development Officer reported that a letter from the Community Council has now been received stating no objection to the application.  Consultation has been undertaken with the Countryside Officers of the Council to ascertain if such interpretation panels are acceptable within this location.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be approved and Councillor R.O. Jones seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

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