Agenda item

Other Matters

13.1 Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead


13.2 Traffic Regulation Order – Cemaes


13.3 Traffic Regulation Order – Rhostrehwfa


13.1      Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead


The matter was brought back to the Planning and Orders Committee following its consideration at the meeting held on 7 June 2023 in light of a letter received from Richard Buxton Solicitors for a local resident alleging that the Committee had been misdirected on a number of matters.

The Development Management Manager reported that a letter from Richard Buxton Solicitors had been received following the Committee’s approval of the Land and Lakes applications on 7 June, 2023. The letter alleges that the Committee had been misdirected on a number of matters. Whilst Officers are confident that the matter was properly reported to the Committee and that Members were fully aware of the issues before them for consideration this opportunity is being taken to address some of those matters and to confirm the decision made and the material on which that decision was based. As it is apparent that the objectors will challenge the decision the report is an opportunity to deal with some of the matters raised by the letter. Members are asked to endorse the report as a reflection of the decision they have already taken.

Councillor Robert Ll. Jones said that a matter had been brought to his attention in a letter by a former employee of Anglesey Aluminium which he wished to read out to the Committee. He had informed the Development Management Manager of the letter and was awaiting his response. 

The Chair declined for the letter to be read out saying that the Land and Lakes applications had been discussed at length over more than one meeting and a decision had been made. The contents of the letter are not relevant to the matter under consideration at today’s meeting which was for the Committee’s members to confirm that they had understood what they were voting on at the meeting on 7 June 2023.

Councillor Jeff Evans said that he did not think it right nor just that Councillor R. Llewelyn Jones was not allowed to read out the letter to which he had referred. He also thought that the kind of mistrust created by the prevention of certain people from speaking is contributing to the prolonging of the matter and whilst personally he believed the letter should be allowed to be read out, he would be guided by the Chair’s view. He referred to the Land and Lakes application and what it had involved in time, discussions and various legalities and opinions and said that he believed the information presented by the Isle of Anglesey County Council had been understood regardless of whether or not one agreed with it and had been fairly put out. Because of the major difference of opinion between those for and against the Land and Lakes application he believed it would inevitably be determined by the courts. However, he would like to see both sides coming to a determination regarding a positive way forwards and the sooner the matter can be taken for an independent legal judgment the better for all concerned.

The Development Management Manager advised that the letter sent to him by Councillor R. Llewelyn Jones is about historic contamination at Cae Glas and other sites. He explained that he had not as yet provided the member with a response as he was in the process of looking into the matter. However, the subject matter of the letter has nothing to do with the three Land and Lakes applications that have lately been considered by the Committee which is why it is deemed as not relevant to this discussion.

The Chair clarified that the rulings which he makes as Chair are based on professional Officer advice.

Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed, seconded by Councillor Jackie Lewis that the report be endorsed in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor R. Llewelyn Jones indicated that he was against the report, there was no support for that view.

It was resolved to endorse the position as detailed within the Officer’s report. (Councillor R. Llewelyn Jones did not vote on the matter)

13.2 Traffic Regulation Order - Cemaes


The report of the Head of Highways, Waste and Property detailing the objection and comments received following the advertisement of several proposed Traffic Regulation Orders for numerous locations in relation to lengths of roads to be exempt from the forthcoming implementation of mandatory 20mph speed limit areas across Anglesey was presented for the Committee’s consideration and determination.


The Highways Group Engineer (Development Control and Traffic Management) reported that the Traffic Regulation Orders are being proposed as part of the introduction of the new mandatory 20 mph speed limits across Anglesey which will come into force on 17 September 2023. In accordance with Welsh Government’s programme of reducing speeds in residential areas, all roads with a restricted roads status by virtue of a system of street lighting and with a current limit of 30mph will reduce to 20mph unless exempted. The Authority in conjunction with Welsh Government/Transport for Wales has identified 13 locations where it is considered that the 20mph speed limit should not apply based on the guidance and criteria provided by Welsh Government as noted in the report. The initial consultation on the proposals involving the emergency services, road haulage and freight representatives, elected members and town and community councils produced two comments. These and the Highways Authority’s response to them are outlined in the report. At the formal public advertising stage, thirteen comments were received from which only one was considered relevant and a valid objection as it made specific reference to a location included in the proposed orders whilst the other comments made general reference to the introduction of the new 20 mph areas or referred to locations not included in the proposed orders.


An objection was received to the proposed exemption on the A5025 in Cemaes between Gwelfor Estate and the roundabout. The objector noted issues regarding compliance with the current 30mph speed limit along this section of the A5025 which in their opinion deterred pedestrians from using the pavement. The objector wished for this section to be included within the 20mph speed limit proposed for Cemaes. The Highways Authority considered the objection in light of the Welsh Government’s guidance and criteria and concluded that it would be unrealistic to expect motorists to drive at 20mph on this length of road. It is therefore recommended that the proposals are approved in accordance with the advertised Orders and Plans and that the length of road between Gwelfor Estate and the roundabout on the A5025 remains as a 30mph limit.


In response to questions by the Committee, the Officer further advised –


·      That measures are in hand to change all existing 30 mph signage and where appropriate, replace it with 20mph signs. Once a motorist has entered a 20mph zone there will be no repeater signs and everyone should assume they are in a 20mph area until they come to a derestriction sign. Stretches of roads that are exempted and remain as 30mph will be signed as such with repeaters similar to 40mph.

·      That Cemaes High Street and the majority of Cemaes is 20mph. The proposed exemption under consideration relates to the length of road between Gwelfor Estate and the roundabout on the A5025.

·      That he understood but could not confirm definitively that emergency services vehicles will be exempt from the restrictions but subject to their own professional judgement of the appropriate speed at which to travel within an area based on the emergency and the light and sirens they use.


Councillor Liz Wood proposed, seconded by Councillor Neville Evans that the proposals be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved –


·           To approve the proposals in accordance with the advertised orders and plans and

·           To agree that the length of road between Gwelfor estate and the roundabout on the A5025 shall remain as a 30mph limit as detailed in the draft Order and for this and the other draft orders listed in the report to be confirmed.


(Councillor Jeff Evans did not vote on the matter as he was not confident of the benefits of the move to 20mph for Anglesey and the wider society. If it does save lives then that was to be welcomed but he thought it would bring problems and difficulties with questions around enforcement and the likelihood of many people receiving penalties).


13.3 Traffic Regulation Order - Rhostrehwfa


The report of the Head of Highways, Waste and Property detailing the objections received following the advertisement of a proposed Traffic Regulation Order for Bryngwran and Rhostrehwfa was presented for the Committee’s consideration and determination.


The Highways Group Engineer (Development Control and Traffic Management) reported that the proposed orders would amend and create additional parking restrictions in numerus locations in Bryngwran and Rhostrehwfa. Whilst no objections were received to the proposal for the village of Bryngwran, there were objections to the order to introduce double yellow lines along a section of the B4422 near the Tafarn y Rhos public house in Rhostrehwfa. The Traffic Regulation Order was proposed in response to complaints received by the Highways Authority regarding obstructive parking, traffic congestion and road safety issues in Rhostrehwfa in that parked vehicles along the B4422 and into Ty Gwyn estate were causing visibility problems of an obstructive nature for other road users. No objections were received at the initial consultation stage whilst two objections were received following the formal advertising stage the one from the Brewery company owners of the Tafarn y Rhos public house and the other from the tenant with the main concern being the reduction in the availability of off-street parking at peak times for customers of the public house which the restrictions would result in and the impact this would have on the business. Having reviewed the proposal for the B4422 and Ty Gwyn estate, the Highways Authority is of the view that as the primary function and purpose of a public highway is to provide a safe and convenient passage for all road users, its use as a parking area associated with a business establishment is not consistent with this purpose and is not a plausible ground for objection. The recommendation is therefore to approve the proposal.


Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed, seconded by Councillor Neville Evans that the proposal be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the proposal in accordance with the advertised Order and plans and for the Authority to proceed to confirm the Traffic Regulation Order and plans.


Supporting documents: