Agenda item

Scorecard Monitoring - Quarter 1, 2023/24

To submit a report by the Head of Profession – HR and Transformation.



The report of the Head of Profession (HR) and Transformation incorporating the Corporate Scorecard for Quarter 1 2023/24 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


Councillor Carwyn Jones, Portfolio Member for Corporate Business and Customer Experience presented the report which portrayed the position of the Council against its wellbeing objectives at the end of Quarter 1 2023/24.  It was encouraging to note that 89% of the performance indicators are performing above or within 5% tolerance of their targets for the quarter. The report highlights a number of positive stories in relation to the NERS indicators, the number of empty homes brought back into use, Adults’ Services, waste management, homelessness, disabled facilities grant installations and planning specifically indicators 35 and 37 (the percentage of planning applications determined within time and the percentage of enforcement cases investigated within 84 days respectively). The Corporate Health Performance indicators and Customer service indicators are also performing well, and at the end of the first quarter the Council is Green and on target with regard to attendance management with 2.1 days having been lost to absence per FTE in the period. A few indicators are underachieving including Indicator 09 (the percentage of FOI requests responded to within timescale) where the performance against target is 84%. Although this is an improvement on the performance for the same quarter last year the target has been upscaled from 80% to 90% and so is ragged Amber for the first quarter of 2023/24. The performance for this and indicators 29 and 30 in relation to Housing Services (turnaround of lettable units and rent lost to properties being empty) and indicator 36 in relation to the Planning Service (the number of planning appeals dismissed) which are below target will continue to be monitored by the Leadership Team to secure improvements into the future. The financial management section of the scorecard forecasts a budget overspend for the year as some budgets come under increasing pressure due to the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis. The financial position will be kept under close review.  It is hoped the data presented provides the Executive with assurance about the maturity of the discussions around performance in terms of acknowledging areas of good performance while identifying and mitigating areas that have performed less well. The focus remains on maintaining performance going forwards and ensuring that progress and improvements in the areas identified are made.

Councillor Douglas Fowlie, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee provided feedback from the Committee’s 19 September, 2023 meeting where the Quarter 1 2023/24 scorecard report had been scrutinised. The Committee’s members in welcoming the positive performance overall had sought assurance that the underperforming indicators would improve. Noting that a budget overspend is projected for the 2023/24 financial year, the Committee had asked how budget pressures are being mitigated and monitored. Members also asked questions about the changes to be made to the scorecard to ensure its alignment with the new Council Plan and the timeframe for implementing them. Where performance had improved, the Committee sought further information about what had contributed to the positive performance and whether there were any lessons to be learnt and shared with other services. Councillor Fowlie confirmed that following its discussions the Committee had been agreed in recommending the Quarter 1 2023/24 scorecard report and the mitigating measures therein to the Executive.

Where indicators had not performed to target, the relevant Portfolio/Executive Members provided clarification of the measures being implemented to address issues and to ensure improvements are made for the following quarter. Assurances were provided about regular engagement and dialogue with Heads of Service regarding underperforming areas and remedial actions. A point was made about maintaining perspective with regard to areas ragged Red and the importance of considering the context was emphasised with the performance of indicator 36 – the percentage of planning appeals dismissed cited as an example. Although the performance for indicator 36 is shown as 0% against a target of 65%, the indicator deals with a very small number of cases; the two appeals for this quarter neither of which were dismissed should be considered in the context of the approximately 300 planning applications dealt with in the same period. 

It was resolved to accept the Corporate Scorecard report for Q1 2023/24 and to note the areas which the Leadership Team are exploring and investigating to manage and secure further improvements into the future as outlined in the written report.


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