Agenda item

Modernising and Transforming Day Services in the Holyhead Area

To submit a report by the Head of Adults’ Services.


The report of the Head of Adults’ Services seeking the Executive’s approval for proposals to modernise and transform day services for adults with learning disabilities in the Holyhead area was presented for consideration.


The reason for the report was to respond to the aspirations of service users and offer a better and more varied experience, and to realise the Adults’ services vision that as many day activities as possible are provided from community settings, encouraging opportunities for people with learning disabilities to attend mainstream activities and integrate into the everyday life and activity of their communities. Engagement with day activity users to ascertain their opinions about activities provided from community settings took place in August and September 2023 with a cross section of responses from the exercise provided at Appendix 1 to the report. A formal consultation on the future of the day activities at the Morswyn Centre in Holyhead was held from 23 October to 1 December 2023 and a summary of the responses was provided at Appendix 2 to the report.


Councillor Alun Roberts, Portfolio Member for Adults’ Services presented the report saying that realising this vision would allow people with learning disabilities to choose where and when they wish to attend activities. He described his own engagement with people with learning disabilities which together with the responses to the consultation have shown that they are clear about what they like and enjoy and what they want in terms of experiences, a fuller life, and more control over what they do and it is they who are driving the changes. It is recognised that individuals have different needs and that some individuals will need more support than others; the Service will look at supports that respond to the needs of individuals.


1.    The Head of Adults’ Services reported that traditionally, day activities for people with learning disabilities have been provided from a designated building. The Council has four specific sites which provide activities for approximately 110 people including the Morswyn Day Centre in Holyhead. Although attending the centres responds to a number of people’s needs and keeps people safe, the model focuses on attending a setting and undertaking formal activities which can limit the choices available to individuals and restrict their personal control over their own lives. As the centres only provide for people with learning disabilities, they do not always promote the aim of improving the confidence and independence of people with learning disabilities nor provide people with learning disabilities with opportunities for integrating into the everyday life of their communities. In the Holyhead area the Department has looked at an alternative approach to meeting users’ needs where day activities are provided from community buildings/settings and the reaction had been positive as attested to by the responses from the engagement and formal consultation. Where concern has been expressed about supporting people with complex needs in the community the Service will work with these individuals to identify how best to meet their needs.


The proposals involve terminating the use of the Morswyn Day Centre in Holyhead. Before the pandemic the centre provided activities for approximately 20 individuals daily. In response to the challenges of Covid-19 related restrictions, Adults’ Service began using community buildings in the town of Holyhead to hold day activities and this approach has proved popular and has resulted in fewer people attending the Morswyn Day Centre. The report outlies the financial savings from discontinuing the use of the Morswyn centre which include £11,500 of revenue savings and £103,000 of essential maintenance costs over the next few years. There is no expectation of realising savings in the staffing budget as staff will transfer to work in the community or in other centres.

Councillor Dylan Rees, Chair of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee provided Scrutiny’s response to the proposals and referred to the issues discussed by the Committee at its meeting on 18 January 2024 when considering the matter. He confirmed the Committee’s support for the proposals with the Committee also requesting Adults’ Services to arrange for elected members to visit local authority services supporting adults with learning disabilities.


The Executive welcomed the proposals as enabling adults with learning disabilities to lead a more independent and ordinary life with greater opportunities for involvement and inclusion within their communities. Councillor Dafydd Rhys Thomas said that although he had initial reservations about the closure of the Morswyn Day Centre in his ward, having read the report and heard the Portfolio Member for Adults’ Service account of his conversations with people with learning disabilities about their aspirations and wishes, he was fully supportive of the development as one that will open doors to new experiences and opportunities for people with learning disabilities and the staff that support them. Recognising that implementing the proposals is a process over time the Executive’s members were keen to ensure that transitional measures and support for the service’s users are put in place and also that assurance is provided about the adequacy of community facilities to meet individual needs and it was proposed and accepted that this be reflected in the wording of the decision.  


It was resolved to approve the recommendation of the report as follows –


To integrate service users within the community and respond to the aspirations of people who attend activities to provide better outcomes. Continue to transform and modernise the way Day Services are provided with an emphasis on utilising community buildings. As the use of Morswyn has reduced, to bring the existing service to an end. Declare the property surplus to requirements and invite expressions of interest from other departments. If no use is identified, dispose of the property, and transfer the receipts to the Adults’ Services Department. Ensure that there are transitional measures for users and ensure transitional adaptation of the service for users. Ensure also that resources/facilities within the community are appropriate and meet the needs of individuals.



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