Agenda item

Tackling Poverty Strategy Plan - 2024-2029

To submit a report by the Director of Social Services.


The report of the Director of Social Services incorporating the Tackling Poverty Strategic Plan 2024-2029 was presented for the Committee’s consideration and scrutiny.


The Portfolio Member for Adult’s Services, in the absence of the Leader said that the Tackling Poverty Strategic Plan is a key plan and has been recognised as a priority and is also driven by the 2023-2028 Council Plan.  The Plan provides clear direction and sets out a vision and key priority areas in tackling poverty over the next five years, and the steps the Council intends to take with external partners to ensure delivery of the Council’s services to remain sustainable and effective in tackling poverty. In developing this Strategic Plan, consideration has been given to the Council’s current financial position, which is an ever-reducing core and grant funding position, combined with increasing demand for services.  The Council has engaged with internal officers at all levels, and various stakeholders in preparing the Plan.


The Director of Social Services reported that the Plan gives a clear direction as to how the Council can assist the residents of Anglesey to try and reduce the poverty that they are encountering and to direct them to other outside bodies that offer support.  An engagement session with partner organisations was arranged with representatives from the third sector, Older People’s Forum, Children and Young People’s Forum and representatives from all the services of the Council to ensure delivery of services remain sustainable.  He further said that to facilitate the plan a newly launched cost of living dashboard has been established to provide a strong, integrated, evidence-based data to enable the Council to make correct, informed decisions in tackling poverty on Anglesey and to gauge as to how much food is distributed from the Food Banks and as to how many people are engaging with services in respect of the needs. 


In considering the Tackling Poverty Strategic Plan the Committee raised the following issues:–


·             Clarification was sought as to how the decision was made by the Council to adopt the definition of poverty as ‘poverty means not having enough resources and opportunities to meet basic needs, including needs associated with being part of society’.  The Director of Social Services responded that the Bevan Foundations definition of poverty was adopted..  He noted that there is no single definition of poverty as poverty can be associated to lack of experiences in various ways by different people that affects all aspects of their lives.  Its exact nature can depend on individual circumstances from not having enough money to pay for basic essential such as food, clothing, housing, heating, to a lack of awareness of the support that is available. 

·             Questions were raised as to whom was consulted in preparing the Strategic Plan and whether it is considered that some stakeholders have not participated.  The Programme Manager responded that the process in preparing the Plan was undertaken in November, 2023 with third party partnerships and other stakeholders to gauge initial priorities to tackle poverty.  The Director of Social Services highlighted that the Plan is a 5-year strategy, and amendments can be incorporated within the Plan, as and when required, as it is uncertain as to the challenges associated with poverty and circumstances that may arise in the coming years.  The Chief Executive said that organisations have been part in preparing the strategy who have experience in advising and supporting individuals that are facing poverty. He further said that due to demand and the lack of resources it is a difficult task to tackle poverty.

·             Reference was made that the draft Plan contains six priorities and questions were raised that in view of the current economic climate, to what degree is this too ambitious.  Further questions were raised as to how the outcome of priorities are to be monitored and governed and as to how the data is to be collected to enable the Council to identify poverty in areas on Anglesey. The Director of Social Services responded that it is accepted that the priorities within the Plan are ambitious, however, realistic boundaries were set out with the stakeholders as to how the Council can assist in tackling poverty due to the current financial climate and uncertainties as to grant funding towards tackling poverty projects.  He said that a Strategic Group will measure the success of the Tackling Poverty Strategic Plan on a quarterly basis and the cost-of-living dashboard will afford information as to the requirements of the residents of the Island who are facing poverty.  The Chief Executive said that the data dashboard can assist to gauge the trends across Anglesey, but it was highlighted that there is limited staff capacity to be able to update the dashboards. 

·             Questions were raised as to how residents are made aware of the assistance available to them if they are having difficulties in paying for essential needs and especially the elderly who may be too proud in asking for help.  The Director of Social Services responded that a handbook has been published and distributed to local libraries, schools and close partners informing them how to access services available to help people in poverty.  He noted that some people are not aware and are not claiming benefits they are entitled to received.  He further said that some people find it difficult to accept that they need to access benefits available and tackling stigma attached to asking for help to access support can be challenging. 

·             Reference was made to the gaps in attainment of school children due to poverty. Questions were raised as to whether there is scope to look beyond Trauma Informed Schools with Head Teachers and the Consortia and whether the research by universities and other related bodies can support to reduce the attainment gap.   The Chief Executive responded that the demands on school staff is already considerable with the changes to the curriculum, the RAAC issues in 2 Secondary Schools with having to teach children at home, and the financial crisis faced within society.  He said that it is recognised that there is a need for investment in young people to achieve the best possible outcomes in their lives but due to the lack of resource within local government it is becoming increasingly challenging.  In response questions raised as to the research work undertaken by universities and other related bodies to reduce the attainment gap, the Chief Executive asked that examples of research details be forwarded to the Director of Education, Skills and Young People and the Director of Social Services for consideration.

·             Reference was made to financial poverty and employment for young people.  Questions were raised as to whether companies on the Island are being contacted as to whether they can afford apprenticeships to young people so that they can stay on the Island.  It was noted that Welsh Government has cut the grants towards apprenticeships schemes.   The Chief Executive agreed that the level of opportunities for apprenticeships scheme is concerning and due to the financial crisis Coleg Menai/Llandrillo are having to refuse to take young people on certain courses.  He noted that some companies have been reliant on apprenticeships over the years but since the apprenticeships funding is reducing, the number of opportunities is also likely to reduce. He referred to the possible funding opportunities from the Shared Prosperity Fund, if additional resources are afforded as part of this Fund.  He noted that this Authority contributes towards the apprenticeship levy and that funding is redistributed through Welsh Government.  The Committee considered that a joint letter on behalf of this Council and Coleg Menai/Llandrillo be sent to the UK Government and to the new First Minister expressing that more financial resources should be afforded towards apprenticeship schemes.


It was RESOLVED to recommend that the draft Tackling Poverty Strategic Plan 2024-2029 be approved by the Executive and full Council. 


ACTION :   That a joint letter on behalf of this Authority and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, be sent to the UK Government and the new First Minister expressing concerns as to the effect on the decision to substantially reduce the financial resources towards apprenticeship schemes in the UK.


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