Agenda item

Levelling Up Programme - Holyhead - Measure Progress

To submit a report by the Head of Regulation and Economic Development.


The report of the Head of Regulation and Economic Development incorporating the Levelling Up Programme for Holyhead was presented for the Committee’s consideration and scrutiny.


The Portfolio Member for Adult’s Service, in the absence of the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Member for Economic Development said that the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) is a capital only fund which is designed to invest in core, social-economic infrastructure that improves peoples lives across the UK.  The £4.8 billion fund, launched in March 2021 and has a focus on 3 key areas to support centre and high street regeneration: local transport projects, and cultural and heritage assets.  The County Council determined that a bid centred on the ‘heritage; culture and townscape’ attributes of Holyhead rather than the Island’s wider regeneration needs would likely be more appealing to the UK Government.  The volume and complexity of work that went into developing the bid was immense which resulted in significant, intensive collaborative working by the County Council with partners from Holyhead. 


The Head of Regulation and Economic Development reported that the timeframe for completion of the projects by the end of March 2025 in Holyhead will be challenging, however, the Council is intending to request an extension to the timeframe which is similar to other LUF projects in the region.  Inflation has influenced the programme with escalating costs, and he stressed that it is important to be realistic as to what is achievable within the timeframe and funding available. He further said that important and prominent projects in Holyhead have started, and this report focuses on the Ucheldre Centre project.  He further said that aims and details of each project in Holyhead can be seen on-line which gives the local community information on the programme.  The Levelling Up Team are located in Holyhead and are available for the community to engage with them and to afford information as required. 


In considering the report the Committee raised the following issues:–


·     Questions were raised as to what extent is the budget sufficient to deliver the entire programme to the timetable set. The Levelling Up Programme Manager responded that the projects are required to follow the Councils procurement process and some tenders have needed to be readvertised which has extended the timeframe.  Following the procurement process it is evident that the funding available is insufficient to carryout all the project identified in Holyhead and work is currently being undertaken with the partner organisations to consider the timeframe and costs of each individual projects.  Further questions were raised as to whether this has resulted in some of the projects not been completed and whether the Board will decide which projects will only receive a proportion of the funding.  The Chief Executive responded that the number of projects within the programme will need to be adapted which could have implications as work is undertaken with external organisations.  The costs, due to inflation, are higher than estimated within the projects and it is a sensitive issue at present.  The scope of the projects can be adapted but there is no point in starting a project if the funding is unavailable to fully complete.  A number of partner organisations have numerous projects within the programme, and they will need to consider which projects are prioritised for delivery with the available funding.

·     Questions were raised as to what extent is the ability of key partners to deliver a risk to the success of the whole programme.  The Levelling Up Programme Manager responded that risks have been identified at the outset of the programme as regards to the partner organisation able to deliver their projects.  The Levelling Up Team meets with the partner organisation monthly to gauge the progress of each project and a quarterly review is undertaken to gather an overview of the funding and timeframe of the projects.

·     Questions were raised as to how many local employees are employed by contractors within the projects and when it is anticipated that the benefits of the projects will be achieved.  The Levelling Up Programme Manager responded that as part of the programme partner organisations are requested to keep a register of their employees and whether they are local to the area.  He noted that one of the partner organisations has afforded two apprenticeship opportunities with Anglesey Builders.  The benefits of the projects will be measured as to the completion of the building in Holyhead that have been renovated and the number of employment opportunities afforded to local people.

·     Questions were raised as what communication arrangements are in place to promote the programme and how can they be strengthened.  The Head of Regulation and Economic Development responded that it is important that a high level of communication is afforded to the local community.  The details of the projects in Holyhead are afforded on-line which gives an overview of who is leading on the projects.  He noted that two communicating events have been arranged which gives constant engagement with the community of Holyhead and another event is scheduled to take place in April. 


It was RESOLVED :-


·     To note the progress in the development and delivery of the LUF programme in Holyhead;

·     To note the implementation of the LUF Programme in line with UK Government guidance;

·     To recognise the role of the Council in supporting the Programme’s Delivery Partners.


ACTION : As noted above.


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