Agenda item

Departure Applications

10.1 –FPL/2023/27 – Ty Hen Caravan Park, Rhosneigr




10.1 Full application for the change of use of 33 seasonal touring pitches to site 18 static holiday caravans, installation of a package treatment plant with associated works at Tŷ Hen Caravan Park, Rhosneigr


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is a departure from current local policies which the Local Planning Authority is minded to approve.


The Planning Development Manager referred to the key planning issues in considering the application which relate to policy, flooding of the access to the site and the proposal’s potential impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties. In the absence of a specific planning policy regarding the change of use of touring pitches to static caravan pitches the Planning Authority has previously assessed such applications rigorously as they lead to the proliferation of static caravans within the AONB contrary to Policy TWR 3 which deals with proposals for the improvement of current caravan sites located with the AONB. However, following recent appeal decisions, the Planning Authority has reconsidered its interpretation of the policy and now assesses such applications against the criteria within Policy TWR 3 specifically in this case criteria (iv) and (vi) under paragraph 3 which require that the proposed development is part of a scheme to improve the range and quality of tourist accommodation and facilities on the site and that the proposed development should offer significant and permanent improvements to the design, layout and appearance of the site and its setting in the surrounding landscape. The application site has an extant permission for the siting of 35 touring caravans for ten months of the year between 1st March and 4th

January and given this use of the site it is considered that the change of use to 18 static caravans together with a proposed landscaping scheme improves the appearance of the site in line with the criteria. The Planning Development Manager referred to the comments of a Planning Inspector in a recent planning appeal decision as quoted in the Officer’s report as being relevant in this case in that the application site lies in close proximity to existing static caravan sites, has planning permission for static caravans and the existing touring site can be used for ten months of the year. It is therefore not considered that the proposal will have a negative impact on the locality and will improve the visual appearance of the site through a reduction in the number of units and by better integrating into the landscape in accordance with the landscaping scheme. The proposal is therefore considered compliant with the relevant policies of the JLDP.


Although the access road to the application site is prone to flooding, as the proposal is to replace the existing 35 touring caravans with the siting of 18 static caravans it is not considered that flooding of the highway which serves the site will pose a danger to life. A flood consequence assessment has been submitted as part of the application and Natural Resources Wales have raised no objections to the development. The site is considered to be in a sustainable location being within walking distance of the centre of Rhosneigr and its amenities with the train station situated opposite the site and the beach and golf club also in close proximity. The nearest dwelling lies 150m to the southwest of the application site and given the distance, the proposed reduction in the number of units on site as well as the landscaping enhancements proposed as part of the scheme it is not considered that the proposal will have any more impact on adjacent residential properties than the existing 35 touring caravans. It is therefore the Officer’s recommendation that the application be approved.


Councillor Neville Evans speaking as a Local Member voiced his support for the proposal as an improvement on the current provision both visually and environmentally saying that the park is an established, long standing and well managed caravan park in Rhosneigr. He proposed that the application be approved and the proposal was seconded by Councillor Geraint Bebb.


In response to a query regarding occupancy, the Committee was advised that the development is for tourist purposes only and that its occupancy as holiday accommodation would be conditioned as part of any consent.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the planning conditions set out therein.


Supporting documents: