Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1 FPL/2024/37 – Haulfryn, Capel Mawr, Llangristiolus



12.2 FPL/2023/353 - Cae Rhos, Porthdafarch Road, Holyhead,



12.3 FPL/2020/104 - Ty'n Llain Estate, Llanfairpwll



12.4 FPL/2023/364 - Ysgol Gynradd Morswyn, Cyttir Road, Holyhead.



12.5 VAR/2024/31 - Land near Bryn Glas Estate, Brynsiencyn.



12.6 FPL/2024/66 - Bryncelli Ddu, Llanddaniel




12.1  FPL/2024/37 – Full application for an extension to the day centre to provide residential accommodation at Haulfryn, Capel Mawr, Llangristiolus


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is made on council owned land.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the site is located in the rural cluster of Capel Mawr as defined under the Joint Local Development Plan.  The existing site consists of a building which was previously a dwelling but has recently undergone works to change its use into a day care centre in line with planning permission FPL/2021/310.  The building is a single storey building and set within ample curtilage and includes 2 private accesses from the public highway for access and egress from the site.  The proposal is made for the erection of an extension to the rear of the building which will create space for 3 bedrooms which will be used as living accommodation for 1 member of staff and 2 service users.  It is considered that the proposal conforms with planning policy TAI 11, as the site is within a large plot of land and would not be detrimental to the neighbouring properties.  The Highways Authority has no objection to the application as the proposal will utilise the current access and egress as previously approved.


Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Robin Williams seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the planning conditions contained within the written report.


12.2  FPL/2023/353 – Full application for the erection of 54 new dwellings, construction of new vehicular access and road together with soft and hard landscaping on land adjacent to Cae Rhos, Porthdafarch Road, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of two Local Members due to concerns regarding over-development of the area, highway safety and local concerns.


Public Speaker


The applicant’s Agent, in support of the application said that planning permission has already been granted to develop the site and this application by Clwyd Alyn is for the erection of 54 dwellings including 4 two-bedroom bungalows, 1 two bedroom and 1 three-bedroom wheelchair accessible bungalows, 10 two-bedroom dwellings, 12 three-bedroom dwellings, 6 four-bedroom dwellings and 20 one bedroom flats. The number of dwellings is higher than the previously approved scheme, but this is because this application is proposing smaller homes and flats to meet the local need for affordable homes. The site is within the development boundary of Holyhead and has been earmarked for a housing development in the Joint Local Development Plan. The JLDP estimates that the site is suitable for 53 units (one less that this proposal). Therefore, this application complies with the JLDP and makes better use of the site than the previously approved application.   It is important to note that even though the site has been designated as a residential site requiring only a small percentage of affordable homes, all of the 54 units provided by Clwyd Alyn will now be affordable, which is much higher than the policy requirement.  Therefore, the development complies with the requirements of the TAI 15 policy as it provides affordable units on the site. It is clear from the figures that there is a local need for 1, 2 and 3-bedroom units. The proposed housing mix therefore provides more 1, 2 and 3-bedroom units to meet this specific need.  However, the development also offers 4-bedroom units to provide an appropriate mix for the site/area. The proposed housing mix will help to meet the identified need in Holyhead for flats, bungalows and four-bedroom dwellings, inducing specialist housing. It should be noted that representations have been received in relation to biodiversity and improvements need to be proposed despite the existing planning permission. To overcome the biodiversity issues 15 bird boxes and 15 swift boxes are being proposed as well as new hedges and wildflower meadows and grasslands along the boundary – this will provide high quality open spaces. A financial payment for biodiversity improvements in Holyhead and Porthdafarch is also being proposed. One issue that is often raised when considering planning applications at this location is highway safety – this has been considered in detail when considering previous applications as well as this one.  The previous application was approved following an appeal with costs being awarded to the applicant as there was no basis for the refusal due to traffic concerns.  Even though this application is fore more units, the units will be smaller (including 20 one-bedroom flats) so there will not be an increase in traffic, and it must be noted that the JLDP proposes the same number of units on the site. Following an assessment the Highways Authority has confirmed that the development is acceptable and improvements for pedestrians are proposed.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the application site is located on an allocated site (T11) within the settlement boundary of Holyhead under the provision of PCYFF 1 and the principle of residential development is therefore acceptable and aligns with planning policy TAI 1 of the Joint Local Development Plan.  The Joint Planning Policy Unit have confirmed that at present capacity exists in the settlement and that no Welsh Language Statement is required.  Policy TAI 15 requires that part of the development is provided for affordable housing purposes and in Holyhead this equates to 10% of the overall number of units which equates to 5.4 units.  The scheme proposes 6 affordable dwellings, and this complies with policy TAI 15. However, as these houses are Clwyd Alyn dwellings, these will be 100% social housing development but will be subject to a Section 106 legal agreement to ensure that 6 properties will be affordable.  He further reported that it is important to note that an application for 32 open market dwellings and 4 affordable dwellings was refused due to highways concerns.  The applicant successfully appealed the decision with costs in August 2021.  The reasons given for refusing the application by the Committee was that additional traffic generated by the proposal would lead to congestion on Porthdafarch Road between Tan yr Efail and Kingsland Road which would hinder the traffic flow and highway safety.  The Planning Development Manager reported on the Planning Inspectorates comments as regards to the appeal decision to the Committee. 


Councillor Keith Roberts, a Local Member said that there is a high volume of development within the application site and the traffic problems is an issue in the Kingsland area.  Local concerns have been expressed as regards to this development by the residents of the current Cae Rhos estate.  This area has a high  density of housing in Holyhead and is the main route towards Ynys Cybi.  Traffic and parking issues already exist in the area with residents having to park on the side of the road and two-way traffic is unable to be sustained already in the area.  Councillor Roberts ascertained whether a Traffic Management could be undertaken to view the traffic issues and a site visit needs to be undertaken. 


The Planning Development Manager responded that the site has been designated a development site for 53 units within the Joint Local Development Plan.  The applicant, during the appeal process, employed company SMP to conduct a survey and was presented to the Planning Inspectorate.  The Council appointed Arup, during the appeal process, to assess the road.  Unfortunately, Arup could not disagree with the conclusions of SMP, and the Planning Inspector came to the opinion that the traffic assessment was acceptable.  He noted that without compelling evidence to the contrary regarding the effect on the highway network in the area it would be difficult to justify refusing the application and to defend an appeal. 


Councillor Jeff Evans said that there are immense traffic issues in this area of Holyhead as the roads are narrow.  However, he accepted that there is a need for a mix of housing developments, but people are unable to afford to buy and rent properties due to the affordable criteria.  He questioned whether the local doctor’s surgeries and schools can be able to accommodate the additional residents from such a development.


In response, the Planning Development Manager reminded that the development is 100% social housing by Clwyd Alyn.  He noted that there are over 900 people on the housing list waiting for properties.  He responded to the comments as to whether the doctor’s surgeries and schools could accommodate additional people from the development and said that during the consultation process with the statutory consultees there has been no objection received. 


Councillor Robert Ll Jones reiterated the concerns as regards to the traffic issues in the area of this development and the highways infrastructure needs to be investigated.  He ascertained whether the Committee needed to conduct a site visit to the site. 


Councillor Robin Williams said that a site visit has already been undertaken to this site and did not consider the need to revisit the site.  He said that the site has been identified as development land.


Following a vote the Committee agreed not to revisit the site.


Councillor Jackie Lewis proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor John I Jones seconded the proposal of approval.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be refused contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Robert Ll Jones seconded the proposal of refusal.


Following the vote of 9 in approval and 2 against.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the planning conditions contained within the written report and a section 106 agreement to secure affordable housing and a biodiversity payment.


12.3  FPL/2020/104 – Full application for the installation of an off-site surface water management system to serve the adjoining residential development previously approved under planning application reference 31C170E (Full application for the erection of 16 dwellings together with the construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access) on land adjacent to Ty’n Llain Estate, Llanfairpwll


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as part of the land is owned by the Local Authority.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the drainage scheme approved under planning application reference 31C170E was to be located in the field to the southeast of the current application site in a vacant agricultural field next to Hen Lon Dyfnia.  Following further investigations by the developer it was found that the approved surface water drainage scheme was not feasible in the approved location as the proposal conflicted with the location of a water main.  The developer claimed that the water main had not been accurately plotted on the utility service maps.  The current application is to provide off-site surface water drainage system.  Water from the residential estate will flow into the tanks and on occasions when the tanks overflow the water will drain into the existing land drain which will flow into the culvert that runs along the A55 highway.  Originally the North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agency objected to the application due to the concerns that water would drain to the land drain and to their culvert on the A55.  However, during lengthy discussions and meetings over several years, the North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agency have confirmed that the drainage system is acceptable.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Geraint Bebb seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the planning conditions contained within the written report.


12.4  FPL/2023/364 – Full application for the removal of the existing polytunnel, erection of a new community building with mixed use for community use and school use, erection of fencing together with creating a new parking area at Ysgol Gymraeg Morswyn, Cyttir Road, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application has been presented by the Local Authority and owners of the land.


The Planning Development Manager reported the proposed site is located within the grounds of Ysgol Gymraeg Morswyn which is adjacent to Cyttir Road within the town of Holyhead.  The existing site is a grassed area adjacent to Cyttir Road and a green grassed area within the curtilage of the school with an existing polytunnel.  The proposal development is the removal of the existing polytunnel, erection of a new community building with mixed use for the community and school use, erection of fencing together with a new parking area.  It is considered that the design of the community building is acceptable and would not have a negative impact on the existing school.  The parking area will have a new area for 11 parking spaces with new pedestrian paths and crossing will be part of the development together with new signage.  The Highways Authority and Welsh Water have been consulted and have confirmed that they have no objection to the application.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Robert Ll Jones seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the planning conditions contained within the written report.


12.5  VAR/2024/31 – Application und Section 73A for the variation of condition (18) (future maintenance of access and estate roads) so as to submit the information after commencement of work on site and condition (22b) (report of archaeological work) so as to produce the information within 18 month of completing archaeological fieldwork of planning permission reference FPL/2022/46 (erection of 12 dwellings) on land near Bryn Glas Estate, Brynsiencyn


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the initial application on site FPL/2022/46, was approved by the Committee in July 2022.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the application under Section 73A for the variation of conditions (18) and (22b) of planning permission FPL/2022/46 so as to provide the information beyond the timeframe specified by the conditions.  The Highways Authority have confirmed that they have no objection to discharge condition (18) and the Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Service (GAPS) have agreed to discharge and amend condition (22b).


Councillor Dafydd Roberts proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Alwen Watkin seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the planning conditions contained within the written report.


12.6  FPL/2024/66 – Full application for the erection of an agricultural shed at Bryncelli Ddu, Llanddaniel


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member due to concerns to the scale of the shed and its environmental impacts, with particular concern shown towards the Afon Braint.


Councillor Dafydd Roberts, and a Local Member requested that the Committee visit the site as the Community Council has concerns as to drainage and the shed is higher in height than expected.  Councillor Robin Williams seconded the proposal to visit the site. 


It was RESOLVED that a site visit be undertaken in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reasons given (visual impact and drainage matters).


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