Agenda item

Gwynedd and Ynys Môn Public Services Board Annual Report: 2023/24

To submit a report by the Chief Executive.



 Submitted – a report by the Chief Executive for consideration by the Committee.


The Chair said that the Portfolio Member for Corporate and Customer Experience would present the report as the Leader of the Council, Councillor Llinos Medi, has resigned as Leader as she has been elected as the Member of Parliament for Ynys Môn.  The Committee congratulated Councillor Llinos Medi on her election and paid tribute to her work for the benefit of the residents of Ynys Môn.


The Portfolio Member for Corporate and Customer Experience said that he wished to thank Councillor Llinos Medi for the work she has incorporated into the Public Services Board.  He noted that the report reflects what has been achieved as a Board to improve the well-being of communities during the period 2023/2024. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 places a duty on public bodies to improve the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of Wales. The Act also established the Public Services Boards with representation from public bodies and the third sector.  He referred to the Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board well-being aims to mitigate the effects of poverty; improve the achievement of children and young people and support communities to work towards zero net.  The Portfolio Member for Corporate and Customer Experience further said that the priorities align with the Well-being Plan and objectives of the Public Services Board with regards to the Healthy Weight Plan and the Welsh Language.  He gave examples of the work achieved by the Board over the last year which were incorporated within the report. 


The following were points were discussed by the Committee:-


·         Reference was made that the Annual Report discusses the first year of the Well-being Plan : 2023-2028.  Questions were raised as to what added value was introduced by working in partnership.  The Gwynedd & Anglesey Public Services Board Programme Manager responded that all the Board Members have shown a willingness to work in partnership within the Public Services Board to improve the priorities and well-being of the residents of Gwynedd and Anglesey.  The partner organisations can share experiences which have seen immense improvement over the years.  She gave examples of the work undertaken by the Board in addressing the challenges of organisations in the recruitment and retention of Welsh speaking staff and 17 organisations have shared their good practice in the recruitment of staff.  Questions were raised about whether the pay structure could be a reason why young people are leaving the Island.  The Programme Manager responded that the pay grades for employment was not the main reason why people were not applying for posts within the 17 organisations that were consulted with.  Many of the problems in recruitment are practical reasons i.e. as to how the job description has been complied which might result in people thinking that their Welsh ability is not up to the required language skills.  The Programme Manger further referred to the Active Travel Plan that has been discussed within the Board and the Isle of Anglesey County Council has been leading on the work and have shared good practice with other organisations within the Board.

·         Questions were raised as to how the Public Services Board fits into the complex regional partnership structures and maximise collaboration to avoid duplication on many of its workstreams.  The Programme Manager responded that the Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Board is determined not to duplicate the workstreams of the partner organisations.  She gave an example that the Board has adopted a whole system approach to the Healthy Weight priority and incorporated the work of the RPB to add value to the work undertaken and to avoid duplication and ensure added value.  The Programme Manager referred to the work undertaken as regards to the Welsh Language and work has been undertaken with the ARFOR project and the Welsh Language Commissioner to contribute to increasing opportunities and to improve the use of the Welsh language.  The Portfolio Member for Corporate & Customer Experience referred that partner organisations have shared the work they have undertaken as regard to ‘zero net’ which supports the Public Services Board to share experiences and examples of good practice.

·         Questions were raised as to what opportunities, challenges and risks face the Public Services Board going forward.  The Programme Manager gave examples of the joint-lobbying of the Board on strategic issues i.e. an invitation has been given to Mr Ken Skates AM, the Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport, to the next meeting of the Public Services Board to discuss the potential of a third crossing over the Menai Straits.  She referred that Rural Travel Network is an issue within rural communities.  She further referred to challenges faced by the Board in attracting financial resources regionally and the Board need to be at the forefront in attracting regional funding.  The Programme Manager referred to the risks of duplication as has been reported earlier within the meeting.

·         Questions were raised as to what extent has the cost-of-living crisis been seen to have an impact on the ability of the Public Services Board’s partners to deliver against the key targets.  The Programme Manager responded that the cost-of-living crisis has had a significant effect on the work of the Board.  The priorities of the Well-being Plan have been put in place to recognise the effect of the cost-of-living crisis within local communities. 


It was RESOLVED to accept the Annual Report for 2023/2024 and to note the progress against the 2023-2028 Well-being Plan which was published in July, 2023.


ACTION : As noted above.



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